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Michelle Yee
Published Works
- Contaxis, Nicole; Badger, Kelsey; Bohman, Lena; Gonzales, Sara; Kim, Seonyoung; Koshoffer, Amy; Milliken, Genevieve; Newman, Jess; Otsuji, Reid; Renirie, Rebecca; Smith, Katy; Urmi, Ummea; Yarnell, Amy; Ye, Hao; Yee, Michelle. Building on NIH's data sharing policy. Science. 2024:384(6697):747-748.
- Yee, Michelle; Surkis, Alisa; Lamb, Ian; Contaxis, Nicole. The NYU Data Catalog: a modular, flexible infrastructure for data discovery. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association. 2023:30:1693-1700.
- Contaxis, Nicole; Clark, Jason; Dellureficio, Anthony; Gonzales, Sara; Mannheimer, Sara; Oxley, Peter R; Ratajeski, Melissa A; Surkis, Alisa; Yarnell, Amy M; Yee, Michelle; Holmes, Kristi. Ten simple rules for improving research data discovery. PLoS computational biology. 2022:18(2):e1009768-.