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Ian Lamb
Published Works
- Yee, Michelle; Surkis, Alisa; Lamb, Ian; Contaxis, Nicole. The NYU Data Catalog: a modular, flexible infrastructure for data discovery. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association. 2023:30:1693-1700.
- Lamb, Ian; Larson, Catherine. Shining a Light on Scientific Data: Building a Data Catalog to Foster Data Sharing and Reuse. Code{4}lib journal. 2016:32.
- Read, Kevin; Athens, Jessica; Lamb, Ian; Nicholson, Joey; Chin, Sushan; Xu, Junchuan; Rambo, Neil; Surkis, Alisa. Promoting Data Reuse and Collaboration at an Academic Medical Center. International journal of digital curation. 2015:10(1):260-267.
- Surkis, Alisa; Read, Kevin; Lamb, Ian; Athens, Jessica; Nicholson, Joey; Chin, Sushan; Xu, Julia; Hanson, Karen; Larson, Catherine. BUILDING A DATA CATALOG: PROMOTING DATA REUSE AND COLLABORATION AT AN ACADEMIC MEDICAL CENTER. Journal of the Medical Library Association. 2015:103(4):229-230.
- Vieira, Dorice; McGowan, Richard; McCrillis, Aileen; Lamb, Ian; Larson, Catherine; Bakker, Theodora; Spore, Stuart. The Faculty Bibliography Project at the NYU School of Medicine. Journal of librarianship & scholarly communication. 2014:2(3).