Rich McGowan is the NYU Health Sciences Library liaison to the NYU College of Dentistry, with an adjunct faculty appointment to the Department of Epidemiology and Health Promotion. Previously, he was an Information Services Librarian at the University of Illinois at Chicago Health Sciences Library and a Reference Assistant at the Northwestern University Galter Health Sciences Library. He received his Masters in Library Science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2002. Rich has been a member of the Medical Library Association Dental Section since 2010 and is a former Chair of the MLA Dental Section.
Subject Guides
- Animal Alternatives InformationResources for finding animal alternatives in laboratory research and educational settings.
- Bookshelf: Dentistry Electronic Books Collectionhttp://hslguides.med.nyu.edu/dentistryebooks
- Copyright and Intellectual PropertyThis guide will direct you to resources explaining principles of U.S. copyright law and how it functions in practice in academic institutions.
- Drug Information
- EndNote, RefWorks, and ZoteroThis guide offers basic help for using various citation management systems in addition to answering frequently asked questions and providing NYU-specific information.
- Evidence-Based Dentistry and Dental ResourcesDatabases, resources, and clinical tools for Dentistry
- Health Literacy and Patient EducationThis guide was created for health professionals who have an interest in health literacy, patient education and making healthcare information understandable to all. It provides links to books and journals, as well as other quality sources.
- Internal MedicineA collection of the library's resources related to Internal Medicine.
- Introduction to Library Resources
- Medkit Guide: Point-of-Care Resourceshttps://hslguides.med.nyu.edu/medkitguide
- Newspaper and Magazines
- Patient Education
- Social Worklibrary resources for social work in a medical or hospital setting
Published Works
- Kimberly, Laura; Hunt, Cara; Beaverson, Katherine; James, Emma; Bateman-House, Alison; McGowan, Richard; DeSante-Bertkau, Jennifer. The Lived Experience of Pediatric Gene Therapy: A Scoping Review. Human gene therapy. 2023:34(23-24):1180-1189.
- Heilen, Noah; Hu, Galen; Lamrani, Ryan; Prasad, Jaideep; Ogunsola, Titilola; Iskander, Mina; Elgin, Cansu Yuksel; McGowan, Richard; Vieira, Dorice; Al-Aswad, Lama A. Environmental influences on ophthalmic conditions: A scoping review. Clinical & experimental ophthalmology. 2023:51(6):516-545.
- Iskander, Mina; Hu, Galen; Coulon, Sara; Seixas, Azizi A; McGowan, Richard; Al-Aswad, Lama A. Health Literacy and Ophthalmology: A scoping review. Survey of ophthalmology. 2023:68(1):78-103.
- Burns, L E; Kim, J; Wu, Y; Alzwaideh, R; McGowan, R; Sigurdsson, A. Outcomes of Primary Root Canal Therapy: An updated Systematic Review of Longitudinal Clinical Studies Published between 2003 and 2020. International endodontic journal. 2022:55(7):714-731.
- Huang, Shulamite S; Veitz-Keenan, Analia; McGowan, Richard; Niederman, Richard. What is the societal economic cost of poor oral health among older adults in the United States? A scoping review. Gerodontology. 2021:38(3):252-258.
- Iskander, Mina; Ogunsola, Titilola; Ramachandran, Rithambara; McGowan, Richard; Al-Aswad, Lama A. Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality in Ophthalmology: A Contemporary Prospective. Asia-Pacific journal of ophthalmology (Philadelphia, Pa.). 2021:10(3):244-252.
- Lotan, Itay; McGowan, Richard; Levy, Michael. Anti- IL-6 therapies for neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders: A systematic review of safety and efficacy. Current neuropharmacology. 2021:19(2):220-232.
- Chen, Cory K; Nehrig, Nicole; Chou, Leetyng Jennifer; McGowan, Richard; Guyton, Angel F; Mustafiz, Fayel; Bailey, Robert W. Patient Extratherapeutic Interpersonal Problems and Response to Psychotherapy for Depression. American journal of psychotherapy. 2019:appipsychotherapy20190005-.
- Yang, C; Crystal, Y O; Ruff, R R; Veitz-Keenan, A; McGowan, R C; Niederman, R. Quality Appraisal of Child Oral Health-Related Quality of Life Measures: A Scoping Review. JDR clinical & translational research. 2019:2380084419855636-.
- Dief, Sandy; Veitz-Keenan, Analia; Amintavakoli, Niloufar; McGowan, Richard. A systematic review on incidental findings in cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) Scans. Dento maxillo facial radiology. 2019:20180396-.
- Lauer, B., Munson, K., McGowan, R. "Truly paperless: creating an interlibrary loan Web application." Paper delivered at Medical Library Association Annual Conference, Orlando, FL. May 30, 2001. McGowan, R. "Implementing and Maintaining PubMed's LinkOut Feature: Issues and Solutions" [poster session]. Midwest Chapter Medical Library Association Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN. Sept. 2003.
- McGowan, R. "Implementing and Maintaining PubMed's LinkOut Feature: Issues and Solutions" [poster session]. Midwest Chapter Medical Library Association Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN. Sept. 2003.
- Hitchcock, K., DeGroote, S., McGowan, R., Rawls, D. "To Merge or Not to Merge: A Study on the Value of Maintaining Multiple Physical Service Points in Today's Changing Environment" [poster session]. Medical Library Association Annual Conference, Washington, D.C. May 24, 2004.
- DeGroote, S., Hitchcock, K., McGowan, R. "The Circle of Life: The Deconstruction and Subsequent Reconstruction of the Traditional Reference Desk." Paper delivered at Medical Library Association Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX. May 16, 2005.
- Cuddy, C., Brewer, K., Figueroa, M., Molanphy, E., Spore, S., McGowan, R., McCrillis, A., Swain, C. "Disaster Preparedness Informationist: A Team Approach" [poster session]. Medical Library Association Annual Conference, Honolulu, HI. May 18, 2009.
- Maher, S., Cuddy, C., English, K., Graham, J., Hanson, K., McCrillis, A., McGowan, R., Molanphy, E. "Using a Team Approach to Support Faculty Curriculum Development" [poster session].Medical Library Association TriChapter Conference. Atlantic City, NJ. October 7, 2009.
- McGowan, R., English, K. "Streamlining Digital Reference Responses: Increasing Efficiency and Consistency for Frequently Asked Questions" [poster session]. Medical Library Association Annual Conference, Washington, D.C. May 24, 2010.
- Schenkel, A., McGowan, R., Wolff, M. "Searching Effectively And Efficiently For Accurate Answers To Clinical Questions: A Workshop Utilizing Interprofessional Collaborations To Optimize Training And Teaching". [poster session]. American Dental Education Association Annual Conference, San Diego, CA, March 14, 2011.
- Schenkel, A., McGowan, R. "Searching Effectively And Efficiently For Accurate Answers To Clinical Questions: A Workshop Utilizing Interprofessional Collaborations". Education session presented at American Dental Education Association Annual Conference, San Diego, CA, March 15, 2011.
- McCrillis, A., Graham, JM., Hanson, KL., Maher, S., McGowan, R., Yacobucci, K., Vieira, D., Morton-Owens, EG. "Librarians' Involvement in a Course Management Tool and an Evolving Instructional Design Role." Paper delivered at Medical Library Association Annual Conference, Minneapolis, MN, May 16, 2011.
- Gluzman, R.; Katz, R.; Frey, B.; McGowan, R. "Prevention of Root Caries in Vulnerable Elders: A literature review" Paper delivered at American Public Health Association Annual Conference, Washington, D.C., October 30, 2011.
- Brar, B.; Chhibber,R.; Srinivasa, V.; Dearing, B.; McGowan, R.; Katz, R. "Use of Ayurvedic Diagnostic Criteria in Ayurvedic Clinical Trials: A Literature Review focused on Research Methods". Paper delivered at American Public Health Association Annual Conference, Washington, D.C., October 31, 2011.
- Surkis, A; McCrillis, A; McGowan, R; Schmidt, B. “A Workflow for Protein Function Discovery” [poster session]. American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) Summit on Translational Bioinformatics. San Francisco, CA, March 19, 2013.
- McCrillis, A; McGowan, R; Nicholson, J; Surkis, A; Vieira, D; Williams, J. “Leveraging Technology and Staffing in Developing a Tiered Liaison Program” [poster session]. Medical Library Association Annual Conference. Boston, MA, May 5, 2013.
- Maher, S; Anglin, L; McCrillis, A; McGowan, R; Morton Owens, E; Romanosky, N. “Creating a Non-Tenure Track Option: One Library's Experience” [poster session]. Medical Library Association Annual Conference. Boston, MA, May 6, 2013.
- McGowan, R; Williams, J. “Jumping In: Collaborating on an Evidence-Based Dentistry Research Grant” Paper presentation at Medical Library Association Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, May 19, 2014.