Karen L. Yacobucci has a master's degree in Library and Information Science from the State University of New York-Buffalo and is currently the Content Systems Librarian and Marketing Specialist at the New York University (NYU) Health Sciences Library. Ms. Yacobucci is the author of Video Marketing for Libraries: A Practical Guide for Librarians and has spoken at numerous conferences and events across the United States on topics pertaining to marketing and brand management. With over 17 years of professional library experience, Ms. Yacobucci believes that a good marketing strategy and a solid understanding of brand management are key ingredients for increasing visibility and communicating the value of libraries and librarians. Ms. Yacobucci is also an animal lover, an avid hiker, backpacker, rock climber, and will do just about anything to be outside.
Published Works
- Yacobucci, Karen. Scenes From the Glittering World. Educational Media Reviews Online. 2022:-.
- Yacobucci, Karen. Unlearning sex. Educational media reviews online. 2021:-.
- Yacobucci, Karen L. LYRASIS Learning. Journal of the Medical Library Association. 2021:109:705-706.
- Yacobucci, Karen. Gen Silent. Educational media reviews online. 2021:-.
- Yacobucci, Karen. Oli Otya? Life and Loss in Rural Uganda. Educational media reviews online. 2021:-.
- Social Media for Communication and Instruction in Academic Libraries by . [S.l.] : IGI Global, 2019. ISBN: .
- Yacobucci, Karen L; Larson, Catherine. NYU Langone health's First Pop-Up Libraries Support Women Who Pump. Consumer connections. 2018:34(1).
- Dalal, H; O'Hanlon, R; Yacobucci, Karen L. Video marketing : best practices for and simple tips for Libraries. Marketing libraries journal. MLJ. 2017:1(1).
- Video Marketing for Libraries : A Practical Guide for Libarians. Dalal, Heather A; O'Hanlon, Robin; Yacobucci, Karen L. [S.l.] : Rowman & Littlefield Pub Inc, 2017. 1 v.. ISBN: 1442269499.
- Yacobucci, Karen L. Natural Medicines. Journal of the Medical Library Association. 2016:104(4):371-374.
- Yacobucci, K. L. “Integrating an Open Source ILS and SFX” [panel moderator]. ELUNA (Ex Libris Users of North America) Annual Conference, May 2010.
- McCrillis, A., Graham, J. M., Hanson, K. L., Maher, S., McGowan, R., Yacobucci, K. L., Vieira, D. L., & Morton-Owens, E. G. “Librarians’ involvement in a course management tool and an evolving instructional design role.” Presented at Medical Library Association Annual Meeting, Washington DC, May 2011.
- Yacobucci, K. L., Maher, S., Bakker, T., Hanson, K., Surkis, A. “Usage Statistics in SFX and UStat; the Good, the Bad, and the Robots.” Presented at ENUG (Ex Libris Northeast Users Group) Annual Conference, Ithaca NY, 2012.
- Maher, S., Dement, F., Yacobucci, K. L., Vieira, d. “If you trial it, they will…” [poster session]. Medical Library Association Annual Conference, Boston, MA May 2013
- Yacobucci, K. L., Hanson, K., Maher, S., Spore, S. “E-resources and statistics: getting the big picture” [poster session]. Medical Library Association Annual Conference, Boston, MA May 2013
- Hanson, K., Bakker, T., Maher, S., Morton-Owens, E., Peters, D., Dement, F., Spore, S., Williams, J., Rambo, N., Yacobucci, K. L., “Instituting a Library Dashboard as a Foundation for Evidence-Based Strategic Decisions.” [poster session]. Medical Library Association Annual Conference, Boston, MA May 2013
- Yacobucci, K. L., Larson, C., Hanson, K. “Branding: No Irons Required,” Presented at the Medical Library Association Annual Conference, Chicago, IL May 2014
- Hanson, K., Larson, C., McCrillis, A., Nicholson, J., Yacobucci, K. “Implementing OpenInfoButtons: A search tool for clinicians at the point of care.” [poster session]. Medical Library Association Annual Conference, Chicago, IL May 2014
- Yacobucci, K.L. "Making the Invisible Visible: Marketing a Digital Library Collection after Natural Disaster." Presented at the Medical Library Association Annual Conference, Austin, TX May 2015
- Yacobucci, K.L., McCrillis, A., Maher, S., Nicholson, J. "Magic Eye: Seeing Hidden trends in Mobile Information Seeking in a Clinical Setting." Presented at the Medical Library Association Annual Conference, Toronto, CA May 2016
- Read, KB, Larson, C, Young, SY, Yacobucci, K, Paul, S, Gillespie, C, Surkis, A. Preparing Medical Librarians to Understand and Teach Research Data Management. Presented at the Medical Library Association Tri-Chapter Conference. 2016 Sept 27; Philadelphia, PA.
- Surkis A, Larson, C, Young, SY, Yacobucci, K, Paul, S, Gillespie, C, Read KB. Extending the BD2K Training Initiative to Biomedical Librarians. Presented at the SciDataCon2016 Conference. 2016 Sept 12; Denver, CO.