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- Q and As for the PMBOK® Guide, Fifth EditionAuthor: Frank T. Anbari (ed)Publisher: Frank T. Anbari (ed) ©2019ISBN: 97819355898531 Concurrent User
- Q and As for the PMBOK® Guide, Fourth EditionAuthor: Frank T. Anbari (ed)Publisher: Frank T. Anbari (ed) ©2019ISBN: 9781933890753
- Q and As for the PMBOK® Guide, Third EditionAuthor: Project Management InstitutePublisher: Project Management Institute ©2019ISBN: 9781930699397
- Q MachinesAuthor: Robert MotleyPublisher: Robert Motley ©2016ISBN: 9781484233771Unlimited Users
- Q MethodologyAuthor: RhoadsPublisher: Rhoads ©2019ISBN: 9781683926542
- Q Methodology and Exploring Popular Culture in a Sociology ClassroomAuthor: RhoadsPublisher: Rhoads ©2019ISBN: 97801241867675 Concurrent Users
- Q Methodology and the Study of Political Opinion: The Case of President Trump’s Foreign Policy Toward North KoreaAuthor: RhoadsPublisher: Rhoads ©2019ISBN: 9781484233771
- Q Methodology in Establishing the Stakeholders’ Perceptions of Environmental Security and Energy Security in the Case of GreeceAuthor: GerosiderisPublisher: Gerosideris ©2019ISBN: 9789355518378
- Q Methodology to Inform Policy: Ideas for Reaching Girls through Healthy-Eating Social-Marketing CampaignsAuthor: WolfPublisher: Wolf ©2019ISBN: 9789355515575
- Q Methodology, vol. 66Author: McKeownPublisher: McKeown ©2021ISBN: 9781452242194
- Q Methodology, vol. 66Author: McKeownPublisher: McKeown ©2021ISBN: 9781617299742
- Q Methodology: Quantitative Aspects of Data Analysis in a Study of Student Nurse Perceptions of Dignity in CareAuthor: MullenPublisher: Mullen ©2022ISBN: 9789389328424
- Q of the Earth : Global, Regional, and Laboratory StudiesAuthor: Mitchell, Brian J.;Romanowicz, Barbara;Dmowska, RenataPublisher: Mitchell, Brian J.;Romanowicz, Barbara;Dmowska, Renata ©2018ISBN: 9783764360498Unlimited Users
- Q of the Earth: Global, Regional, and Laboratory StudiesAuthor: Ahidjo Ayeva,Kamon Ayeva,Aiman SaeedPublisher: Ahidjo Ayeva,Kamon Ayeva,Aiman Saeed ©2016ISBN: 97837643604981 Concurrent User
- Q-Adverbs as Selective BindersAuthor: HinterwimmerPublisher: Hinterwimmer ©2021ISBN: 9783110196290
- q-Clan Geometries in Characteristic 2Author: CardinaliPublisher: Cardinali ©2018ISBN: 97837643850713 Consecutive User Seats
- q-Fractional Calculus and Equations, vol. 2056Author: AnnabyPublisher: Annaby ©2016ISBN: 97836423089701 Concurrent User
- Q-Loop: The Art and Science of Lasting Corporate Change, TheAuthor: Brian KlapperPublisher: Brian Klapper ©2019ISBN: 9781937134525
- Q-Loop: The Art and Science of Lasting Corporate Change, TheAuthor: Brian KlapperPublisher: Brian Klapper ©2020ISBN: 97814690895395 Concurrent Users
- q-Series and Partitions, vol. 18Author: Danish HaroonPublisher: Danish Haroon ©2016ISBN: 9781468406399
- Q-sort in character appraisal: Encoding subjective impressions of persons quantitatively, TheAuthor: Block, JackPublisher: Block, Jack ©2017ISBN: 9781433803154
- Q-sort method in personality assessment and psychiatric research, TheAuthor: Block, JackPublisher: Block, Jack ©2017ISBN: 9781718500501
- q-theory of Finite Semigroups, TheAuthor: RhodesPublisher: Rhodes ©2016ISBN: 9780387097800
- Q. Horatii Flacci Opera OmniaAuthor: John M. ZellePublisher: John M. Zelle ©2021ISBN: 9783112463673
- Q. Horatius FlaccusAuthor: Oswald CampesatoPublisher: Oswald Campesato ©2022ISBN: 97831124578941 Concurrent User
- Q. Horatius FlaccusAuthor: Horatius FlaccusPublisher: Horatius Flaccus ©2023ISBN: 9783112688830
- Q. Horatius Flaccus, Tomus 2, vol. 2Author: MeinekePublisher: Meineke ©2022ISBN: 9783112634998
- Q. Septimi Florentis Tertulliani Apologeticus: The Text of Oehler, Annotated, with an IntroductionAuthor: TertullianPublisher: Tertullian ©2018ISBN: 97811080397415 Concurrent Users
- Q. Valerii Catulli Veronensis LiberAuthor: Gregory WaltersPublisher: Gregory Walters ©2022ISBN: 9783112513910
- Q6 - Das ambulante QuartiershausAuthor: Udo Winter Beratung u. Konzeptentwicklung für AltenhilfeeinrichtungenPublisher: Udo Winter Beratung u. Konzeptentwicklung für Altenhilfeeinrichtungen ©2020ISBN: 9783748603009
- QAA Subject BenchmarkingAuthor: Jackson, NormanPublisher: Jackson, Norman ©2018ISBN: 97808617671135 Concurrent Users
- Qaddafis Libya in World PoliticsAuthor: RonenPublisher: Ronen ©2022ISBN: 9781588265852
- Qaddafis Libya in World PoliticsAuthor: RonenPublisher: Ronen ©2022ISBN: 9781484202425
- Qana'a in der arabischen Literatur anhand des Kitab al-Qana'a wa-t-ta'affuf von Ibn Abi d-DunyaAuthor: WeningerPublisher: Weninger ©2021ISBN: 9783879972012
- Qana'a in der arabischen Literatur anhand des Kitab al-Qana'a wa-t-ta'affuf von Ibn Abi d-DunyaAuthor: WeningerPublisher: Weninger ©2021ISBN: 97838799720125 Concurrent Users
- Qanat Knowledge : Construction and MaintenanceAuthor: Semsar Yazdi, Ali Asghar;Labbaf Khaneiki, MajidPublisher: Semsar Yazdi, Ali Asghar;Labbaf Khaneiki, Majid ©2018ISBN: 9789402409550
- Qaraqalpaq GrammarAuthor: MengesPublisher: Menges ©2019ISBN: 9780231924887Unlimited Users
- Qashqā’i Nomads of Fārs, TheAuthor: OberlingPublisher: Oberling ©2019ISBN: 9789027934420
- Qatal//Yiqtol Verbal Sequence in Semitic Couplets, TheAuthor: TatuPublisher: Tatu ©2020ISBN: 9783319142395
- QatarAuthor: KamravaPublisher: Kamrava ©2020ISBN: 9781617295508
- QatarAuthor: GrayPublisher: Gray ©2022ISBN: 9780471778646
- QBismAuthor: von BaeyerPublisher: von Baeyer ©2020ISBN: 9781484225165
- QBQ! The Question Behind the Question: Practicing Personal Accountability at Work and in LifeAuthor: John G. MillerPublisher: John G. Miller ©2020ISBN: 9780399566103
- QC-LDPC Code-Based CryptographyAuthor: BaldiPublisher: Baldi ©2016ISBN: 97833190255511 Concurrent User
- QCD and Numerical Analysis III, vol. 47Author: Gregory WaltersPublisher: Gregory Walters ©2016ISBN: 9783540212577
- QCD and Numerical Analysis III, vol. 47Author: Bori�iPublisher: Bori�i ©2016ISBN: 9783540212577
- QCD As a Theory of Hadrons : From Partons to ConfinementAuthor: Narison, StephanPublisher: Narison, Stephan ©2018ISBN: 9780521811644
- QCD at 200 TeV, vol. 60Author: Robert OliverPublisher: Robert Oliver ©2016ISBN: 9781461365228
- QCD at HERA, vol. 150Author: KuhlenPublisher: Kuhlen ©2016ISBN: 9783540651185
- QCD Perspectives on Hot and Dense Matter, vol. 87Author: LangtangenPublisher: Langtangen ©2016ISBN: 9781402010361