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Showing books starting with the letter R (1-50 of 18124):
- R
- R & D consortia and U.S.-Japan collaboration: report of a workshop, November 27, 1990, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C.
- R 4 Quick Syntax Reference: A Pocket Guide to the Language, API's and Library, Third Edition
- R All-in-One For Dummies
- R and D and Licensing
- R and D and Productivity
- R and d Decisions : Strategy Policy and Innovations
- R and D Management
- R and D Productivity: Understanding the Drivers and Enablers
- R and D, Innovation and Competitiveness in the European Chemical Industry
- R and D, Patents and Productivity
- R and Data Mining
- R and Python for Oceanographers
- R Book, Second Edition, The
- R Book, The
- R by Example
- R Data Science Quick Reference: A Pocket Guide to APIs, Libraries, and Packages
- R Data Visualization Cookbook : Over 80 Recipes to Analyze Data and Create Stunning Visualizations with R
- R for Business Analytics
- R for Cloud Computing
- R for Data Analysis in Easy Steps
- R for Data Analysis in Easy Steps, Second Edition
- R for Data Science (ed. Packt Publishing)
- R for Dummies
- R for Dummies
- R for Marketing Research and Analytics
- R for Programmers: Mastering the Tools
- R for Programmers: Quantitative Investment Applications
- R for SAS and SPSS Users
- R for SAS and SPSS Users
- R for Stata Users
- R Graph Cookbook
- R Graphs Cookbook
- R High Performance Programming : Overcome Performance Difficulties in R with a Range of Exciting Techniques and Solutions
- R in Action: Data Analysis and Graphics with R and Tidyverse, Third Edition
- R in Action: Data Analysis and Graphics with R, Second Edition
- R in Action: Data Analysis and Graphics with R, Second Edition
- R in Action: Data Analysis and Graphics with R, Second Edition
- R L Stevenson on Fiction
- R Primer, The
- R Projects for Dummies
- R Quick Syntax Reference
- R Quick Syntax Reference: A Pocket Guide to the Language, APIs and Library, Second Edition
- R Recipes
- R Software, The, vol. 40
- R Statistical Application Development by Example Beginner's Guide
- R Through Excel : A Spreadsheet Interface for Statistics, Data Analysis, and Graphics
- R-Factors: Their Properties and Possible Control, vol. 2
- R-Matrix Theory of Atomic Collisions, vol. 61
- R-process, The: The Astrophysical Origin Of The Heavy Elements And Related Rare Isotope Accelerator Physics - Procs Of The First Argonne/msu/jina/int Ria Workshop