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ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter A (23901-23950 of 42285):
- American WarsawAuthor: PacygaPublisher: Pacyga ©2021ISBN: 9780674732988
- American Way of Bombing, TheAuthor: WilliamsonPublisher: Williamson ©2020ISBN: 9783642169168
- American Ways: A Cultural Guide to the United States, Third EditionAuthor: Gary Althen,Janet BennettPublisher: Gary Althen,Janet Bennett ©2019ISBN: 9780984247172
- American West at Risk : Science, Myths, and Politics of Land Abuse and Recovery, TheAuthor: Wilshire, Howard G.;Nielson, Jane E.;Hazlett, Richard W.Publisher: Wilshire, Howard G.;Nielson, Jane E.;Hazlett, Richard W. ©2018ISBN: 9780195142051
- American West, TheAuthor: JonesPublisher: Jones ©2022ISBN: 9780231902687
- American West, TheAuthor: MelnickPublisher: Melnick ©2020ISBN: 9780231159050
- American West, TheAuthor: ReidPublisher: Reid ©2020ISBN: 9780231902762
- American Western, TheAuthor: McVeighPublisher: McVeigh ©2022ISBN: 9780748621408
- American Western, TheAuthor: McVeighPublisher: McVeigh ©2022ISBN: 9780674730076
- American Wilderness : A New HistoryAuthor: Lewis, MichaelPublisher: Lewis, Michael ©2018ISBN: 9780195174151
- American Wine EconomicsAuthor: ThorntonPublisher: Thornton ©2020ISBN: 9780231902625
- American Woman in Colonial and Revolutionary Times, 1565-1800, TheAuthor: LeonardPublisher: Leonard ©2021ISBN: 9780674180956
- American Woman, Italian StyleAuthor: AlbrightPublisher: Albright ©2022ISBN: 9780231902823
- American Women and Flight Since 1940 : Since 1940Author: Douglas, Deborah G.;Young, Lucy BPublisher: Douglas, Deborah G.;Young, Lucy B ©2018ISBN: 9780813190730
- American Women and the Repeal of ProhibitionAuthor: RosePublisher: Rose ©2020ISBN: 9780190214647
- American Wool Manufacture ; The American Wool Manufacture, Volume I, The, vol. IAuthor: ColePublisher: Cole ©2021ISBN: 9780674336049
- American Wool Manufacture ; The American Wool Manufacture, Volume II, The, vol. IIAuthor: ColePublisher: Cole ©2021ISBN: 9780674336094
- American Workers, Colonial PowerAuthor: Fujita RonyPublisher: Fujita Rony ©2020ISBN: 9781585624874
- American Writing in the Twentieth CenturyAuthor: ThorpPublisher: Thorp ©2021ISBN: 9780674594333
- American Yawp, TheAuthor: Williamson, Edmund;Cowan, JohnPublisher: Williamson, Edmund;Cowan, John ©2021ISBN: 9780816604098
- American Yawp, TheAuthor: Ogren, C.Publisher: Ogren, C. ©2021ISBN: 9781403968371
- American Yiddish PoetryAuthor: HarshavPublisher: Harshav ©2020ISBN: 9780816604098
- American Youth CulturesAuthor: CampbellPublisher: Campbell ©2022ISBN: 9780816600489
- American Youth CulturesAuthor: CampbellPublisher: Campbell ©2022ISBN: 9780748619337
- American Youth, An Enforced ReconnaissanceAuthor: Moller, George D.Publisher: Moller, George D. ©2021ISBN: 97806743688045 Concurrent Users
- American ZealotsAuthor: PerligerPublisher: Perliger ©2021ISBN: 9781615371501
- American ZionAuthor: ShalevPublisher: Shalev ©2020ISBN: 9781585625239
- American ZooAuthor: GrazianPublisher: Grazian ©2021ISBN: 9781512813715
- American-East Asian RelationsAuthor: KatzPublisher: Katz ©2021ISBN: 9780674366763
- American-Russian Rivalry in the Far EastAuthor: ZabriskiePublisher: Zabriskie ©2021ISBN: 9781512809169
- American-Spanish SemanticsAuthor: KanyPublisher: Kany ©2020ISBN: 9781615370337
- American-Style University at Large : Transplants, Outposts, and the Globalization of Higher Education, TheAuthor: Kleypas, Kathryn L.;McDougall, James I.Publisher: Kleypas, Kathryn L.;McDougall, James I. ©2018ISBN: 9780739150207
- American-Type Options ; American-Type Options, vol. 1Author: SilvestrovPublisher: Silvestrov ©2021ISBN: 9783110329674Requires Adobe Digital Editions to access. Download at
- American-Type Options ; American-Type Options, vol. 2Author: SilvestrovPublisher: Silvestrov ©2021ISBN: 9783110329681
- Americana Norvegica, Volume 1Author: HamiltonPublisher: Hamilton ©2021ISBN: 9780674332140
- Americana Norvegica, Volume 2Author: HartogsohnPublisher: Hartogsohn ©2021ISBN: 9781512813722
- Americanismos en las Indias del ponienteAuthor: Albalá HernándezPublisher: Albalá Hernández ©2020ISBN: 9780674423619
- Americanization and Anti-americanismAuthor: Parsons, Talcott;Platt, Gerald M.;Toby, Jackson;Smelser, Neil J.Publisher: Parsons, Talcott;Platt, Gerald M.;Toby, Jackson;Smelser, Neil J. ©2022ISBN: 9781421407388
- Americanization of Europe, TheAuthor: WarnerPublisher: Warner ©2022ISBN: 9780262017213
- Americanization of Narcissism, TheAuthor: Lunbeck, ElizabethPublisher: Lunbeck, Elizabeth ©2018ISBN: 9780674724860
- Americanization of Narcissism, TheAuthor: LunbeckPublisher: Lunbeck ©2021ISBN: 9780674724860
- Americanization of the European EconomyAuthor: SchröterPublisher: Schröter ©2016ISBN: 9781402028847
- Americanization of the Jews, TheAuthor: ObenzingerPublisher: Obenzinger ©2020ISBN: 9781477322833
- Americanizing the American IndianAuthor: TaylorPublisher: Taylor ©2021ISBN: 9780674435049
- Americanizing the Movies and Movie-Mad Audiences, 1910-1914Author: AbelPublisher: Abel ©2020ISBN: 9783319675930
- Americans AllAuthor: SadlierPublisher: Sadlier ©2021ISBN: 9780674865730
- Americans and ChineseAuthor: HsuPublisher: Hsu ©2023ISBN: 9783110132717
- Americans and ChineseAuthor: HsuPublisher: Hsu ©2023ISBN: 9780674055476
- Americans and ChineseAuthor: LiuPublisher: Liu ©2021ISBN: 9780674424395
- Americans and Chinese Communists, 1927–1945Author: ShewmakerPublisher: Shewmaker ©2021ISBN: 9780674732988