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Showing books starting with the letter A (25051-25100 of 42285):
- An Integrative Approach to Innovation Management
- An Integrative Habit of Mind
- An intellectual history of British social policy
- An Intellectual History of Cannibalism
- An Intellectual History of Liberalism
- An Intellectual History of Psychology
- An Intelligent Customer Complaint Management System with Application to the Transport and Logistics Industry
- An Intelligent System for Tribological Design in Engines, vol. 46
- An Intense Calling
- An Inter-Industry Translog Model of Prices and Technical Change for the West German Economy, vol. 221
- An Interactive Guide to Quantum Optics
- An Interactive History of the Clean Air Act
- An Interactive Multimedia Introduction to Signal Processing
- An Interactive Multimedia Introduction to Signal Processing
- An Interdisciplinary Introduction to Image Processing: Pixels, Numbers, and Programs
- An Interdisciplinary Theory of Activity
- An interim assessment of AEAP'S emissions characterization and near-field interactions elements
- An interim report on assuring DoD a strong science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) workforce
- An interim report on NASA's draft space technology roadmaps
- An Interim Report on NASA's Draft Space Technology Roadmaps
- An Intermediate Course in Probability
- An Intermediate Course in Probability
- An Intermediate Guide to SPSS Programming: Using Syntax for Data Management
- An International Civil War
- An International Comparison of Workers’ Compensation, vol. 11
- An international directory of building research organizations
- An International Directory of Building Research Organizations
- An International Law Perspective on the Protection of Human Rights in the TRIPS Agreement : An Interpretation of the TRIPS Agreement in Relation to the Right to Health
- An international perspective on advancing technologies and strategies for managing dual-use risks: report of a workshop
- An International Perspective on Economic Education
- An International Perspective on Wetland Rehabilitation
- An International Redistribution of Wealth and Power
- An International Spent Nuclear Fuel Storage Facility : Exploring a Russian Site As a Prototype: Proceedings of an International Workshop
- An international spent nuclear fuel storage facility: exploring a Russian site as a prototype : proceedings of an international workshop
- An Internet for the People: The Politics and Promise of craigslist
- An Internet in Your Head
- An Interpersonal Approach to Classroom Management : Strategies for Improving Student Engagement
- An Interpretation of the Qur'an
- An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of Interview Data: People on the Renal Waiting List Consider Deceased Versus Living Donors
- An Interpretive Introduction to Quantum Field Theory
- An Interracial Movement of the Poor
- An Interracial Movement of the Poor
- An Intimate Affair : Women, Lingerie, and Sexuality
- An Introduction to 5G: The New Radio, 5G Network and Beyond
- An Introduction to Abstract Algebra
- An Introduction to Abstract Algebra
- An Introduction to Academic Plagiarism
- An Introduction to Acoustical Holography
- An Introduction to Acoustical Holography
- An Introduction to Acupuncture