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ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter A (30051-30100 of 42285):
- Anticipating and Assessing Health Care TechnologyAuthor: BantaPublisher: Banta ©2016ISBN: 9789401167628
- Anticipating and Assessing Health Care TechnologyAuthor: BantaPublisher: Banta ©2016ISBN: 9789048158171
- Anticipating and Assessing Health Care TechnologyAuthor: BantaPublisher: Banta ©2016ISBN: 9780898388978
- Anticipating and Assessing Health Care TechnologyAuthor: Crowe, James E., Jr.;Boraschi, Diana;Rappuoli, RinoPublisher: Crowe, James E., Jr.;Boraschi, Diana;Rappuoli, Rino ©2016ISBN: 9789401070928
- Anticipating and Assessing Health Care Technology : Computer Assisted Medical Imaging The Case of Picture Archiving and Communications Systems A report, commissioned by the Steering Committee on Future Health ScenariosAuthor: Banta, H. David;Gelijns, AnnetinePublisher: Banta, H. David;Gelijns, Annetine ©2018ISBN: 9789048158171Requires Adobe Digital Editions to access. Download at
- Anticipating CorrelationsAuthor: EnglePublisher: Engle ©2020ISBN: 9781421415932
- Anticipating Madam PresidentAuthor: Podolsky, Scott H.Publisher: Podolsky, Scott H. ©2023ISBN: 9781588261373
- Anticipating Sin in Medieval SocietyAuthor: AbrahamPublisher: Abraham ©2020ISBN: 9783540413547
- AnticipationAuthor: Kontermann, Roland E.;Dübel, Stefan;Dübel, StefanPublisher: Kontermann, Roland E.;Dübel, Stefan;Dübel, Stefan ©2019ISBN: 9780231903646
- Anticipation Across DisciplinesAuthor: Nadin, MihaiPublisher: Nadin, Mihai ©2018ISBN: 9783319225982
- Anticipation of Converging Industries, TheAuthor: CurranPublisher: Curran ©2016ISBN: 9781447151692
- Anticipation: Learning from the Past, vol. 25Author: Furuta, Katsuhisa;Ishikawa, JunPublisher: Furuta, Katsuhisa;Ishikawa, Jun ©2016ISBN: 9783319194455
- Anticipations and PurchasesAuthor: JusterPublisher: Juster ©2021ISBN: 9780123948021
- Anticipative Criminal InvestigationAuthor: Hirsch BallinPublisher: Hirsch Ballin ©2016ISBN: 9789067048422
- Anticipatory Action in Self-DefenceAuthor: Tibori SzabóPublisher: Tibori Szabó ©2016ISBN: 9789067047951
- Anticipatory Behavior in Adaptive Learning Systems, vol. 2684Author: Nisonoff, Alfred;Hopper, John E.;Spring, Susan B.;Dixon, F. J.;Kunkel, Henry G.Publisher: Nisonoff, Alfred;Hopper, John E.;Spring, Susan B.;Dixon, F. J.;Kunkel, Henry G. ©2016ISBN: 9783540404293
- Anticipatory Behavior in Adaptive Learning Systems, vol. 4520Author: ReesPublisher: Rees ©2016ISBN: 9783540742616
- Anticipatory Behavior in Adaptive Learning Systems, vol. 5499Author: ReesPublisher: Rees ©2016ISBN: 9783642025648
- Anticipatory Corpse : Medicine, Power, and the Care of the Dying, TheAuthor: Bishop, Jeffrey P.Publisher: Bishop, Jeffrey P. ©2018ISBN: 9780268022273
- Anticipatory Learning Classifier Systems, vol. 4Author: ButzPublisher: Butz ©2016ISBN: 9781461352907
- Anticipatory Optimization for Dynamic Decision Making, vol. 51Author: MeiselPublisher: Meisel ©2016ISBN: 9781461405047
- Anticipatory SystemsAuthor: Robert Rosen and G. KlirPublisher: Robert Rosen and G. Klir ©2016ISBN: 9780470612811
- Anticipatory Systems, vol. 1Author: RosenPublisher: Rosen ©2016ISBN: 9781461412687
- Anticlastogens in Mammalian and Human CellsAuthor: GebhartPublisher: Gebhart ©2016ISBN: 9783642762314
- Anticoagulant Rodenticides and WildlifeAuthor: van den Brink, Nico W.;Elliott, John E.;Shore, Richard F.;Rattner, Barnett A.Publisher: van den Brink, Nico W.;Elliott, John E.;Shore, Richard F.;Rattner, Barnett A. ©2018ISBN: 9783319643755
- AnticoagulationAuthor: Gualerzi, Claudio O.;Brandi, Letizia;Fabbretti, Attilio;Pon, Cynthia L.Publisher: Gualerzi, Claudio O.;Brandi, Letizia;Fabbretti, Attilio;Pon, Cynthia L. ©2016ISBN: 9781461276272
- AnticoagulationAuthor: Doutremepuich, ChristianPublisher: Doutremepuich, Christian ©2018ISBN: 9781461276272
- Anticoagulation Management : A Guidebook for PharmacistsAuthor: Rose, AnnePublisher: Rose, Anne ©2018ISBN: 9783319226019
- Anticolonial EruptionsAuthor: MaherPublisher: Maher ©2022ISBN: 9781447164579
- AnticonvulsantsAuthor: Vida, JuliusPublisher: Vida, Julius ©2018ISBN: 9780127218403
- Anticonvulsants, vol. 15Author: Spencer, Peter;Holt, WalterPublisher: Spencer, Peter;Holt, Walter ©2016ISBN: 9781607410041
- Anticorrosive CoatingsAuthor: SanderPublisher: Sander ©2020ISBN: 9780470723036
- Anticorrosive Rubber LiningAuthor: Chellappa ChandrasekaranPublisher: Chellappa Chandrasekaran ©2018ISBN: 9781447164579
- Anticorrosive Rubber Lining : A Practical Guide for Plastics EngineersAuthor: Chandrasekaran, ChellappaPublisher: Chandrasekaran, Chellappa ©2018ISBN: 9780323443715
- AnticorruptionAuthor: RotbergPublisher: Rotberg ©2021ISBN: 9780262538831
- Antidemocracy in AmericaAuthor: Tadeusz Korzybski, ZuzannA. Kowszyk-Gindifer and Wlodzimierz KurylowiczPublisher: Tadeusz Korzybski, ZuzannA. Kowszyk-Gindifer and Wlodzimierz Kurylowicz ©2020ISBN: 9781461564645
- AntidepressantsAuthor: Missailidis, SotirisPublisher: Missailidis, Sotiris ©2016ISBN: 9781617370489
- AntidepressantsAuthor: Awanish Kumar and Anubhuti JhaPublisher: Awanish Kumar and Anubhuti Jha ©2016ISBN: 9783034895262
- Antidepressants : New Pharmacological StrategiesAuthor: Skolnick, PhilPublisher: Skolnick, Phil ©2018ISBN: 9781617370489
- Antidepressants Therapy and Risk of Suicide among Patients with Major Depressive DisordersAuthor: Pompili, Maurizio;Girardi, Paolo;Lester, David;Tatarelli, RobertoPublisher: Pompili, Maurizio;Girardi, Paolo;Lester, David;Tatarelli, Roberto ©2018ISBN: 9781617283789
- Antidepressants: Past, Present and Future, vol. 157Author: ValentePublisher: Valente ©2016ISBN: 9783642621352
- Antidepressants: Types, Efficiency and Possible Side Effects : Types, Efficiency and Possible Side EffectsAuthor: Van, Jayden T.Publisher: Van, Jayden T. ©2018ISBN: 9781616685812
- Antidiabetic Medicinal PlantsAuthor: DaxPublisher: Dax ©2023ISBN: 9781461367185
- Antidiabetic Medicinal PlantsAuthor: Tadeusz Korzybski, ZuzannA. Kowszyk-Gindifer and Wlodzimierz KurylowiczPublisher: Tadeusz Korzybski, ZuzannA. Kowszyk-Gindifer and Wlodzimierz Kurylowicz ©2023ISBN: 97835406289655 Concurrent Users
- Antidote to Suffering: How Compassionate Connected Care Can Improve Safety, Quality, and Experience, TheAuthor: Christina DempseyPublisher: Christina Dempsey ©2019ISBN: 9781260116557
- Antidote to Suffering: How Compassionate Connected Care Can Improve Safety, Quality, and Experience, TheAuthor: Christina DempseyPublisher: Christina Dempsey ©2020ISBN: 9781260116540
- Antidotes to Toxins and DrugsAuthor: OnkenPublisher: Onken ©2024ISBN: 9783050047430
- Antiegalitarian Mutation, TheAuthor: UrbinatiPublisher: Urbinati ©2020ISBN: 97808144490735 Concurrent Users
- Antieigenvalue Analysis: With Applications To Numerical Analysis, Wavelets, Statistics, Quantum Mechanics, Finance And OptimizationAuthor: Karl GustafsonPublisher: Karl Gustafson ©2018ISBN: 9789814366281
- Antiemetics in the Supportive Care of Cancer PatientsAuthor: McGlown, Kathlyn;Robinson, PhillipPublisher: McGlown, Kathlyn;Robinson, Phillip ©2016ISBN: 9783642802423