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ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter A (30751-30800 of 42285):
- APA handbook of research methods in psychology: Research designs: Quantitative, qualitative, neuropsychological, and biological., 2nd ed., Vol. 2Author: Cooper, HarrisPublisher: Cooper, Harris ©2023ISBN: 9781433841330
- APA handbook of research methods in psychology: Research designs: Quantitative, qualitative, neuropsychological, and biological., 2nd ed., Vol. 2Author: Cooper, HarrisPublisher: Cooper, Harris ©2023ISBN: 9781433841330
- APA handbook of sexuality and psychology, Vol. 2: Contextual approachesAuthor: Tolman, Deborah L.Publisher: Tolman, Deborah L. ©2017ISBN: 9781433813726
- APA handbook of sport and exercise psychology: Exercise psychology., Vol. 2Author: Anshel, Mark H.Publisher: Anshel, Mark H. ©2019ISBN: 9781433830419
- APA handbook of sport and exercise psychology: Sport psychology., Vol. 1Author: Anshel, Mark H.Publisher: Anshel, Mark H. ©2019ISBN: 9781433830402
- APA handbook of testing and assessment in psychology, Vol. 3: Testing and assessment in school psychology and educationAuthor: Geisinger, Kurt F.Publisher: Geisinger, Kurt F. ©2017ISBN: 9781433812316
- APA handbook of the psychology of women, Vol. 1 : History, theory, and battlegroundsAuthor: Travis, Cheryl B.Publisher: Travis, Cheryl B. ©2017ISBN: 9781433828003
- APA handbook of the psychology of women, Vol. 1 : History, theory, and battlegroundsAuthor: Travis, Cheryl B.Publisher: Travis, Cheryl B. ©2017ISBN: 9781433828003
- APA handbook of the psychology of women, Vol. 2 : Perspectives on women's private and public livesAuthor: Travis, Cheryl BPublisher: Travis, Cheryl B ©2017ISBN: 9781433828010
- APA handbook of the psychology of women, Vol. 2 : Perspectives on women's private and public livesAuthor: Travis, Cheryl BPublisher: Travis, Cheryl B ©2017ISBN: 9781433828010
- APA handbook of the psychology of women: History, theory, and battlegroundsAuthor: Travis, Cheryl B.Publisher: Travis, Cheryl B. ©2019ISBN: 9781433828003
- APA handbook of the psychology of women: Perspectives on women's private and public livesAuthor: Travis, Cheryl BPublisher: Travis, Cheryl B ©2019ISBN: 9781433828010
- APA handbook of trauma psychology, vol. 1 : Foundations in knowledgeAuthor: Gold, Steven N.Publisher: Gold, Steven N. ©2017ISBN: 9781433826559
- APA handbook of trauma psychology, Vol. 2 : Trauma practiceAuthor: Gold, Steven N.Publisher: Gold, Steven N. ©2019ISBN: 9781433826573
- APA Practice Guidelines for the Treatment of Psychiatric DisordersAuthor: Knapp, Samuel J.Publisher: Knapp, Samuel J. ©2018ISBN: 9780890423851
- APA Style Simplified : Writing in Psychology, Education, Nursing, and SociologyAuthor: Beins, Bernard C.;Beins, Barney C.;Beins, Bernard C.Publisher: Beins, Bernard C.;Beins, Barney C.;Beins, Bernard C. ©2018ISBN: 9780470671238
- Apache Cordova in ActionAuthor: Raymond K. CamdenPublisher: Raymond K. Camden ©2020ISBN: 9781633430068
- Apache Derby: Off to the Races: Includes Details of IBM CloudscapeAuthor: Paul C. Zikopoulos,George Baklarz,Dan ScottPublisher: Paul C. Zikopoulos,George Baklarz,Dan Scott ©2019ISBN: 9780131855250
- Apache Diaspora, TheAuthor: ConradPublisher: Conrad ©2021ISBN: 9781433836428
- Apache Essentials: Install, Configure, Maintain, Second EditionAuthor: Darren James HarknessPublisher: Darren James Harkness ©2022ISBN: 9781484283233
- Apache HBase PrimerAuthor: Deepak VohraPublisher: Deepak Vohra ©2019ISBN: 9781484224236
- Apache Hive: 34 Most Asked Questions On Apache HiveAuthor: Jacqueline DouglasPublisher: Jacqueline Douglas ©2019ISBN: 9781488528965
- Apache Jakarta-TomcatAuthor: James GoodwillPublisher: James Goodwill ©2019ISBN: 9781893115361
- Apache JMeter: A Practical Beginner's Guide to Automated Testing and Performance Measurement for Your WebsitesAuthor: Emily H. HaliliPublisher: Emily H. Halili ©2019ISBN: 9781847192950
- Apache Mahout EssentialsAuthor: Jayani WithanawasamPublisher: Jayani Withanawasam ©2019ISBN: 9781783554997
- Apache Maven 2 Effective Implementation: Build and Manage Applications with Maven, Continuum, and ArchivaAuthor: Maria Odea Ching,Brett PorterPublisher: Maria Odea Ching,Brett Porter ©2019ISBN: 97818471945415 Concurrent Users
- Apache OFBiz Development: The Beginner's TutorialAuthor: Jonathon Wong,Rupert HowellPublisher: Jonathon Wong,Rupert Howell ©2019ISBN: 9781847194008
- Apache Pulsar in ActionAuthor: David KjerrumgaardPublisher: David Kjerrumgaard ©2022ISBN: 9781617296888
- Apache ReservationAuthor: PerryPublisher: Perry ©2021ISBN: 9780292765429
- Apache ReservationAuthor: PerryPublisher: Perry ©2021ISBN: 9781433810015
- Apache Server 2 BibleAuthor: Mohammed J. KabirPublisher: Mohammed J. Kabir ©2019ISBN: 9780764548215
- Apache Server Administrator's HandbookAuthor: Mohammed J. KabirPublisher: Mohammed J. Kabir ©2019ISBN: 9780764533068
- Apache Server BibleAuthor: Mohammed J. KabirPublisher: Mohammed J. Kabir ©2019ISBN: 9780764532184
- Apache Solr 3.1 CookbookAuthor: Kuc, RafalPublisher: Kuc, Rafal ©2018ISBN: 9781849512183
- Apache Solr 31 Success Secrets - 31 Most Asked Questions On Apache SolrAuthor: Deborah DaughertyPublisher: Deborah Daugherty ©2020ISBN: 9781488859748
- Apache Solr 4 CookbookAuthor: Kuc, RafalPublisher: Kuc, Rafal ©2018ISBN: 9781782161325
- Apache Solr Beginners GuideAuthor: Serafini, AlfredoPublisher: Serafini, Alfredo ©2018ISBN: 9781782162520
- Apache Solr: A Practical Approach to Enterprise SearchAuthor: Dikshant ShahiPublisher: Dikshant Shahi ©2018ISBN: 9781484210710
- Apache Struts 2 Web Application Development: Design, Develop, Test, and Deploy Your Web Applications Using the Struts 2 FrameworkAuthor: Dave NewtonPublisher: Dave Newton ©2019ISBN: 9781847193391
- Apache Tomcat 7Author: Aleksa Vukotic,James GoodwillPublisher: Aleksa Vukotic,James Goodwill ©2016ISBN: 9781430237235
- Apache Web Services Server: Audit/Assurance ProgramAuthor: ISACAPublisher: ISACA ©2019ISBN: 9781604201642
- Apaisement in AsienAuthor: NiesPublisher: Nies ©2021ISBN: 9783486590128
- AParents' and Teachers' Guide to BilingualismAuthor: BakerPublisher: Baker ©2020ISBN: 9781433812569
- Apartheid No More : Case Studies of Southern African Universities in the Process of TransformationAuthor: Mabokela, Reitumetse Obakeng;King, Kimberly LeneasePublisher: Mabokela, Reitumetse Obakeng;King, Kimberly Lenease ©2018ISBN: 9780897897136
- Apartment Complex, TheAuthor: Matsumoto, DavidPublisher: Matsumoto, David ©2021ISBN: 9781433819698
- Apartment StoriesAuthor: MarcusPublisher: Marcus ©2021ISBN: 9781433817014
- Apartness and Uniformity : A Constructive DevelopmentAuthor: Bridges, Douglas S.;Vîţă, Luminiţa SimonaPublisher: Bridges, Douglas S.;Vîţă, Luminiţa Simona ©2016ISBN: 9783642224140
- Apatite : Its Crystal Chemistry, Mineralogy, Utilization, and Geologic and Biologic OccurrencesAuthor: Fréchette, V. D.;Kirsch, H.;Sand, L. B.Publisher: Fréchette, V. D.;Kirsch, H.;Sand, L. B. ©2018ISBN: 9783709183168
- Apatite, vol. 5Author: McConnellPublisher: McConnell ©2016ISBN: 9783709183168
- APC ProteinsAuthor: Nathke, Inke S.;McCarthney, Brooke M.Publisher: Nathke, Inke S.;McCarthney, Brooke M. ©2018ISBN: 9781441911445