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ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter A (31951-32000 of 42285):
- Applied Lean Business Transformation: A Complete Project Management ApproachAuthor: Dennis P. HobbsPublisher: Dennis P. Hobbs ©2019ISBN: 9781932159790
- Applied Limnology : Comprehensive View from Watershed to LakeAuthor: Gharibreza, Mohammadreza;Ashraf, Muhammad AqeelPublisher: Gharibreza, Mohammadreza;Ashraf, Muhammad Aqeel ©2016ISBN: 9784431549796
- Applied Linear Algebra and Matrix AnalysisAuthor: ShoresPublisher: Shores ©2016ISBN: 9780387331942
- Applied Linear Analysis for Chemical EngineersAuthor: BalakotaiahPublisher: Balakotaiah ©2023ISBN: 97831107396952 Concurrent Users
- Applied Linear Models with SASAuthor: Zelterman, DanielPublisher: Zelterman, Daniel ©2018ISBN: 9780521761598
- Applied Linear ProgrammingAuthor: Michael R. Greenberg and J. William SchmidtPublisher: Michael R. Greenberg and J. William Schmidt ©2016ISBN: 9781402034527
- Applied Linear RegressionAuthor: Weisberg, SanfordPublisher: Weisberg, Sanford ©2018ISBN: 9781118386088
- Applied Linear RegressionAuthor: Weisberg, SanfordPublisher: Weisberg, Sanford ©2022ISBN: 9781118386088
- Applied LinguisticsAuthor: Wei, LiPublisher: Wei, Li ©2022ISBN: 9781405193580
- Applied Linguistics and Language Teacher Education, vol. 4Author: Schobeiri, MeinhardPublisher: Schobeiri, Meinhard ©2016ISBN: 9781402079054
- Applied Linguistics and Primary School TeachingAuthor: ChaudhryPublisher: Chaudhry ©2018ISBN: 9780521193542
- Applied Logistic RegressionAuthor: Hosmer, David W., Jr.;Lemeshow, Stanley;Sturdivant, Rodney X.Publisher: Hosmer, David W., Jr.;Lemeshow, Stanley;Sturdivant, Rodney X. ©2018ISBN: 9780470582473
- Applied Logistic Regression Analysis, vol. 106Author: MenardPublisher: Menard ©2021ISBN: 9780761922087
- Applied Longitudinal AnalysisAuthor: Fitzmaurice, Garrett M.;Laird, Nan M.;Ware, James H.Publisher: Fitzmaurice, Garrett M.;Laird, Nan M.;Ware, James H. ©2018ISBN: 9780470380277
- Applied Longitudinal Data AnalysisAuthor: SingerPublisher: Singer ©2017ISBN: 9780195152968
- Applied Longitudinal Data Analysis for Epidemiology : A Practical GuideAuthor: Twisk, Jos W. R.Publisher: Twisk, Jos W. R. ©2018ISBN: 9780521819763
- Applied Longitudinal Data Analysis for Epidemiology : A Practical GuideAuthor: Twisk, Jos W. R.Publisher: Twisk, Jos W. R. ©2018ISBN: 9781107030039
- Applied Machine LearningAuthor: Gopal, M.Publisher: Gopal, M. ©2020ISBN: 97812604568445 Concurrent Users
- Applied Machine Learning for Health and Fitness: A Practical Guide to Machine Learning with Deep Vision, Sensors and IoTAuthor: Kevin AshleyPublisher: Kevin Ashley ©2021ISBN: 9781484257715
- Applied Machining TechnologyAuthor: TschätschPublisher: Tschätsch ©2016ISBN: 9783642010064
- Applied Macroeconomics for Public PolicyAuthor: Rafael Yanushevsky and Camilla YanushevskyPublisher: Rafael Yanushevsky and Camilla Yanushevsky ©2018ISBN: 9781402098437
- Applied Manure and Nutrient Chemistry for Sustainable Agriculture and EnvironmentAuthor: Steve AnsonPublisher: Steve Anson ©2016ISBN: 9789401788069
- Applied Materials TodayAuthor: Klir, George J.Publisher: Klir, George J. ©2020ISBN: 9781475705577Requires Adobe Digital Editions to access. Download at
- Applied Mathematical DemographyAuthor: KeyfitzPublisher: Keyfitz ©2016ISBN: 9780387225371
- Applied Mathematical DemographyAuthor: KeyfitzPublisher: Keyfitz ©2016ISBN: 9781475718812
- Applied Mathematical EcologyAuthor: Levin, Simon A.;Hallam, Thomas G.;Gross, Louis J.Publisher: Levin, Simon A.;Hallam, Thomas G.;Gross, Louis J. ©2018ISBN: 9783642647895
- Applied Mathematical Ecology, vol. 18Author: Athanas Macheyeki,Dalaly Kafumu,Feng Yuan and Xiaohui LiPublisher: Athanas Macheyeki,Dalaly Kafumu,Feng Yuan and Xiaohui Li ©2016ISBN: 9783642647895
- Applied Mathematical ModellingAuthor: Bateman, Ian J.;Lovett, Andrew A.;Brainard, Julii S.Publisher: Bateman, Ian J.;Lovett, Andrew A.;Brainard, Julii S. ©2020ISBN: 9783110798784
- Applied MathematicsAuthor: Logan, J. DavidPublisher: Logan, J. David ©2018ISBN: 9781118475805
- Applied MathematicsAuthor: MahanPublisher: Mahan ©2016ISBN: 9781461354932
- Applied MathematicsAuthor: Patrick MurphyPublisher: Patrick Murphy ©2016ISBN: 9783110738377
- Applied Mathematics and ComputationAuthor: Sternberg, Robert J.;Kaufman, James C.;Grigorenko, Elena L.Publisher: Sternberg, Robert J.;Kaufman, James C.;Grigorenko, Elena L. ©2020ISBN: 9780521884280
- Applied Mathematics and MechanicsAuthor: DuncanPublisher: Duncan ©2021ISBN: 9783642059421
- Applied Mathematics and Parallel Computing : Festschrift for Klaus RitterAuthor: Fischer, Herbert;Riedmüller, Bruno;Schäffler, StefanPublisher: Fischer, Herbert;Riedmüller, Bruno;Schäffler, Stefan ©2016ISBN: 9783642997914
- Applied Mathematics for Database ProfessionalsAuthor: HaanPublisher: Haan ©2016ISBN: 9781590597453
- Applied Mathematics for Restructured Electric Power SystemsAuthor: Kelkar, Mohan;Perez, GodofredoPublisher: Kelkar, Mohan;Perez, Godofredo ©2016ISBN: 9780387234700
- Applied Mathematics for Science and EngineeringAuthor: Glasgow, Larry A.Publisher: Glasgow, Larry A. ©2018ISBN: 9781118749920
- Applied Mathematics in Integrated Navigation SystemsAuthor: Rogers, Robert M.;Rogers, Robert M.Publisher: Rogers, Robert M.;Rogers, Robert M. ©2018ISBN: 9781563479274
- Applied Mathematics LettersAuthor: Hageman, Louis A.Publisher: Hageman, Louis A. ©2020ISBN: 9780123133403
- Applied Mathematics, vol. 146Author: Louis A. Hageman and David M. YoungPublisher: Louis A. Hageman and David M. Young ©2016ISBN: 9788132225461
- Applied Mathematics, vol. 2Author: ChuiPublisher: Chui ©2016ISBN: 9789462390089
- Applied MechanicsAuthor: George E. DrabblePublisher: George E. Drabble ©2016ISBN: 9781468413441
- Applied Mechanics and Civil Engineering IIAuthor: Xie, Li QuanPublisher: Xie, Li Quan ©2018ISBN: 9783037854525
- Applied Mechanics and Industrial TechnologiesAuthor: Gaol, Ford LumbanPublisher: Gaol, Ford Lumban ©2018ISBN: 9783037855157
- Applied Mechanics and Manufacturing TechnologyAuthor: Gaol, Ford Lumban;Roopaei, Mehdi;Perry, Svetlana;Xu, JessicaPublisher: Gaol, Ford Lumban;Roopaei, Mehdi;Perry, Svetlana;Xu, Jessica ©2018ISBN: 9783037852309
- Applied Mechanics and Materials IIIAuthor: Choi, Seung-Bok;Kim, Yun HaePublisher: Choi, Seung-Bok;Kim, Yun Hae ©2018ISBN: 9783038353874
- Applied Mechanics and MechatronicsAuthor: Trebuňa, FrantisekPublisher: Trebuňa, Frantisek ©2018ISBN: 9783038351894
- Applied Mechanics for EngineersAuthor: C. B. Smith, N. Hiller and G. E. WalkerPublisher: C. B. Smith, N. Hiller and G. E. Walker ©2016ISBN: 9780387331942
- Applied Mechanics of PolymersAuthor: George YoussefPublisher: George Youssef ©2022ISBN: 97831107396952 Concurrent Users
- Applied Mechanics of PolymersAuthor: George YoussefPublisher: George Youssef ©2022ISBN: 9780415676816