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Showing books starting with the letter A (37351-37400 of 42285):
- Assessing Nanoparticle Risks to Human Health
- Assessing National Achievement Levels in Education
- Assessing Neuromotor Readiness for Learning : The INPP Developmental Screening Test and School Intervention Programme
- Assessing Ocular Toxicology in Laboratory Animals
- Assessing Ocular Toxicology in Laboratory Animals
- Assessing Options for Nordic-Baltic Co-operation in Biosafety
- Assessing Outcomes of Dementia Caregivers Using Cross-Sectional Design and Linear Regression Models
- Assessing Perceptions of Health Warnings on Tobacco Products Using a Mixed-Methods Survey
- Assessing policies for retirement income: needs for data, research, and models
- Assessing Poverty With Multilevel Structural Equation Modeling
- Assessing Power and Errors
- Assessing progress toward democracy and good governance: summary of a workshop
- Assessing Progress Towards Sustainability: Frameworks, Tools and Case Studies
- Assessing Quality in European Educational Research
- Assessing Quality in European Higher Education Institutions
- Assessing Quality of Life and Living Conditions to Guide National Policy, vol. 11
- Assessing Race, Ethnicity and Gender in Health
- Assessing readiness in military women: the relationship of body composition, nutrition, and health
- Assessing Reading 1: Theory and Practice
- Assessing Reading 2: Changing Practice in Classrooms
- Assessing Research Quality and Credibility
- Assessing Research-Doctorate Programs : A Methodology Study
- Assessing research-doctorate programs: a methodology study
- Assessing risks to endangered and threatened species from pesticides
- Assessing Risks to Endangered and Threatened Species from Pesticides
- Assessing Satisfaction in Health and Long Term Care : Practical Approaches to Hearing the Voices of Consumers
- Assessing School Nurses’ Experiences With Comprehensive Concussion Management: Using Multimethodologies to Collect Meaningful Data
- Assessing Schools for Generation R
- Assessing Science Understanding
- Assessing Service Quality : Satisfying the Expectations of Library Customers, Third Edition
- Assessing Social Impact of Social Enterprises
- Assessing Speaking in Context
- Assessing Stress in Relocation Using Biopsychosocial Mixed Methods
- Assessing Student Competence in Accredited Disciplines : Pioneering Approaches to Assessment in Higher Education
- Assessing Student Learning in Africa
- Assessing Students' Written Work : Marking Essays and Reports
- Assessing Study Abroad : Theory, Tools, and Practice
- Assessing Teacher Effectiveness : Different Models
- Assessing the Benefits and Costs of ITS, vol. 10
- Assessing the Costs of Climate Change and Adaptation in South Asia
- Assessing the Different Roles of Marketing Theory and Practice in the Jaws of Economic Uncertainty
- Assessing the Ecological Integrity of Running Waters, vol. 149
- Assessing the Economic Value of Anticancer Therapies, vol. 148
- Assessing the Economic Value of Venture Capital Contracts, vol. 78
- Assessing the Effects of Development Aid in Post-Conflict Regions: Using Survey and Field Research Methods in the North East Afghanistan Longitudinal Study
- Assessing the Effects of the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill on Human Health : A Summary of the June 2010 Workshop
- Assessing the effects of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill on human health: a summary of the June 2010 workshop
- Assessing the Efficacy of Health Services When Evidence Is Limited: Measuring the Quality of Studies on Tele-Neurorehabilitation and Implications for Clinical Practice
- Assessing the Energy Efficiency of Pumps and Pump Units
- Assessing the Energy Efficiency of Pumps and Pump Units : Background and Methodology