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ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter A (40901-40950 of 42285):
- Authority of Everyday Objects, TheAuthor: BettsPublisher: Betts ©2020ISBN: 9783111274119
- Authority of Experience, TheAuthor: O'NealPublisher: O'Neal ©2021ISBN: 9783110291131
- Authority of the Court and the Peril of PoliticsAuthor: BreyerPublisher: Breyer ©2021ISBN: 9783050033464
- Authority Trap, TheAuthor: WongPublisher: Wong ©2020ISBN: 9783110683004
- Authority within the Christian ChurchAuthor: LeePublisher: Lee ©2020ISBN: 9783112473757
- Authority, Autonomy, and Representation in American Literature, 1776-1865Author: PattersonPublisher: Patterson ©2021ISBN: 9781469073262
- Authorization of Textbooks for the Schools of Ontario 1846–1950Author: ParvinPublisher: Parvin ©2020ISBN: 9783112450093
- Authorizations in SAP S/4HANA and SAP FioriAuthor: Alessandro Banzer,Alexander SambillPublisher: Alessandro Banzer,Alexander Sambill ©2022ISBN: 9781493220366
- Authorized to Heal : Gender, Class, and the Transformation of Medicine in Appalachia, 1880-1930Author: Barney, Sandra LeePublisher: Barney, Sandra Lee ©2018ISBN: 9780807848340
- Authorizing Early Modern European WomenAuthor: Hubert K. RampersadPublisher: Hubert K. Rampersad ©2022ISBN: 9781607521006
- Authorizing ExperienceAuthor: EganPublisher: Egan ©2020ISBN: 9789048139460
- Authorizing Marriage?Author: HinkelPublisher: Hinkel ©2020ISBN: 9781614517115
- Authorizing PetrarchAuthor: KennedyPublisher: Kennedy ©2021ISBN: 9783112432716
- Authorizing WordsAuthor: ElskyPublisher: Elsky ©2021ISBN: 9780231931106
- Authors and ApparatusAuthor: HeringtonPublisher: Herington ©2020ISBN: 9783110734782
- Authors and AudiencesAuthor: KarrPublisher: Karr ©2023ISBN: 9789048139460Requires Adobe Digital Editions to access. Download at
- Authors in CourtAuthor: RosePublisher: Rose ©2020ISBN: 9783110572902
- Authors IncAuthor: GlassPublisher: Glass ©2020ISBN: 9780292749153
- Authors of Their LivesAuthor: GerberPublisher: Gerber ©2022ISBN: 9780814731710
- Authors of Their Own LivesAuthor: CharméPublisher: Charmé ©2020ISBN: 9780520065567
- Authors, Audiences, and Old English VerseAuthor: BredehoftPublisher: Bredehoft ©2021ISBN: 9781663710932
- Authors, Users, and PiratesAuthor: MeesePublisher: Meese ©2021ISBN: 9780262037440
- AuthorshipAuthor: BurkePublisher: Burke ©2022ISBN: 9783319031125
- Authorship and AudienceAuthor: RailtonPublisher: Railton ©2021ISBN: 9781845411589
- Authorship and Publicity Before PrintAuthor: HobbinsPublisher: Hobbins ©2021ISBN: 9781461465362
- Authorship and Text-making in Early ChinaAuthor: ZhangPublisher: Zhang ©2019ISBN: 9781501514357
- Authorship as AlchemyAuthor: KropfPublisher: Kropf ©2022ISBN: 97831110232432 Concurrent Users
- Authorship Disputes and Ethical Dilemmas in Publication PracticeAuthor: SethyPublisher: Sethy ©2022ISBN: 9789400759275
- Authorship in Film AdaptationAuthor: Sirapat BoonkrongPublisher: Sirapat Boonkrong ©2021ISBN: 9780292718531
- Authorship in Film AdaptationAuthor: XiePublisher: Xie ©2021ISBN: 9783486429510
- Authorship in Social ResearchAuthor: McColl, DonPublisher: McColl, Don ©2019ISBN: 9783319460512
- AutismAuthor: ZimmermanPublisher: Zimmerman ©2016ISBN: 9781603274883
- AutismAuthor: PapePublisher: Pape ©2016ISBN: 9780412614507
- AutismAuthor: MesibovPublisher: Mesibov ©2016ISBN: 9780306455476
- AutismAuthor: PapePublisher: Pape ©2016ISBN: 9783658071158
- Autism - from Research to Individualized PracticeAuthor: Gabriels, Robin;Hill, Dina E.Publisher: Gabriels, Robin;Hill, Dina E. ©2018ISBN: 9781843107019
- Autism - the Eighth Colour of the Rainbow : Learn to Speak AutisticAuthor: Stone, FloricaPublisher: Stone, Florica ©2018ISBN: 9781843101826
- Autism - the Search for CoherenceAuthor: Warwick, Auriel;Zappella, Michele;Sigman, Marian;Sherratt, Dave;Notomi, Keiko;Richer, John;Reid, Susan;Janert, Sibylle;KOBAYASHI, Ryuji;Mavropoulou, SophiaPublisher: Warwick, Auriel;Zappella, Michele;Sigman, Marian;Sherratt, Dave;Notomi, Keiko;Richer, John;Reid, Susan;Janert, Sibylle;KOBAYASHI, Ryuji;Mavropoulou, Sophia ©2018ISBN: 9781853028885
- Autism 360°Author: HorganPublisher: Horgan ©2020ISBN: 9783110291131
- Autism : A Very Short IntroductionAuthor: Frith, Uta;Frith, UtaPublisher: Frith, Uta;Frith, Uta ©2018ISBN: 9780199207565
- Autism : Neural Basis and Treatment PossibilitiesAuthor: Bock, Gregory R.;Goode, Jamie A.Publisher: Bock, Gregory R.;Goode, Jamie A. ©2018ISBN: 9780470850992
- Autism and Asperger SyndromeAuthor: Frith, UtaPublisher: Frith, Uta ©2018ISBN: 9780521384483
- Autism and Asperger Syndrome : Preparing for AdulthoodAuthor: Howlin, PatriciaPublisher: Howlin, Patricia ©2018ISBN: 9780415309677
- Autism and Childhood PsychosisAuthor: Tustin, FrancesPublisher: Tustin, Frances ©2018ISBN: 9781855751101
- Autism and Developmental Disabilities : Current Practices and IssuesAuthor: Rotatori, Anthony F.;Obiakor, Festus E.;Burkhardt, SandraPublisher: Rotatori, Anthony F.;Obiakor, Festus E.;Burkhardt, Sandra ©2018ISBN: 9781848553569
- Autism and Early Years Practice : A Guide for Early Years Professionals, Teachers and ParentsAuthor: Wall, Kate, MsPublisher: Wall, Kate, Ms ©2018ISBN: 9781412901284
- Autism and Environmental FactorsAuthor: Bagasra, Omar;Pace, Donald G.;Heggen, Cherilyn;Hossain, Muhammad I.Publisher: Bagasra, Omar;Pace, Donald G.;Heggen, Cherilyn;Hossain, Muhammad I. ©2018ISBN: 9781119042259
- Autism and ICT : A Guide for Teachers and ParentsAuthor: Hardy, Colin;Ogden, Jan;Newman, Julie;Cooper, SallyPublisher: Hardy, Colin;Ogden, Jan;Newman, Julie;Cooper, Sally ©2018ISBN: 9781853468247
- Autism and Its Medical Management : A Guide for Parents and ProfessionalsAuthor: Chez, MichaelPublisher: Chez, Michael ©2018ISBN: 9781843108344
- Autism and LossAuthor: Broadhurst, Sarah;Forrester-Jones, RachelPublisher: Broadhurst, Sarah;Forrester-Jones, Rachel ©2018ISBN: 9781843104339