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A BCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter B (2651-2700 of 18494):
- Becoming Men : The Development of Aspirations, Values, and Adaptational StylesAuthor: Lewis, Michael;Hart, Daniel A.Publisher: Lewis, Michael;Hart, Daniel A. ©2018ISBN: 9781475793703
- Becoming Metric-WiseAuthor: Ronald Rousseau, Leo Egghe and Raf GunsPublisher: Ronald Rousseau, Leo Egghe and Raf Guns ©2018ISBN: 9780071805704
- Becoming MexipinoAuthor: GuevarraPublisher: Guevarra ©2020ISBN: 9780813552835
- Becoming MIT : Moments of DecisionAuthor: Kaiser, David;Smith, Merritt Roe;Sinclair, Bruce;Lécuyer, Christophe;Douglas, Deborah G.;Leslie, Stuart W.;Durant, John;Bailyn, Lotte;Hopkins, Nancy;Hockfield, SusanPublisher: Kaiser, David;Smith, Merritt Roe;Sinclair, Bruce;Lécuyer, Christophe;Douglas, Deborah G.;Leslie, Stuart W.;Durant, John;Bailyn, Lotte;Hopkins, Nancy;Hockfield, Susan ©2018ISBN: 9780262113236
- Becoming ModernAuthor: InkelesPublisher: Inkeles ©2021ISBN: 9780674499331
- Becoming ModernAuthor: SølandPublisher: Søland ©2022ISBN: 9780761943570
- Becoming Modern in TorontoAuthor: WaldenPublisher: Walden ©2020ISBN: 9780761943570
- Becoming Modern WomenAuthor: SuzukiPublisher: Suzuki ©2021ISBN: 9781412911870
- Becoming More Ferocious as a Presenter: Presenting and Training in the Spirit of NLPAuthor: L. Michael HallPublisher: L. Michael Hall ©2019ISBN: 9781890001100
- Becoming More Innovative on the JobAuthor: Jeff DavidsonPublisher: Jeff Davidson ©2020ISBN: 9781412979740
- Becoming More PersuasiveAuthor: Tony AlessandraPublisher: Tony Alessandra ©2019ISBN: 9781933631134
- Becoming Muslim in Imperial RussiaAuthor: KefeliPublisher: Kefeli ©2021ISBN: 9789400729834
- Becoming Neighbors in a Mexican American CommunityAuthor: OchoaPublisher: Ochoa ©2021ISBN: 9781591474241
- Becoming of the Body, TheAuthor: DamléPublisher: Damlé ©2022ISBN: 9780415464376
- Becoming of the Body, TheAuthor: DamléPublisher: Damlé ©2022ISBN: 9780748668212
- Becoming Old StockAuthor: KazalPublisher: Kazal ©2022ISBN: 9781119117568
- Becoming OneAuthor: WatanabePublisher: Watanabe ©2020ISBN: 9781933988252
- Becoming oneselfAuthor: Len SandlerPublisher: Len Sandler ©2016ISBN: 9783531186351
- Becoming OrganicAuthor: GalvinPublisher: Galvin ©2021ISBN: 9780520271180
- Becoming PalestineAuthor: HochbergPublisher: Hochberg ©2021ISBN: 9789400705531
- Becoming Parents and Overcoming Obstacles : Understanding the Experience of Miscarriage, Premature Births, Infertility, and Postnatal DepressionAuthor: Quagliata, EmanuelaPublisher: Quagliata, Emanuela ©2018ISBN: 9781782200185
- Becoming PennAuthor: LloydPublisher: Lloyd ©2020ISBN: 9781402059216
- Becoming Penn : The Pragmatic American University, 1950-2000Author: Puckett, John L.;Lloyd, MarkPublisher: Puckett, John L.;Lloyd, Mark ©2018ISBN: 9780812246803
- Becoming PhiladelphiaAuthor: SaffronPublisher: Saffron ©2020ISBN: 9781107196797
- Becoming PoliticalAuthor: SkeaffPublisher: Skeaff ©2020ISBN: 9780262029230
- Becoming PosthumousAuthor: TamblingPublisher: Tambling ©2022ISBN: 9780262029230
- Becoming PresidentAuthor: BurkePublisher: Burke ©2022ISBN: 9781588262929
- Becoming PresidentAuthor: BurkePublisher: Burke ©2022ISBN: 97814020592162 Concurrent Users
- Becoming RastaAuthor: PricePublisher: Price ©2021ISBN: 9781477310519
- Becoming reflective students and teachers with portfolios and authentic assessmentAuthor: Paris, Scott G.Publisher: Paris, Scott G. ©2017ISBN: 9781557982520
- Becoming Reinaldo ArenasAuthor: OlivaresPublisher: Olivares ©2021ISBN: 9780822353829
- Becoming Religious in a Secular AgeAuthor: ElmorePublisher: Elmore ©2020ISBN: 9780814480656
- Becoming RightAuthor: WoodPublisher: Wood ©2021ISBN: 9781405185677
- Becoming RwandanAuthor: RussellPublisher: Russell ©2020ISBN: 9781978802872
- Becoming SalmonAuthor: LienPublisher: Lien ©2020ISBN: 9780195373783
- Becoming SinnersAuthor: RobbinsPublisher: Robbins ©2020ISBN: 9781402059216
- Becoming social justice agents : if not us, then who?Author: Vera, ElizabethPublisher: Vera, Elizabeth ©2017ISBN: 97808058467822 Concurrent Users
- Becoming Socialized in Student Affairs Administration : A Guide for New Professionals and Their SupervisorsAuthor: Tull, Ashley;Hirt, Joan B.;Saunders, SuePublisher: Tull, Ashley;Hirt, Joan B.;Saunders, Sue ©2018ISBN: 9781579222758
- Becoming StrongAuthor: BrollPublisher: Broll ©2020ISBN: 9780262029780
- Becoming Teachers of Inner-City Students : Life Histories and Teacher Stories of Committed White TeachersAuthor: Jupp, James C.Publisher: Jupp, James C. ©2016ISBN: 9789462093690
- Becoming the Best: Build A World-Class Organization Through Values-Based LeadershipAuthor: Harry M. Jansen Kraemer Jr.Publisher: Harry M. Jansen Kraemer Jr. ©2019ISBN: 9781118999424
- Becoming the Boss: New Rules for the Next Generation of LeadersAuthor: Lindsey PollakPublisher: Lindsey Pollak ©2019ISBN: 9780062323316
- Becoming the BuddhaAuthor: SwearerPublisher: Swearer ©2021ISBN: 9780787968670
- Becoming the Change: Leadership Behavior Strategies for Continuous Improvement in HealthcareAuthor: John Toussaint,Kim Barnas,Emily AdamsPublisher: John Toussaint,Kim Barnas,Emily Adams ©2021ISBN: 9781260461688
- Becoming the Evidence-Based Manager: Making The Science Of Management Work For YouAuthor: Gary P. LathamPublisher: Gary P. Latham ©2019ISBN: 9780891062608
- Becoming the Ex-WifeAuthor: GordonPublisher: Gordon ©2023ISBN: 9780520391543
- Becoming the NewsAuthor: PalmerPublisher: Palmer ©2020ISBN: 9781549155130
- Becoming the Obvious Choice: A Guide to Your Next OpportunityAuthor: Bryan Dodge,David CottrellPublisher: Bryan Dodge,David Cottrell ©2019ISBN: 9780965878869
- Becoming the People of the TalmudAuthor: FishmanPublisher: Fishman ©2021ISBN: 9780071741644
- Becoming TonganAuthor: MortonPublisher: Morton ©2021ISBN: 9789463004282