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Showing books starting with the letter C (6151-6200 of 35943):
- Challenges in Comparing Knowledge Exchange Practices Across Five Centres of Excellence in Public Health Research
- Challenges in Conducting a Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial Focused on Tuberculosis Preventive Therapy Among People Living With HIV in a Limited-Resource Setting in Nepal
- Challenges in Conducting a Focus Group Discussion: Using Card Sorting to Facilitate Open Discussion
- Challenges in Conducting a Longitudinal Study on Aging and Dementia in Mexico
- Challenges in Conducting a Multi and Mixed-Method Research to Develop a National Health Literacy Promotion Strategy in Myanmar
- Challenges in Conducting a Multicomponent, Theory-Based Intervention in Community-Based Research: The Recharge@Work Study to Reduce Sedentary Behavior in an Occupational Setting
- Challenges in Conducting a Multinomial Logistic Regression Analysis on Regional Secondary Data of the Flemish Colorectal Cancer Screening Program
- Challenges in Conducting a Multiple Qualitative Case Study Approach of Communication Experiences in the Care of Children With Palliative Care Needs
- Challenges in Conducting a Multisite Cluster-Randomized Pragmatic Clinical Trial to Test the Effectiveness of a Discharge Readiness Assessment Protocol
- Challenges in Conducting a Population-Based Study Investigating Associations Between Neighborhood Social Environment and Individual Mental Health
- Challenges in Conducting a Pragmatic Randomized Controlled Trial of Two Technology-Supported Approaches to Support Medication Treatment Decisions
- Challenges in Conducting a Psychometric Study to Establish Sensitivity and Specificity of a Nurse-Driven Stroke Swallow Screen
- Challenges in Conducting a Randomized Controlled Trial for the Effect of Reiki Therapy on Quality of Life of Patients With Blood Cancer
- Challenges in Conducting a Randomized Controlled Trial of a More Practicable Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy for Upper Limb Motor Function After Stroke
- Challenges in Conducting a Randomized Controlled Trial of Nicotine Replacement Therapy in Smoking Cessation
- Challenges in Conducting a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis on the Impact of Financial Incentives on Physical Activity Participation for Adults
- Challenges in Conducting an Explorative, Descriptive, Longitudinal Study, Including Nine Specialized Rehabilitation Centers in Seven Countries
- Challenges in Conducting an Observational Study to Assess the Concordance for Hospitalizations From Multiple Data Sources
- Challenges in Conducting an Online Survey and Qualitative Telephone Interviews With Affected Family Members of Relatives With Substance Misuse
- Challenges in Conducting Experiment Online During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Students’ Emotions and Learning Persistence
- Challenges in Conducting Gut Microbiome and Nutrition Research
- Challenges in Conducting Interviews Regarding Prison Health With Prison Governors and Prison Officers in England
- Challenges in Conducting Online Survey Research of the Relationship Between Unit-Level Perceived Team Trustworthiness and Clinical and Operational Outcomes
- Challenges in Conducting Qualitative Online Interviews Using Zoom During COVID-19: Lessons From the Field
- Challenges in Conducting the Study to Adapt and Test the Psychometric Properties of the Psychological Vulnerability Scale in a Sample of 267 Portuguese Higher Education Students
- Challenges in Corrosion : Costs, Causes, Consequences, and Control
- Challenges in Delivery of Therapeutic Genomics and Proteomics
- Challenges in Design and Implementation of Middlewares for Real-Time Systems
- Challenges in Designing a Retrospective Cohort Study to Assess the Clinical Impact of a Diagnostic Test in a Setting Where Alternative Diagnostic Modalities Exist
- Challenges in Designing Dataset Methodologies: Linguistic Themes in Last Statements From Death Row
- Challenges in Developing a More Accurate Measure: A Combination of Qualitative Analysis and Item Response Theory
- Challenges in Effectively Recruiting and Retaining 342 Adolescents as Research Participants Into an Observational Cohort Study
- Challenges in Executing a Systematic Review and Dose–Response Meta-Analysis on the Relationship of Alcohol Consumption and Perpetrators’ Act of Assault or Violence
- Challenges in Fine Coal Processing, Dewatering, and Disposal
- Challenges In Granular Physics
- Challenges in Green Analytical Chemistry
- Challenges in Health and Development
- Challenges in Higher Education for Sustainability
- Challenges in Infectious Diseases
- Challenges In Information Technology Management - Proceedings Of The International Conference
- Challenges in International Innovation Management Research: Testing a Theoretical Framework Using a Mixed-Methods Approach
- Challenges In Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials and Processes in Conventional and Multifunctional Materials, Volume 2
- Challenges in Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials and Processes in Conventional and Multifunctional Materials, Volume 2 : Proceedings of the 2012 Annual Conference on Experimental and Applied Mechanics
- Challenges in Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials, Volume 2
- Challenges in Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials, Volume 2 : Proceedings of the 2014 Annual Conference on Experimental and Applied Mechanics
- Challenges in Mental Health and Policing
- Challenges in Mental Retardation
- Challenges in Modeling and Interpreting Multivariable Linear Relationships From Observational Data of Cardiac Function Utilizing Speckle Tracking Echocardiography
- Challenges in Molecular Structure Determination
- Challenges in Ocean Policy