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Showing books starting with the letter C (6651-6700 of 35943):
- Changing Ideas in a Changing World : The Revolution in Psychoanalysis Essays in Honour of Arnold Cooper
- Changing Identifications and Alliances in North-east Africa
- Changing Identities
- Changing Identities in Modern Southeast Asia
- Changing Identities, Ancient Roots
- Changing Images in Mathematics : From the French Revolution to the New Millennium
- Changing Images of Three Generations of Azharites in Indonesia
- Changing Inequality
- Changing Institutional Landscapes for Implementing Wind Power : A Geographical Comparison of Institutional Capacity Building - The Netherlands, England and North Rhine-Westphalia
- Changing International Community, The
- Changing Ireland
- Changing Is Not Vanishing
- Changing Japanese Attitudes Toward Modernization
- Changing labour markets, welfare policies and citizenship
- Changing Land
- Changing Land
- Changing Land Use Patterns in the Coastal Zone
- Changing Landscape of Academic Women's Health Care in the United States, vol. 48
- Changing Landscape of China’s Consumerism, The
- Changing Landscapes of Nuclear Physics
- Changing Landscapes: An Ecological Perspective
- Changing Lanes
- Changing Legal Objectives
- Changing Life : Genomes, Ecologies, Bodies, Commodities
- Changing Literacies for Changing Times : An Historical Perspective on the Future of Reading Research, Public Policy, and Classroom Practices
- Changing Lives
- Changing local governance, changing citizens
- Changing Maps
- Changing Meanings of Citizenship in Modern China
- Changing Meanings of the Welfare State, The
- Changing Men and Masculinities in Latin America
- Changing Men and Masculinities in Latin America
- Changing Metal Cycles and Human Health, vol. 28
- Changing Methodologies in TESOL
- Changing Methods
- Changing minds
- Changing Minds
- Changing Minds Changing Tools
- Changing Minds, If Not Hearts
- Changing Narratives of Sexuality : Contestations, Compliance and Womens Empowerment
- Changing Nature of the Maine Woods
- Changing Nervous System : Neurobehavioral Consequences of Early Brain Disorders, The
- Changing Numbers, Changing Needs : American Indian Demography and Public Health
- Changing numbers, changing needs: American Indian demography and public health
- Changing on the Fly
- Changing on the Job
- Changing Organizations : Clinicians As Agents of Change
- Changing Organizations from Within: Roles, Risks and Consultancy Relationships
- Changing Outcomes in Psychosis : Collaborative Cases from Practitioners, Users and Carers
- Changing Paradigms in the Management of Breast Cancer