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Showing books starting with the letter C (9501-9550 of 35943):
- Children with Cancer
- Children with Complex and Continuing Health Needs : The Experiences of Children, Families and Care Staff
- Children with Complex Medical Issues in Schools : Neuropsychological Descriptions and Interventions
- Children with Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties : Strategies for Assessment and Intervention
- Children with Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties and Communication Problems : There Is Always a Reason
- Children with Enemies
- Children with Gender Identity Disorder : A Clinical, Ethical, and Legal Analysis
- Children with mental and physical handicaps
- Children with Mental Disorder and the Law : A Guide to Law and Practice
- Children with Multiple Mental Health Challenges : An Integrated Approach to Intervention
- Children with Neurodevelopmental Disabilities : The Essential Guide to Assessment and Management
- Children with Seizures : A Guide for Parents, Teachers, and Other Professionals
- Children with Specific Language Impairment
- Children with Specific Language Impairment, 2nd ed.
- Children with Specific Learning Difficulties
- Children with Visual Impairments : Social Interaction, Language and Learning
- Children Without a State
- Children's Active Transportation
- Children's Agency, Children's Welfare
- Children's behavior problems: A statistical study based upon 5000 children examined consecutively at the Illinois Institute for Juvenile Research, Vol. I: Incidence, genetic and intellectual factors
- Children's behavior: Viewed by adults and children
- Children's Chances
- Children's Communication Skills : From Birth to Five Years
- Children's Comprehension Problems in Oral and Written Language : A Cognitive Perspective
- Children's Culture Reader, The
- Children's Discovery of the Active Mind : Phenomenological Awareness, Social Experience, and Knowledge about Cognition
- Children's Dreaming and the Development of Consciousness
- Children's Dreaming and the Development of Consciousness
- Children's Dreams
- Children's Dreams
- Children's Dreams : From Freud's Observations to Modern Dream Research
- Children's Dreams : Notes from the Seminar Given In 1936-1940
- Children's Dreams : Understanding the Most Memorable Dreams and Nightmares of Childhood
- Children's Explanations: A Psycholinguistic Study
- Children's Film, The
- Children's Fractional Knowledge
- Children's Health and Environment : Developing Action Plans
- Children's Health and Environment: Developing Action Plans
- Children's Health in Primary Schools
- Children's Health Issues in Historical Perspective
- Children's health, the nation's wealth: assessing and improving child health
- Children's Imaginative Play : A Visit to Wonderland
- Children's Interpersonal Trust : Sensitivity to Lying, Deception and Promise Violations
- Children's Intonation : A Framework for Practice and Research
- Children's Intonation : A Framework for Practice and Research
- Children's Knowledge-In-Interaction : Studies in Conversation Analysis
- Children's Language : Volume 11: Interactional Contributions to Language Development
- Children's Learning from Educational Television : Sesame Street and Beyond
- Children's Learning in a Digital World
- Children's Literacy Development