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AB CDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter C (9951-10000 of 35943):
- China, the United Nations, and Human RightsAuthor: KentPublisher: Kent ©2020ISBN: 9783037851012
- China, The United States, and the Future of Central AsiaAuthor: KnappPublisher: Knapp ©2021ISBN: 9789811009365
- China, The United States, and the Future of Latin AmericaAuthor: GallagherPublisher: Gallagher ©2020ISBN: 9781479899289
- China, The United States, and the Future of Southeast AsiaAuthor: Center for Macroeconomic Research of Xiamen UniversityPublisher: Center for Macroeconomic Research of Xiamen University ©2020ISBN: 9781479866304
- China-ASEAN Trade RelationsAuthor: ChenPublisher: Chen ©2020ISBN: 9781515975090
- China-Russia Relations in Central AsiaAuthor: EderPublisher: Eder ©2016ISBN: 9783658032715
- China-Russia Strategic Alignment in International PoliticsAuthor: KorolevPublisher: Korolev ©2022ISBN: 9789463725248
- China. Wirtschaft und WirtschaftsgrundlagenAuthor: WalderPublisher: Walder ©2021ISBN: 9783112346471
- China: An Interpretive HistoryAuthor: LevensonPublisher: Levenson ©2021ISBN: 9780674368415
- China: Bioethics, Trust, and The Challenge Of The Market, vol. 96Author: ZhouPublisher: Zhou ©2016ISBN: 9781402067563
- China: Building an Innovative EconomyAuthor: Celeste Varum, Can Huang and Joaquim Borges GouveiaPublisher: Celeste Varum, Can Huang and Joaquim Borges Gouveia ©2017ISBN: 9783662440926
- China: Innovative Green DevelopmentAuthor: HuPublisher: Hu ©2016ISBN: 97836425496185 Concurrent Users
- China: The Balance Sheet: What the World Needs to Know Now About the Emerging SuperpowerAuthor: C. Fred Bergsten,Bates Gill,Nicholas R. Lardy,Derek MitchellPublisher: C. Fred Bergsten,Bates Gill,Nicholas R. Lardy,Derek Mitchell ©2023ISBN: 9781586484644
- Chinas AußenpolitikAuthor: Qidong YunPublisher: Qidong Yun ©2020ISBN: 9783486258875
- Chinas Energiehunger: Mythos oder Realität?Author: GuPublisher: Gu ©2019ISBN: 9783486584912
- Chinas Finanz- und Währungspolitik nach der AsienkriseAuthor: KlennerPublisher: Klenner ©2021ISBN: 9783828203488
- Chinas neue ArchitekturAuthor: SchittichPublisher: Schittich ©2020ISBN: 9783035617566
- Chinas Nuclear FutureAuthor: MurphyPublisher: Murphy ©2022ISBN: 9783642541773
- Chinas Regional RelationsAuthor: LiPublisher: Li ©2022ISBN: 97814214145392 Concurrent Users
- Chinas Rise and the Two KoreasAuthor: BaysPublisher: Bays ©2022ISBN: 9781588266187
- Chinas Rise and the Two KoreasAuthor: GuoPublisher: Guo ©2022ISBN: 9781461458593
- Chinas Rural Development PolicyAuthor: SuPublisher: Su ©2022ISBN: 9781461493624
- Chinas Weg in die WeltpolitikAuthor: NäthPublisher: Näth ©2019ISBN: 9783110047370
- Chinatown Film CultureAuthor: FahlstedtPublisher: Fahlstedt ©2021ISBN: 9780415327572
- Chinatown No MoreAuthor: ChenPublisher: Chen ©2020ISBN: 9780415582254
- Chinatown Trunk Mystery, TheAuthor: LuiPublisher: Lui ©2021ISBN: 9781137352385
- China–Asian Relations and International LawAuthor: ZhuPublisher: Zhu ©2017ISBN: 9783662458648
- China’s Capital MarketsAuthor: Yong ZhenPublisher: Yong Zhen ©2017ISBN: 9780674431553
- China’s CatholicsAuthor: MadsenPublisher: Madsen ©2021ISBN: 9780674184756
- China’s Changing PopulationAuthor: BanisterPublisher: Banister ©2022ISBN: 9789004173491
- China’s Changing PopulationAuthor: BanisterPublisher: Banister ©2022ISBN: 9780804711555
- China’s Christian CollegesAuthor: BaysPublisher: Bays ©2021ISBN: 9789004183025
- China’s Commercial SexscapesAuthor: TsangPublisher: Tsang ©2020ISBN: 9780262015394
- China’s Cosmopolitan EmpireAuthor: LewisPublisher: Lewis ©2021ISBN: 9781118176320
- China’s COVID-19 Vaccine Supplies to the Global SouthAuthor: MorganPublisher: Morgan ©2023ISBN: 9780674046955Requires Adobe Digital Editions to access. Download at
- China’s Crony CapitalismAuthor: PeiPublisher: Pei ©2020ISBN: 97819333093855 Concurrent Users
- China’s Democracy PathAuthor: FangPublisher: Fang ©2016ISBN: 9783662473429
- China’s Development Experience in Comparative PerspectiveAuthor: Sanford, Jay P.;Philipose, Nalini M.;Mitchell, Violaine S.Publisher: Sanford, Jay P.;Philipose, Nalini M.;Mitchell, Violaine S. ©2021ISBN: 9780674367371
- China’s Early IndustrializationAuthor: FeuerwerkerPublisher: Feuerwerker ©2021ISBN: 9780674333710
- China’s Economic Gene MutationsAuthor: HuPublisher: Hu ©2016ISBN: 9783662472972
- China’s Energy Economy, vol. 13Author: MaPublisher: Ma ©2016ISBN: 9783642258862
- China’s Entrance into the Family of NationsAuthor: HsüPublisher: Hsü ©2021ISBN: 9780674863774
- China’s Evolving Policy towards the Chinese Diaspora in Southeast AsiaAuthor: WuPublisher: Wu ©2020ISBN: 9789814881197
- China’s Good WarAuthor: MitterPublisher: Mitter ©2021ISBN: 9783037851012
- China’s Good WarAuthor: MitterPublisher: Mitter ©2021ISBN: 9783110724172
- China’s Grain for Green ProgramAuthor: DelangPublisher: Delang ©2016ISBN: 9783319115047
- China’s Imperial PastAuthor: HuckerPublisher: Hucker ©2022ISBN: 9781137352385
- China’s Law of the SeaAuthor: KardonPublisher: Kardon ©2023ISBN: 97803002564752 Concurrent Users
- China’s Macroeconomic OutlookAuthor: WangPublisher: Wang ©2016ISBN: 9783110313178
- China’s Macroeconomic OutlookAuthor: GarsidePublisher: Garside ©2016ISBN: 9783662454046