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AB CDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter C (12151-12200 of 35943):
- City That Never SleepsAuthor: FlemingPublisher: Fleming ©2020ISBN: 9789400707436
- City Trilogy, TheAuthor: ChangPublisher: Chang ©2020ISBN: 9780231128520
- City UnseenAuthor: RebaPublisher: Reba ©2020ISBN: 9780674436831
- City Water, City LifeAuthor: SmithPublisher: Smith ©2020ISBN: 9783598776373
- City, Climate, and ArchitectureAuthor: RoeslerPublisher: Roesler ©2022ISBN: 9783035624144
- City, Country, Empire : Landscapes in Environmental HistoryAuthor: Diefendorf, Jeffry M.;Dorsey, KurkPublisher: Diefendorf, Jeffry M.;Dorsey, Kurk ©2018ISBN: 9780822958765
- City, Countryside, and the Spatial Organization of Value in Classical AntiquityAuthor: Rosen, Ralph;Sluiter, InekePublisher: Rosen, Ralph;Sluiter, Ineke ©2018ISBN: 9789004150430
- City, Culture and SocietyAuthor: McCombPublisher: McComb ©2021ISBN: 9780292767461
- City, TheAuthor: BurgessPublisher: Burgess ©2021ISBN: 9781501707506
- City-Regions in Prospect?Author: JonesPublisher: Jones ©2023ISBN: 9780674418363
- City-State of Boston, TheAuthor: PetersonPublisher: Peterson ©2020ISBN: 9780262537797
- City/ArtAuthor: HarpazPublisher: Harpaz ©2021ISBN: 9783110749632
- Cityscapes and Perceptual DialectologyAuthor: WaghidPublisher: Waghid ©2021ISBN: 9781614514770
- CityscapingAuthor: R. D. Norton and Edwin S. MillsPublisher: R. D. Norton and Edwin S. Mills ©2021ISBN: 9783110376821
- Ciudadanos reemplazados por algoritmosAuthor: García CancliniPublisher: García Canclini ©2020ISBN: 9783837648911
- Civetta, Taylor and Kirby's Critical CareAuthor: Gabrielli, Andrea;Layon, A. Joseph;Yu, MihaePublisher: Gabrielli, Andrea;Layon, A. Joseph;Yu, Mihae ©2018ISBN: 9780781768696
- Civetta, Taylor, and Kirby's Manual of Critical CareAuthor: Gabrielli, Andrea;Layon, A. Joseph;Yu, MihaePublisher: Gabrielli, Andrea;Layon, A. Joseph;Yu, Mihae ©2018ISBN: 9780781769150
- Civetta, Taylor, and Kirby's Manual of Critical CareAuthor: GabrielliPublisher: Gabrielli ©2021ISBN: 9780781769150
- Civetta, Taylor, and Kirby's: Critical CareAuthor: ApelblatPublisher: Apelblat ©2017ISBN: 9780781768696
- Civetta, Taylor, and Kirby's: Critical Care MedicineAuthor: Kristiansen, Bjorn;Linden, Joan;Mattey, MichaelPublisher: Kristiansen, Bjorn;Linden, Joan;Mattey, Michael ©2021ISBN: 9781469889849Requires Adobe Digital Editions to access. Download at
- Civic and Moral Learning in AmericaAuthor: Warren, D.;Patrick, J.Publisher: Warren, D.;Patrick, J. ©2018ISBN: 9781403973955
- Civic and Uncivic ValuesAuthor: TricePublisher: Trice ©2022ISBN: 9789400772342
- Civic and Uncivic Values in KosovoAuthor: GardnerPublisher: Gardner ©2022ISBN: 9781849685221
- Civic and Uncivic Values in PolandAuthor: LeinieksPublisher: Leinieks ©2022ISBN: 9783598776373
- Civic and Uncivic Values in PolandAuthor: SpinneyPublisher: Spinney ©2022ISBN: 9781443870498
- Civic Astronomy, vol. 316Author: WisePublisher: Wise ©2016ISBN: 9789048167029
- Civic CapitalismAuthor: O'NeillPublisher: O'Neill ©2021ISBN: 9780470372180
- Civic Culture, TheAuthor: VerbaPublisher: Verba ©2021ISBN: 9780674367081
- Civic Ecology : Adaptation and Transformation from the Ground UpAuthor: Krasny, Marianne E.;Tidball, Keith G.Publisher: Krasny, Marianne E.;Tidball, Keith G. ©2017ISBN: 9780262527170
- Civic Education and Competences for Engaging Citizens in DemocraciesAuthor: Print, Murray;Lange, DirkPublisher: Print, Murray;Lange, Dirk ©2018ISBN: 9789462091474
- Civic Education and the Future of American CitizenshipAuthor: Busch, Elizabeth Kaufer;White, Jonathan W.;Agresto, John;Bauerlein, Mark;Benoliel, Peter A.;Bergner, Jeff;Cole, Bruce;Gioia, Dana;Hirsch, E. D.;McClay, Wilfred M.Publisher: Busch, Elizabeth Kaufer;White, Jonathan W.;Agresto, John;Bauerlein, Mark;Benoliel, Peter A.;Bergner, Jeff;Cole, Bruce;Gioia, Dana;Hirsch, E. D.;McClay, Wilfred M. ©2018ISBN: 9780739170571
- Civic Education in the Asia-Pacific Region : Case Studies Across Six SocietiesAuthor: Cogan, John L.;Print, MurrayPublisher: Cogan, John L.;Print, Murray ©2018ISBN: 9780415932134
- Civic Engagement and Service Learning in a Metropolitan University: Multiple Approaches and Perspectives : Multiple Approaches and PerspectivesAuthor: Ledoux, Michael W.;Wilhite, Stephen C.;Silver, PaulaPublisher: Ledoux, Michael W.;Wilhite, Stephen C.;Silver, Paula ©2018ISBN: 9781611225181
- Civic engagement and social cohesion : measuring dimensions of social capital to inform policyAuthor: BeerPublisher: Beer ©2016ISBN: 9780674730106
- Civic Engagement in Contemporary JapanAuthor: OlsenPublisher: Olsen ©2016ISBN: 9781441915030
- Civic EngagementsAuthor: BrettellPublisher: Brettell ©2021ISBN: 9781478010586
- Civic GiftsAuthor: ClemensPublisher: Clemens ©2021ISBN: 9780226559360
- Civic IdealsAuthor: SmithPublisher: Smith ©2020ISBN: 9780812247008
- Civic JazzAuthor: ClarkPublisher: Clark ©2020ISBN: 9789400760363
- Civic Learning, Democratic Citizenship and the Public SphereAuthor: ShihPublisher: Shih ©2016ISBN: 9789400772588
- Civic Learning, Democratic Citizenship and the Public SphereAuthor: Biesta, Gert;De Bie, Maria;Wildemeersch, DannyPublisher: Biesta, Gert;De Bie, Maria;Wildemeersch, Danny ©2018ISBN: 9789400772588
- Civic Life of American Religion, TheAuthor: McKinniePublisher: McKinnie ©2022ISBN: 9781584658498
- Civic Life OnlineAuthor: RedfordPublisher: Redford ©2021ISBN: 9780262026345
- Civic LongingAuthor: HydePublisher: Hyde ©2020ISBN: 9789400707436
- Civic MediaAuthor: CampanellaPublisher: Campanella ©2021ISBN: 9780262034272
- Civic Muse, TheAuthor: D'AcconePublisher: D'Accone ©2020ISBN: 9780520221437
- Civic Politics in the Rome of Urban VIIIAuthor: NussdorferPublisher: Nussdorfer ©2020ISBN: 9783598776373
- Civic Potential of Video Games, TheAuthor: KahnePublisher: Kahne ©2021ISBN: 9780262513609
- Civic PriestsAuthor: PrayPublisher: Pray ©2021ISBN: 9783110258073
- Civic RitesAuthor: EvansPublisher: Evans ©2020ISBN: 9780822958765