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AB CDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter C (13001-13050 of 35943):
- Clean Energy and Resources RecoveryAuthor: IsmadjiPublisher: Ismadji ©2021ISBN: 9783319167114
- Clean Energy for Sustainable Development : Comparisons and Contrasts of New ApproachesAuthor: Azad, Kalam Abul;Sharma, Subhash;Rasul, MohammadPublisher: Azad, Kalam Abul;Sharma, Subhash;Rasul, Mohammad ©2017ISBN: 9780128054239
- Clean Energy Nation : Freeing America from the Tyranny of Fossil FuelsAuthor: McNerney, Jerry;Cheek, MartinPublisher: McNerney, Jerry;Cheek, Martin ©2018ISBN: 9780814413722
- Clean Energy Nation: Freeing America From The Tyranny Of Fossil FuelsAuthor: Jerry McNerney,Martin CheekPublisher: Jerry McNerney,Martin Cheek ©2019ISBN: 9780814413722
- Clean Energy Systems in the Subsurface: Production, Storage and ConversionAuthor: Carter, NathanPublisher: Carter, Nathan ©2016ISBN: 9783642378485
- Clean Energy Systems in the Subsurface: Production, Storage and Conversion : Proceedings of the 3rd Sino-German Conference Underground Storage of CO2 and Energy , Goslar, Germany, 21-23 May 2013Author: Hou, Michael Z.;Xie, Heping;Were, PatrickPublisher: Hou, Michael Z.;Xie, Heping;Were, Patrick ©2018ISBN: 9783642430961
- Clean Hydrogen Production MethodsAuthor: KumarPublisher: Kumar ©2016ISBN: 9783319140865
- Clean Money: Picking Winners in the Green-Tech BoomAuthor: John RubinoPublisher: John Rubino ©2019ISBN: 9780470283561
- Clean ProductionAuthor: MeunierPublisher: Meunier ©2016ISBN: 97836427994265 Concurrent Users
- Clean Python: Elegant Coding in PythonAuthor: Sunil KapilPublisher: Sunil Kapil ©2019ISBN: 9781484248775
- Clean Ruby: A Guide to Crafting Better Code for RubyistsAuthor: Carleton DiLeoPublisher: Carleton DiLeo ©2020ISBN: 9781484255452
- Clean SAPUI5: A Style Guide for DevelopersAuthor: Daniel Bertolozi,Arnaud Buchholz,Klaus Haeuptle,Rodrigo Jordão,Christian Lehmann,Narendran Natarajan VaithianathanPublisher: Daniel Bertolozi,Arnaud Buchholz,Klaus Haeuptle,Rodrigo Jordão,Christian Lehmann,Narendran Natarajan Vaithianathan ©2022ISBN: 9781493222285
- Clean Ships, Clean Ports, Clean Oceans : Controlling Garbage and Plastic Wastes at SeaAuthor: Susan BatleyPublisher: Susan Batley ©2018ISBN: 9780309051378
- Clean ships, clean ports, clean oceans: controlling garbage and plastic wastes at seaAuthor: Kincaid, Harold;Sullivan, Jacqueline A.Publisher: Kincaid, Harold;Sullivan, Jacqueline A. ©2016ISBN: 9783319303710
- Clean StreetsAuthor: CarrPublisher: Carr ©2021ISBN: 9780814716632
- Clean Synthesis Using Porous Inorganic Solid Catalysts and Supported ReagentsAuthor: Clark, James H.;Rhodes, Chris N.Publisher: Clark, James H.;Rhodes, Chris N. ©2018ISBN: 9780854045266
- Clean Tech Clean Profits: Using Effective Innovation and Sustainable Business Practices to Win in the New Low-Carbon EconomyAuthor: Adam Jolly (ed)Publisher: Adam Jolly (ed) ©2019ISBN: 9780749470418
- Clean Tech Revolution: The Next Big Growth and Investment Opportunity, TheAuthor: Ron Pernick,Clint WilderPublisher: Ron Pernick,Clint Wilder ©2019ISBN: 9780060896249
- Clean Technology and the EnvironmentAuthor: Henley, DavidPublisher: Henley, David ©2016ISBN: 9789401045728
- Clean Technology for the Manufacture of Speciality ChemicalsAuthor: Hoyle, W.;Lancaster, MikePublisher: Hoyle, W.;Lancaster, Mike ©2018ISBN: 9780854048854
- Clean Water: Factors that Influence Its Availability, Quality and Its UseAuthor: ChowPublisher: Chow ©2016ISBN: 9789401066198
- Clean, Green and BlueAuthor: TanPublisher: Tan ©2020ISBN: 9781493220267
- Clean: Lessons from Ecolab's Century of Positive ImpactAuthor: Paul C. Godfrey,Emilio R. TenutaPublisher: Paul C. Godfrey,Emilio R. Tenuta ©2023ISBN: 9781394153367
- Cleaner and Circular BioeconomyAuthor: SinelPublisher: Sinel ©2022ISBN: 9780674424876
- CLEANER and NSF's Environmental ObservatoriesAuthor: ZimringPublisher: Zimring ©2018ISBN: 9780309102292
- Cleaner and Responsible ConsumptionAuthor: Zimring, Carl A.Publisher: Zimring, Carl A. ©2021ISBN: 9781479826940
- Cleaner Chemical EngineeringAuthor: WardPublisher: Ward ©2022ISBN: 9783035620818
- Cleaner CombustionAuthor: Augugliaro, Vincenzo;Loddo, Vittorio;Pagliaro, Mario;Palmisano, Giovanni;Palmisano, LeonardoPublisher: Augugliaro, Vincenzo;Loddo, Vittorio;Pagliaro, Mario;Palmisano, Giovanni;Palmisano, Leonardo ©2016ISBN: 9781447153061
- Cleaner Combustion and Sustainable WorldAuthor: Stephan RothPublisher: Stephan Roth ©2016ISBN: 9783642304446
- Cleaner Energy SystemsAuthor: Douwe, Klaes G.Publisher: Douwe, Klaes G. ©2022ISBN: 9781607413585
- Cleaner Engineering and TechnologyAuthor: Douwe, Klaes G.Publisher: Douwe, Klaes G. ©2021ISBN: 9781607413585
- Cleaner Environmental SystemsAuthor: Bruce G. MillerPublisher: Bruce G. Miller ©2021ISBN: 9783540629719
- Cleaner Logistics and Supply ChainAuthor: Miller, Bruce G.Publisher: Miller, Bruce G. ©2021ISBN: 9780128113653
- Cleaner MaterialsAuthor: Bruce G. MillerPublisher: Bruce G. Miller ©2021ISBN: 9783110190052
- Cleaner Production LettersAuthor: Butchart, Ronald E.;McEwan, Barbara;Butchart, Ronald E.Publisher: Butchart, Ronald E.;McEwan, Barbara;Butchart, Ronald E. ©2021ISBN: 9780309069489
- Cleaner Waste SystemsAuthor: García-CastilleroPublisher: García-Castillero ©2022ISBN: 9780309069489
- Cleaner WaterAuthor: National Research Council (U.S.). Committee on the Causes and Management of Coastal Eutrophication.Publisher: National Research Council (U.S.). Committee on the Causes and Management of Coastal Eutrophication. ©2023ISBN: 9783486598438
- Cleaner-Energy Investments : Cases and Teaching NotesAuthor: Sunderasan, SrinivasanPublisher: Sunderasan, Srinivasan ©2016ISBN: 9788132220619
- Cleaning a Data Set to Make Ready for AnalysisAuthor: HurleyPublisher: Hurley ©2019ISBN: 9783484181700
- Cleaning Excel Data with Power Query Straight to the PointAuthor: Oz du SoleilPublisher: Oz du Soleil ©2022ISBN: 9781615471492
- Cleaning Pakistan's Air : Policy Options to Address the Cost of Outdoor Air PollutionAuthor: Sánchez-Triana, Ernesto;Enriquez, Santiago;Afzal, Javaid;Nakagawa, Akiko;Khan, Asif ShujaPublisher: Sánchez-Triana, Ernesto;Enriquez, Santiago;Afzal, Javaid;Nakagawa, Akiko;Khan, Asif Shuja ©2018ISBN: 9781464802355
- Cleaning UpAuthor: ZuberiPublisher: Zuberi ©2021ISBN: 97808540454642 Concurrent Users
- Cleaning Up : How Hospital Outsourcing Is Hurting Workers and Endangering PatientsAuthor: Zuberi, DanPublisher: Zuberi, Dan ©2018ISBN: 9780801478963
- Cleaning up Sites Contaminated with Radioactive Materials : International Workshop ProceedingsAuthor: Robbins, Kelly;Parker, Frank L.;Schweitzer, Glenn E.Publisher: Robbins, Kelly;Parker, Frank L.;Schweitzer, Glenn E. ©2018ISBN: 9780309127615
- Cleaning up sites contaminated with radioactive materials: international workshop proceedingsAuthor: McNerney, Jerry;Cheek, MartinPublisher: McNerney, Jerry;Cheek, Martin ©2016ISBN: 9780814413722
- Cleaning Validation Manual : A Comprehensive Guide for the Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology IndustriesAuthor: Haider, Syed ImtiazPublisher: Haider, Syed Imtiaz ©2018ISBN: 9781439826607
- Cleaning Windows XP For DummiesAuthor: Allen WyattPublisher: Allen Wyatt ©2020ISBN: 9780764575495
- Cleaning with Solvents: Methods and MachineryAuthor: John DurkeePublisher: John Durkee ©2016ISBN: 9780814413722
- Cleaning with Solvents: Science and TechnologyAuthor: Hou, Michael Z.;Xie, Heping;Were, PatrickPublisher: Hou, Michael Z.;Xie, Heping;Were, Patrick ©2018ISBN: 9783642430961
- Cleanrooms : Facilities and PracticesAuthor: Kozicki, M.;Hoenig, S.;Robinson, P.Publisher: Kozicki, M.;Hoenig, S.;Robinson, P. ©2018ISBN: 9789401179522