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Showing books starting with the letter C (13451-13500 of 35943):
- Climate Dynamics
- Climate Dynamics
- Climate Dynamics : Why Does Climate Vary?
- Climate Dynamics of the Tropics, vol. 8
- Climate Energy Nexus, The
- Climate Ethics : Environmental Justice and Climate Change
- Climate Ethics : Essential Readings
- Climate Extremes and Their Implications for Impact and Risk Assessment
- Climate Finance : Regulatory and Funding Strategies for Climate Change and Global Development
- Climate Fix : What Scientists and Politicians Won't Tell You About Global Warming, The
- Climate for Creativity
- Climate Forcing of Geological Hazards
- Climate from Tree Rings
- Climate Geomorphology, vol. 8
- Climate Governance and Development : Berlin Workshop Series 2010
- Climate Governance at the Crossroads : Experimenting with a Global Response after Kyoto
- Climate Governance in the Arctic, vol. 50
- Climate Gradients and Biodiversity in Mountains of Italy
- Climate Impacts on Energy Systems : Key Issues for Energy Sector Adaptation
- Climate Impacts on Extreme Weather
- Climate Impacts on the Baltic Sea: From Science to Policy
- Climate in Asia and the Pacific, vol. 56
- Climate in Asia and the Pacific, vol. 56
- Climate in Historical Times : Towards a Synthesis of Holocene Proxy Data and Climate Models, The
- Climate in Human Perspective, vol. 15
- Climate in Motion
- Climate Intervention : Carbon Dioxide Removal and Reliable Sequestration
- Climate Intervention : Reflecting Sunlight to Cool Earth
- Climate Investing: New Strategies and Implementation Challenges
- Climate Justice and Geoengineering : Ethics and Policy in the Atmospheric Anthropocene
- Climate Justice vs. Klimaneoliberalismus?
- Climate Machines, Fascist Drives, and Truth
- Climate Modelling Primer, The
- Climate Observations
- Climate of Capitulation
- Climate of Extremes : Global Warming Science They Don't Want You to Know
- Climate of History in a Planetary Age, The
- Climate of Past Interglacials, The, vol. 7
- Climate of Southern California, The
- Climate of the Mediterranean Region, The
- Climate of the Romanian Carpathians
- Climate of the Southeast United States : Variability, Change, Impacts, and Vulnerability
- Climate Policy : Costs and Design
- Climate Policy and Nonrenewable Resources : The Green Paradox and Beyond
- Climate Policy Assessment
- Climate Policy Foundations : Science and Economics with Lessons from Monetary Regulation
- Climate Policy Options Post-2012 : European Strategy, Technology and Adaptation after Kyoto
- Climate Politics as Investment
- Climate Prediction and Agriculture
- Climate Preservation in Urban Communities Case Studies