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Showing books starting with the letter C (1351-1400 of 35943):
- Canadian Content
- Canadian Contributions to the Seventh International Congress of Slavists, Warsaw, August 21–27, 1973
- Canadian Counselling and Counselling Psychology in the 21st Century
- Canadian Counselling and Counselling Psychology in the 21st Century
- Canadian Criminal Justice History
- Canadian Crusoes
- Canadian Defence Industry in the New Global Environment
- Canadian Diaries and Autobiographies
- Canadian Diplomat, The
- Canadian Dreams and American Control
- Canadian Dualism
- Canadian Economic Forecasting
- Canadian Economic History
- Canadian Economic History
- Canadian Economic Policy and the Impact of International Capital Flows
- Canadian Economy, The
- Canadian Education
- Canadian Education : Governing Practices and Producing Subjects
- Canadian Energy Policy and the Struggle for Sustainable Development
- Canadian Environmental Philosophy
- Canadian Evangelicalism in the Twentieth Century
- Canadian Family Policies
- Canadian Federal Election of 2019, The
- Canadian Federal Election of 2021, The
- Canadian Federalism
- Canadian Federalist Experiment
- Canadian Film and Video
- Canadian Foreign Policy, 1955-1965
- Canadian Foreign Policy, 1966-1976
- Canadian Foreign Policy, 1977-1992
- Canadian Forest Policy
- Canadian Forest Policy : Adapting to Change
- Canadian Founding
- Canadian Fur Trade in the Industrial Age, The
- Canadian General Eelection of 1957, The
- Canadian Grain Trade 1931-1951, The
- Canadian Health Care and the State : A Century of Evolution
- Canadian Historical Review Index 1950-70
- Canadian Historical Review Index, 19, The
- Canadian History: A Reader's Guide
- Canadian History: a Reader's Guide
- Canadian Hockey Literature
- Canadian Horror Film
- Canadian House of Commons, The
- Canadian Idealism and the Philosophy of Freedom
- Canadian Inland Seas, vol. 44
- Canadian Institute of Food Science and Technology Journal
- Canadian Institute of Food Technology Journal
- Canadian Insurance Claims Directory 2018
- Canadian Intellectuals, the Tory Tradition, and the Challenge of Modernity, 1939-1970