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AB CDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter C (14251-14300 of 35943):
- Clinical Neurology and NeurosurgeryAuthor: Alfred KestenbaumPublisher: Alfred Kestenbaum ©2020ISBN: 9783030718374
- Clinical Neurology for PsychiatristsAuthor: Stratton, Charles;Laposata, MichaelPublisher: Stratton, Charles;Laposata, Michael ©2016ISBN: 9781936287192
- Clinical Neurology of AgingAuthor: AlbertPublisher: Albert ©2019ISBN: 9780195369298
- Clinical Neurology of the Older AdultAuthor: Thorne, Frederick C.Publisher: Thorne, Frederick C. ©2020ISBN: 9780781769471
- Clinical NeuropathologyAuthor: WellerPublisher: Weller ©2016ISBN: 9781447113379
- Clinical Neuropathology : Text and Color AtlasAuthor: Haberland, CatherinePublisher: Haberland, Catherine ©2018ISBN: 9781888799972
- Clinical NeurophysiologyAuthor: Daube, Jasper R.Publisher: Daube, Jasper R. ©2018ISBN: 9780195140804
- Clinical NeurophysiologyAuthor: Cocores, James A.Publisher: Cocores, James A. ©2020ISBN: 9783540640981
- Clinical NeurophysiologyAuthor: Daube, Jasper R.;Rubin, Devon I.Publisher: Daube, Jasper R.;Rubin, Devon I. ©2018ISBN: 9780195385113
- Clinical Neurophysiology at the Beginning of the 21st Century, 11th International Congress of Electromyography and Clinical Neurophysiology, vol. 53Author: Reimer Priv. Doz., Peter;Parizel, Paul M.;Stichnoth, Falko-A.Publisher: Reimer Priv. Doz., Peter;Parizel, Paul M.;Stichnoth, Falko-A. ©2016ISBN: 97835406409812 Concurrent Users
- Clinical Neurophysiology in Disorders of ConsciousnessAuthor: ChrysikopoulosPublisher: Chrysikopoulos ©2016ISBN: 9783709116333
- Clinical Neurophysiology in Pediatrics : A Practical Approach to Neurodiagnostic Testing and ManagementAuthor: Galloway, GloriaPublisher: Galloway, Gloria ©2018ISBN: 9781620700457
- Clinical Neurophysiology of Infancy, Childhood, and AdolescenceAuthor: Edgecombe, Kay;Bowden, MargaretPublisher: Edgecombe, Kay;Bowden, Margaret ©2016ISBN: 9783540856887
- Clinical Neurophysiology of Motor Neuron Diseases, vol. 4Author: Dismukes, William E.;Pappas, Peter G.;Sobel, Jack D.;Dismukes, William E.;Pappas, Peter G.;Sobel, Dr. Jack D.Publisher: Dismukes, William E.;Pappas, Peter G.;Sobel, Jack D.;Dismukes, William E.;Pappas, Peter G.;Sobel, Dr. Jack D. ©2016ISBN: 9780195148091
- Clinical Neurophysiology PracticeAuthor: Abramowitz, Jonathan S.Publisher: Abramowitz, Jonathan S. ©2020ISBN: 9783030701345
- Clinical Neurophysiology Primer, TheAuthor: Dismukes, William E.;Pappas, Peter G.;Sobel, Jack D.;Dismukes, William E.;Pappas, Peter G.;Sobel, Dr. Jack D.Publisher: Dismukes, William E.;Pappas, Peter G.;Sobel, Jack D.;Dismukes, William E.;Pappas, Peter G.;Sobel, Dr. Jack D. ©2016ISBN: 9780896039964
- Clinical Neurophysiology: Basis and Technical Aspects, vol. 160Author: Speroff, Leon;Darney, Philip D.Publisher: Speroff, Leon;Darney, Philip D. ©2019ISBN: 9789401590907
- Clinical Neurophysiology: Diseases and Disorders, vol. 161Author: Kuchuck, StevenPublisher: Kuchuck, Steven ©2019ISBN: 9780387848426
- Clinical Neurophysiology: EMG, Nerve Conduction and Evoked PotentialsAuthor: Colin D. Binnie, Raymond Cooper, F. Mauguiere, Clare J. Fowler, Pamela F. Prior and John W. OsseltonPublisher: Colin D. Binnie, Raymond Cooper, F. Mauguiere, Clare J. Fowler, Pamela F. Prior and John W. Osselton ©2016ISBN: 9780387848426
- Clinical Neuropsychiatry of Multiple Sclerosis, TheAuthor: Feinstein, AnthonyPublisher: Feinstein, Anthony ©2018ISBN: 9780521852340
- Clinical Neuropsychological Foundations of SchizophreniaAuthor: Marcopulos, Bernice A.;Kurtz, Matthew M.Publisher: Marcopulos, Bernice A.;Kurtz, Matthew M. ©2018ISBN: 9781848728776
- Clinical Neuropsychology : A Practical Guide to Assessment and Management for CliniciansAuthor: Goldstein, Laura H.;McNeil, Jane E.Publisher: Goldstein, Laura H.;McNeil, Jane E. ©2018ISBN: 97804706837125 Concurrent Users
- Clinical Neuropsychology : A Practical Guide to Assessment and Management for CliniciansAuthor: Goldstein, Laura H.Publisher: Goldstein, Laura H. ©2022ISBN: 9780470683712
- Clinical neuropsychology and brain function: Research, measurement, and practiceAuthor: Boll, ThomasPublisher: Boll, Thomas ©2017ISBN: 9781557980380
- Clinical Neuropsychology of EmotionAuthor: Suchy, Yana;Bauer, Russell M.Publisher: Suchy, Yana;Bauer, Russell M. ©2018ISBN: 9781609180720
- Clinical Neuropsychology of InterventionAuthor: Camp-Sorrell, Dawn;Hawkins, Rebecca A.Publisher: Camp-Sorrell, Dawn;Hawkins, Rebecca A. ©2016ISBN: 9781461294122
- Clinical neuropsychology: A pocket handbook for assessmentAuthor: Snyder, Peter J.Publisher: Snyder, Peter J. ©2021ISBN: 9781591472834
- Clinical neuropsychology: A pocket handbook for assessment., 2nd edAuthor: Snyder, Peter J.Publisher: Snyder, Peter J. ©2017ISBN: 9781591472834
- Clinical neuropsychology: A pocket handbook for assessment., 3rd edAuthor: Parsons, Michael W.Publisher: Parsons, Michael W. ©2017ISBN: 9781433816871
- Clinical neuropsychology: A pocket handbook for assessment., 4th edAuthor: Parsons, Michael W.Publisher: Parsons, Michael W. ©2024ISBN: 9781433837852Requires Adobe Digital Editions to access. Download at
- Clinical Neuropsychology: Behavioral and Brain ScienceAuthor: John L. Bradshaw and Jason B. MattingleyPublisher: John L. Bradshaw and Jason B. Mattingley ©2016ISBN: 9780387366005
- Clinical Neuroradiology : A Case-Based ApproachAuthor: Hathout, Gasser M.;Ferguson, TanyaPublisher: Hathout, Gasser M.;Ferguson, Tanya ©2018ISBN: 9780521600545
- Clinical NeuroscienceAuthor: Paul JohnsPublisher: Paul Johns ©2017ISBN: 9780824719913
- Clinical Neuroscience ResearchAuthor: Michael Shacklock, M.App.Sc, Dip. Physio.Publisher: Michael Shacklock, M.App.Sc, Dip. Physio. ©2020ISBN: 9781585624416
- Clinical Neurotechnology meets Artificial IntelligenceAuthor: DonkelaarPublisher: Donkelaar ©2021ISBN: 9783030645892
- Clinical NeurotherapyAuthor: ten DonkelaarPublisher: ten Donkelaar ©2016ISBN: 9783642546860
- Clinical NeurotoxicologyAuthor: Stiles, M. Alan;Mitrirattanakul, Somsak;Evans, JamesPublisher: Stiles, M. Alan;Mitrirattanakul, Somsak;Evans, James ©2016ISBN: 9781842142530
- Clinical Nuclear CardiologyAuthor: Plural Publishing, IncorporatedPublisher: Plural Publishing, Incorporated ©2016ISBN: 9781597563543
- Clinical Nuclear MedicineAuthor: Sandy Fritz, MS, NCTMB, Leon Chaitow, ND, DO, and Glenn M. Hymel, EdD, LMTPublisher: Sandy Fritz, MS, NCTMB, Leon Chaitow, ND, DO, and Glenn M. Hymel, EdD, LMT ©2016ISBN: 9783540280255
- Clinical Nuclear MedicineAuthor: Kao, Daniel W. K.Publisher: Kao, Daniel W. K. ©2016ISBN: 9780412279003
- Clinical Nuclear MedicineAuthor: Amparo Gutierrez,Jahangir Moini andNicholas AvgeropoulosPublisher: Amparo Gutierrez,Jahangir Moini andNicholas Avgeropoulos ©2016ISBN: 9780412751806
- Clinical Nurse Specialist Role and PracticeAuthor: Mulligan, Reinhild;Van der Linden, Martial;Juillerat, Anne-ClaudePublisher: Mulligan, Reinhild;Van der Linden, Martial;Juillerat, Anne-Claude ©2021ISBN: 9783319971025
- Clinical Nurse Specialist Toolkit : A Guide for the New Clinical Nurse SpecialistAuthor: Duffy, Melanie, MSN, RN, CCRN, CCNS;Dresser, Susan, MSN, APRN-BC CCRN;Fulton, Janet S., PhD, RN, ACNS-BC, ANEF, FCNS, FAANPublisher: Duffy, Melanie, MSN, RN, CCRN, CCNS;Dresser, Susan, MSN, APRN-BC CCRN;Fulton, Janet S., PhD, RN, ACNS-BC, ANEF, FCNS, FAAN ©2018ISBN: 9780826171917
- Clinical Nurse Specialist Toolkit : A Guide for the New Clinical Nurse SpecialistAuthor: Duffy, Melanie;Dresser, Susan;Fulton, Janet S.Publisher: Duffy, Melanie;Dresser, Susan;Fulton, Janet S. ©2018ISBN: 9780826118356
- Clinical NutritionAuthor: BerkowitzPublisher: Berkowitz ©2016ISBN: 9781260453362
- Clinical NutritionAuthor: Simon, Roger P.;Aminoff, Michael J.;Greenberg, David A.Publisher: Simon, Roger P.;Aminoff, Michael J.;Greenberg, David A. ©2020ISBN: 9780071546447
- Clinical NutritionAuthor: Elia, MarinosPublisher: Elia, Marinos ©2018ISBN: 9781405168106
- Clinical Nutrition ESPENAuthor: BerkowitzPublisher: Berkowitz ©2020ISBN: 9781259834400
- Clinical Nutrition ESPENAuthor: BerkowitzPublisher: Berkowitz ©2023ISBN: 9781259834400
- Clinical Nutrition ExperimentalAuthor: Aaron L. Berkowitz.Publisher: Aaron L. Berkowitz. ©2020ISBN: 9781260453362