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AB CDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter C (15001-15050 of 35943):
- Clouds, Chemistry and ClimateAuthor: Crutzen, Paul J.;Ramanathan, VeerabhadranPublisher: Crutzen, Paul J.;Ramanathan, Veerabhadran ©2018ISBN: 9783642646720
- CloveAuthor: FehlingPublisher: Fehling ©2022ISBN: 97836426387945 Concurrent Users
- Clovis RevisitedAuthor: BoldurianPublisher: Boldurian ©2021ISBN: 9780924171680
- Clownsmasken im FilmAuthor: AugustinPublisher: Augustin ©2020ISBN: 9783709115671
- Clozapine Handbook: Stahl's Handbooks, TheAuthor: MeyerPublisher: Meyer ©2021ISBN: 9781108447461
- Club RedAuthor: KoenkerPublisher: Koenker ©2021ISBN: 9789390684892
- Club, TheAuthor: DamroschPublisher: Damrosch ©2020ISBN: 9789355511232
- Clueless in AcademeAuthor: GraffPublisher: Graff ©2020ISBN: 9781617294297
- Clueless in Academe : How Schooling Obscures the Life of the MindAuthor: Graff, GeraldPublisher: Graff, Gerald ©2018ISBN: 9780300105148
- Cluetrain Manifesto, Tenth Anniversary Edition, TheAuthor: Rick Levine,Christopher Locke,Doc Searls,David WeinbergerPublisher: Rick Levine,Christopher Locke,Doc Searls,David Weinberger ©2019ISBN: 9780465018659
- Clumsy Floodplains : Responsive Land Policy for Extreme FloodsAuthor: Hartmann, ThomasPublisher: Hartmann, Thomas ©2018ISBN: 9781409418450
- Cluny and the Muslims of La Garde-FreinetAuthor: BrucePublisher: Bruce ©2021ISBN: 9789355519603Requires Adobe Digital Editions to access. Download at
- Clusia, vol. 194Author: Chris Binnie,Rory McCunePublisher: Chris Binnie,Rory McCune ©2016ISBN: 9783540372424
- Cluster Active Archive, TheAuthor: Thomas VitalePublisher: Thomas Vitale ©2016ISBN: 9789048134984
- Cluster AnalysisAuthor: Aldenderfer, Mark S.;Blashfield, Roger K.Publisher: Aldenderfer, Mark S.;Blashfield, Roger K. ©2018ISBN: 9780803923768
- Cluster Analysis and Data Mining: An IntroductionAuthor: R.S. KingPublisher: R.S. King ©2019ISBN: 9781938549380
- Cluster Analysis for ApplicationsAuthor: Michael R. AnderbergPublisher: Michael R. Anderberg ©2016ISBN: 9781633439597
- Cluster Analysis for Corpus LinguisticsAuthor: MoislPublisher: Moisl ©2021ISBN: 9783110350258
- Cluster Analysis for Data Mining and System IdentificationAuthor: AbonyiPublisher: Abonyi ©2016ISBN: 9783764379872
- Cluster Analysis in Neuropsychological ResearchAuthor: Shoukathali C K,Shelesh Chopra,Gururaj KulkarniPublisher: Shoukathali C K,Shelesh Chopra,Gururaj Kulkarni ©2016ISBN: 9781461467434
- Cluster Analysis, vol. 100Author: OdellPublisher: Odell ©2016ISBN: 9783540069546
- Cluster Analysis, vol. 44Author: AldenderferPublisher: Aldenderfer ©2021ISBN: 9780803923768
- Cluster and Classification Techniques for the BiosciencesAuthor: Fielding, Alan H.Publisher: Fielding, Alan H. ©2018ISBN: 9780521852814
- Cluster and Phoenix MissionsAuthor: Escoubet, C.P.;Russell, C.T.;Schmidt, R.Publisher: Escoubet, C.P.;Russell, C.T.;Schmidt, R. ©2018ISBN: 9789401063890
- Cluster Beam Deposition of Functional Nanomaterials and Devices, vol. 15Author: Sumner Blount,Rob ZanellaPublisher: Sumner Blount,Rob Zanella ©2020ISBN: 9781849280907
- Cluster Beam Synthesis of Nanostructured MaterialsAuthor: MilaniPublisher: Milani ©2016ISBN: 9783642641732
- Cluster Computing For Robotics And Computer VisionAuthor: Damian M LyonsPublisher: Damian M Lyons ©2018ISBN: 9789812836359
- Cluster Effects in Mining Complex DataAuthor: Ishaq Bhatti , M.Publisher: Ishaq Bhatti , M. ©2018ISBN: 9781613244821
- Cluster HeadacheAuthor: Marvin WaschkePublisher: Marvin Waschke ©2016ISBN: 9789401178242
- Cluster HeadacheAuthor: Mathew, Ninan T.Publisher: Mathew, Ninan T. ©2018ISBN: 9789401178242
- Cluster Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry : Principles and ApplicationsAuthor: Mahoney, Christine M.Publisher: Mahoney, Christine M. ©2018ISBN: 9780470886052
- Cluster SetsAuthor: Ahlfors, L. V.;Baer, R.;Bauer, F. L.Publisher: Ahlfors, L. V.;Baer, R.;Bauer, F. L. ©2018ISBN: 9783540025160
- Cluster Sets, vol. 28Author: NoshiroPublisher: Noshiro ©2016ISBN: 9783540025160
- Cluster Systems Management Cookbook for pSeriesAuthor: Dino Quintero,et al.Publisher: Dino Quintero,et al. ©2019ISBN: 9780738490991
- Cluster- und Innovationsdynamik in EuropaAuthor: Aaron Wheeler,Michael WinburnPublisher: Aaron Wheeler,Michael Winburn ©2020ISBN: 9783828205444
- Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trials in the Evaluation of Complex InterventionsAuthor: Malmberg-HeimonenPublisher: Malmberg-Heimonen ©2019ISBN: 9781469090832
- ClusteranalyseAuthor: SteinhausenPublisher: Steinhausen ©2021ISBN: 9783110070545
- ClusteranalyseAuthor: BacherPublisher: Bacher ©2021ISBN: 9783486584578
- Clusteranalyse mit SPSSAuthor: SchenderaPublisher: Schendera ©2021ISBN: 97834865869162 Concurrent Users
- Clustered Bar ChartAuthor: KirkPublisher: Kirk ©2021ISBN: 9781555708788
- ClusteringAuthor: Rui Xu,Don WunschPublisher: Rui Xu,Don Wunsch ©2020ISBN: 9780470276808
- Clustering Aspects of Nuclear StructureAuthor: Mitchell, Erik T.Publisher: Mitchell, Erik T. ©2016ISBN: 9789401088688
- Clustering Aspects Of Quantum Many-body Systems, Proceedings Of The International Symposium On Post-symposium Of Ykis01Author: Naoyuki Itagaki;Y Kanada-en'yo;K Kato;Akira OhnishiPublisher: Naoyuki Itagaki;Y Kanada-en'yo;K Kato;Akira Ohnishi ©2018ISBN: 9789810249342
- Clustering Challenges In Biological NetworksAuthor: W Art Chaovalitwongse;Sergiy Butenko;Panos M PardalosPublisher: W Art Chaovalitwongse;Sergiy Butenko;Panos M Pardalos ©2018ISBN: 9789812771650
- Clustering Dynamics and the Location of High-Tech-FirmsAuthor: MaggioniPublisher: Maggioni ©2016ISBN: 9783790814316
- Clustering for 21st century prosperity: summary of a symposiumAuthor: GaoPublisher: Gao ©2016ISBN: 9781402082757
- Clustering Methodology for Symbolic DataAuthor: Lynne Billard,Edwin DidayPublisher: Lynne Billard,Edwin Diday ©2022ISBN: 9780470713938
- Clustering of Health-Related Behaviors: Examining the Co-Occurrence of Dieting and Other Risky Behaviors Among Girls Using Secondary Data From the COMPASS StudyAuthor: RaffoulPublisher: Raffoul ©2020ISBN: 9780262012874
- Clustering Windows Servers: A Road Map for Enterprise SolutionsAuthor: Gary Mauler,Milton BeebePublisher: Gary Mauler,Milton Beebe ©2020ISBN: 9781555582531
- Clustering-Based Support for Software Architecture RestructuringAuthor: StreekmannPublisher: Streekmann ©2016ISBN: 9783834819536