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Showing books starting with the letter C (15401-15450 of 35943):
- Coal-Fired Power Generation Handbook
- Coal-Mining Safety in the Progressive Period : The Political Economy of Reform
- Coal: energy for the future
- Coal: its Role in Tomorrow's Technology
- Coal: research and development to support national energy policy
- Coalbed Methane: Scientific, Environmental and Economic Evaluation
- Coalbed Natural Gas: Energy and Environment : Energy and Environment
- Coalgebraic Methods in Computer Science, vol. 7399
- Coalgebraic Methods in Computer Science, vol. 8446
- Coalition and Connection in Games
- Coalition and Connection in Games : Problems of Modern Game Theory Using Methods Belonging to Systems Theory and Information Theory
- Coalition Bargaining
- Coalition Behaviour in Modern Thai Politics
- Coalition Challenges in Afghanistan
- Coalition Formation by Sophisticated Players, vol. 169
- Coalition Formation, vol. 24
- Coalition Government and Social Policy, The
- Coalition Politics and the Iraq War
- Coalition Politics and the Iraq War
- Coalitions across the Class Divide
- Coalitions and Political Movements
- Coalitions and Political Movements
- Coalitions in Collision
- Coalitions in Parliamentary Government
- Coalitions of the Well-being: How Electoral Rules and Ethnic Politics Shape Health Policy in Developing Countries
- Coarse Geometry and Randomness, vol. 2100
- Coarse Grained Simulation and Turbulent Mixing
- Coarse-Grained Modelling of DNA and DNA Self-Assembly
- Coarse-to-Fine Natural Language Processing
- Coasean Economics Law and Economics and the New Institutional Economics, vol. 60
- Coast : A History of the New South Wales Edge
- Coast Lines
- Coastal Acoustic Tomography
- Coastal Altimetry
- Coastal Altimetry
- Coastal and Estuarine Fine Sediment Processes, vol. 3
- Coastal and Estuarine Management
- Coastal and Marine Geo-Information Systems, vol. 4
- Coastal and Marine Geospatial Technologies, vol. 13
- Coastal and Marine Hazards, Risks, and Disasters
- Coastal And Ocean Engineering Practice
- Coastal Cliffs: Morphology and Management
- Coastal Conservation
- Coastal Conservation And Management, vol. 13
- Coastal Cultures of the Long Nineteenth Century
- Coastal Cultures of the Long Nineteenth Century
- Coastal Demes of Attika
- Coastal Disasters and Climate Change in Vietnam
- Coastal Dunes, vol. 171
- Coastal Dynamics 2005