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AB CDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter C (16151-16200 of 35943):
- Cognitive Neuroscience of Memory ConsolidationAuthor: Axmacher, Nikolai;Rasch, BjöPublisher: Axmacher, Nikolai;Rasch, Bjö ©2018ISBN: 9783319450643
- Cognitive Neuroscience of Memory, TheAuthor: EichenbaumPublisher: Eichenbaum ©2017ISBN: 9780199778614
- Cognitive Neuroscience of Memory, TheAuthor: EichenbaumPublisher: Eichenbaum ©2018ISBN: 9780198032465
- Cognitive Neuroscience of Metacognition, TheAuthor: WhitesmithPublisher: Whitesmith ©2016ISBN: 9783642451898
- Cognitive Neuroscience of Mind, TheAuthor: KonarPublisher: Konar ©2018ISBN: 9780262014014
- Cognitive Neuroscience of Music, TheAuthor: PeretzPublisher: Peretz ©2017ISBN: 97801985252025 Concurrent Users
- Cognitive Neuroscience of Working Memory, TheAuthor: OsakaPublisher: Osaka ©2017ISBN: 9780198570394
- Cognitive Neuroscience, Development, and PsychopathologyAuthor: BurackPublisher: Burack ©2017ISBN: 9780195315455
- Cognitive Neurosciences III, TheAuthor: Gazzaniga, Michael S.Publisher: Gazzaniga, Michael S. ©2018ISBN: 9780262072540
- Cognitive Neurosciences, TheAuthor: Smith, Aaron C. T.Publisher: Smith, Aaron C. T. ©2023ISBN: 9780262013413
- Cognitive Neurosciences, TheAuthor: Wenzel, AmyPublisher: Wenzel, Amy ©2023ISBN: 9780262027779
- Cognitive Neurosciences, TheAuthor: Buccafusco, Jerry J.Publisher: Buccafusco, Jerry J. ©2023ISBN: 9780262043250Requires Adobe Digital Editions to access. Download at
- Cognitive Paths into the Slavic DomainAuthor: WangPublisher: Wang ©2019ISBN: 9783110196207
- Cognitive Pearls in General SurgeryAuthor: MakerPublisher: Maker ©2016ISBN: 9781493918492
- Cognitive Penetrability of Perception, TheAuthor: ZeimbekisPublisher: Zeimbekis ©2017ISBN: 9780198738916
- Cognitive Perspectives on BilingualismAuthor: WynnPublisher: Wynn ©2021ISBN: 9781614515852
- Cognitive Perspectives on Emotion and MotivationAuthor: Hamilton, Vernon;Bower, Gordon H.;Frijda, Nico H.Publisher: Hamilton, Vernon;Bower, Gordon H.;Frijda, Nico H. ©2018ISBN: 9789401077569
- Cognitive Perspectives on Emotion and Motivation, vol. 44Author: Giere, Ronald N.Publisher: Giere, Ronald N. ©2016ISBN: 9789401077569
- Cognitive Perspectives on Word FormationAuthor: EmrePublisher: Emre ©2021ISBN: 9783110223590
- Cognitive PhenomenologyAuthor: BaynePublisher: Bayne ©2017ISBN: 9780199579938
- Cognitive Phonology in Construction GrammarAuthor: Välimaa-BlumPublisher: Välimaa-Blum ©2019ISBN: 9783110186086
- Cognitive Plasticity in Neurologic DisordersAuthor: TracyPublisher: Tracy ©2019ISBN: 9780199965243
- Cognitive PluralismAuthor: HorstPublisher: Horst ©2018ISBN: 9780262034234
- Cognitive PoeticsAuthor: Mahmoud, QusayPublisher: Mahmoud, Qusay ©2021ISBN: 9783110205602
- Cognitive PragmaticsAuthor: BaraPublisher: Bara ©2017ISBN: 9780262014113
- Cognitive PragmaticsAuthor: CappaPublisher: Cappa ©2021ISBN: 9783110214208
- Cognitive PragmaticsAuthor: MazzonePublisher: Mazzone ©2019ISBN: 9781501516122
- Cognitive Processes and Spatial Orientation in Animal and Man : Volume I Experimental Animal Psychology and EthologyAuthor: Ellen, Paul;Thinus-Blanc, CatherinePublisher: Ellen, Paul;Thinus-Blanc, Catherine ©2018ISBN: 9789401080781
- Cognitive Processes and Spatial Orientation in Animal and Man, vol. 36Author: McNamaraPublisher: McNamara ©2016ISBN: 9789401080781
- Cognitive Processes in Eye GuidanceAuthor: UnderwoodPublisher: Underwood ©2017ISBN: 9780198566816
- Cognitive Processes in the Perception of Art, vol. 19Author: Margolin, David IraPublisher: Margolin, David Ira ©2017ISBN: 9780444893024
- Cognitive Processes in WritingAuthor: Gregg, Lee W.;Steinberg, Erwin R.Publisher: Gregg, Lee W.;Steinberg, Erwin R. ©2018ISBN: 9781138641815
- Cognitive Processes of Nonhuman PrimatesAuthor: Tryon, WarrenPublisher: Tryon, Warren ©2016ISBN: 9780124200715
- Cognitive Processes of Nonhuman PrimatesAuthor: Jarrard, LeonardPublisher: Jarrard, Leonard ©2018ISBN: 9780123808509
- Cognitive Processing in Bilinguals, vol. 83Author: CabezaPublisher: Cabeza ©2017ISBN: 9780195156744
- Cognitive Processing in the Right HemisphereAuthor: Cabeza, Roberto;Nyberg, Lars;Park, DenisePublisher: Cabeza, Roberto;Nyberg, Lars;Park, Denise ©2016ISBN: 9780195156744
- Cognitive ProsthethicsAuthor: Maxime DerianPublisher: Maxime Derian ©2018ISBN: 9781609189853
- Cognitive PsychologyAuthor: Coxon, MatthewPublisher: Coxon, Matthew ©2018ISBN: 9780857258359
- Cognitive PsychologyAuthor: BrownPublisher: Brown ©2016ISBN: 9781412918398
- Cognitive PsychologyAuthor: Lane, Richard D.;Nadel, LynnPublisher: Lane, Richard D.;Nadel, Lynn ©2020ISBN: 97801951188892 Concurrent Users
- Cognitive Psychology and Reading in the U.S.S.R, vol. 49Author: Kemmerer, DavidPublisher: Kemmerer, David ©2017ISBN: 9781848726208
- Cognitive Psychology of Knowledge, The, vol. 101Author: Eichenbaum, HowardPublisher: Eichenbaum, Howard ©2017ISBN: 9780195141740
- Cognitive Psychology of Planning, TheAuthor: Morris, Robin;Ward, GeoffPublisher: Morris, Robin;Ward, Geoff ©2018ISBN: 9781841693330
- Cognitive Psychology of Proper Names, TheAuthor: Bredart, Serge;Brennen, Tim;Valentine, TimPublisher: Bredart, Serge;Brennen, Tim;Valentine, Tim ©2018ISBN: 9780415135450
- Cognitive Psychology Research DevelopmentsAuthor: Weingarten, Stella P.;Penat, Helena O.Publisher: Weingarten, Stella P.;Penat, Helena O. ©2018ISBN: 9781606921975
- Cognitive PsychotherapyAuthor: Reuter-Lorenz, Patricia A.;Baynes, Kathleen;Mangun, George R.;Phelps, Elizabeth A.;Kutas, Marta;Glickstein, Mitchell;Berlucchi, Giovanni;Hillyard, Steven A.;Kosslyn, Stephen M.;Funnell, Margaret G.Publisher: Reuter-Lorenz, Patricia A.;Baynes, Kathleen;Mangun, George R.;Phelps, Elizabeth A.;Kutas, Marta;Glickstein, Mitchell;Berlucchi, Giovanni;Hillyard, Steven A.;Kosslyn, Stephen M.;Funnell, Margaret G. ©2016ISBN: 9783642733956
- Cognitive Psychotherapy Toward a New MillenniumAuthor: Reuter-Lorenz, Patricia A.;Baynes, Kathleen;Mangun, George R.;Phelps, Elizabeth A.;Kutas, Marta;Glickstein, Mitchell;Berlucchi, Giovanni;Hillyard, Steven A.;Kosslyn, Stephen M.;Funnell, Margaret G.Publisher: Reuter-Lorenz, Patricia A.;Baynes, Kathleen;Mangun, George R.;Phelps, Elizabeth A.;Kutas, Marta;Glickstein, Mitchell;Berlucchi, Giovanni;Hillyard, Steven A.;Kosslyn, Stephen M.;Funnell, Margaret G. ©2016ISBN: 9781461351351
- Cognitive Radar: the Knowledge-Aided Fully Adaptive ApproachAuthor: Guerci, Joseph R.Publisher: Guerci, Joseph R. ©2018ISBN: 9781596933644
- Cognitive Radio and Dynamic Spectrum AccessAuthor: Berlemann, Lars;Mangold, StefanPublisher: Berlemann, Lars;Mangold, Stefan ©2018ISBN: 9780470511671
- Cognitive Radio and its Application for Next Generation Cellular and Wireless Networks, vol. 116Author: OsakaPublisher: Osaka ©2016ISBN: 9789400718265