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Showing books starting with the letter C (4301-4350 of 35943):
- Categorical Data Analysis Using SAS, Third Edition
- Categorical Data Analysis Using the SAS System, 2nd Edition
- Categorical Decomposition Techniques in Algebraic Topology, vol. 215
- Categorical Impulse, The
- Categorical Impulse, The
- Categorical logic and type theory, vol. 141
- Categorical Perspectives
- Categorical Quantum Models and Logics
- Categorical Structure of Closure Operators : With Applications to Topology, Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
- Categorical Structures And Their Applications - Proceedings Of The North-west European Category Seminar
- Categorical Topology, vol. 540
- Categorical Topology, vol. 719
- Categorical Variables
- Categorical Variables in Developmental Research
- Categorical versus Dimensional Models of Affect : A seminar on the theories of Panksepp and Russell
- Categorically Famous
- Categories
- Categories
- Categories and Commutative Algebra : Lectures Given at a Summer School of the Centro Internazionale Matematico Estivo , Italy, September 12-21,1971
- Categories and Commutative Algebra, vol. 58
- Categories and Concepts
- Categories and Sheaves, vol. 332
- Categories and Types in Logic, Language, and Physics, vol. 8222
- Categories for Software Engineering
- Categories for the Working Mathematician
- Categories in Context
- Categories in Text and Talk: A Practical Introduction to Categorization Analysis
- Categories in Use, vol. 47
- Categories of Algebraic Systems, vol. 553
- Categories of Human Learning
- Categories We Live By
- Categories, Allegories, vol. 39
- Categorization and Differentiation
- Categorization and Naming in Children
- Categorization by Humans and Machines, vol. 29
- Categorization in Social Psychology
- Categorization inside and outside the laboratory: Essays in honor of Douglas L. Medin
- Categorizing Cognition : Toward Conceptual Coherence in the Foundations of Psychology
- Categorizing Sound
- Category 5 : The Story of Camille, Lessons Unlearned from America's Most Violent Hurricane
- Category Creation: How to Build a Brand that Customers, Employees, and Investors Will Love
- Category Creation: How to Build a Brand that Customers, Employees, and Investors will Love
- Category Formation and the History of Religions
- Category formation and the history of religions
- Category Management In Purchasing: A Strategic Approach To Maximize Business Profitability
- Category Management in Purchasing: A Strategic Approach to Maximize Business Profitability, Fifth Edition
- Category Management in Purchasing: A Strategic Approach to Maximize Business Profitability, Fourth Edition
- Category Management in Purchasing: A Strategic Approach to Maximize Business Profitability, Second Edition
- Category of Person in Language, The
- Category Seminar, vol. 420