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ABC DEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter D (5051-5100 of 28998):
- Decentralized Systems with Design ConstraintsAuthor: MahmoudPublisher: Mahmoud ©2016ISBN: 9780857292896
- Decentralized/Distributed Control and Dynamic Systems, Part 1 of 3, vol. 22Author: Fay, Marianne;Vogt-Schilb, Adrien;Rozenberg, Julie;Narloch, Ulf;Kerr, Tom;Hallegatte, StephanePublisher: Fay, Marianne;Vogt-Schilb, Adrien;Rozenberg, Julie;Narloch, Ulf;Kerr, Tom;Hallegatte, Stephane ©2016ISBN: 9781464804793
- Decentralized/Distributed Control and Dynamic Systems, Part 2 of 3, vol. 23Author: Alan McKinnonPublisher: Alan McKinnon ©2016ISBN: 9780120127238
- Decentralized/Distributed Control and Dynamic Systems, Part 3 of 3, vol. 24Author: Trautmann, Nancy M.;The Environmental Inquiry TeamPublisher: Trautmann, Nancy M.;The Environmental Inquiry Team ©2016ISBN: 9780873552073
- Decentralizing Finance: How DeFi, Digital Assets and Distributed Ledger Technology Are Transforming FinanceAuthor: Kenneth BokPublisher: Kenneth Bok ©2024ISBN: 9781663735416
- Decentralizing Health ServicesAuthor: Markowitz, Gerald;Rosner, DavidPublisher: Markowitz, Gerald;Rosner, David ©2016ISBN: 9781461490708
- Decentring and Diversifying Southeast Asian StudiesAuthor: Robert L. Turknett,Carolyn N. TurknettPublisher: Robert L. Turknett,Carolyn N. Turknett ©2020ISBN: 9780891062066
- Decentring the RenaissanceAuthor: da CunhaPublisher: da Cunha ©2020ISBN: 9780415943505
- DeceptionAuthor: Marar, ZiyadPublisher: Marar, Ziyad ©2018ISBN: 9781844651511
- DeceptionAuthor: Karabenick, Stuart;Urdan, Tim;Karabenick, Stuart ;Urdan, Timothy C.Publisher: Karabenick, Stuart;Urdan, Tim;Karabenick, Stuart ;Urdan, Timothy C. ©2022ISBN: 9780857242532
- Deception and Abuse at the FedAuthor: AuerbachPublisher: Auerbach ©2021ISBN: 9781118771099
- Deception and the Powerful Research Subject: Uncovering Neo-Liberal Corruption in Post-War IraqAuthor: WhytePublisher: Whyte ©2019ISBN: 9780520275829
- Deception in the Digital AgeAuthor: Cameron H. Malin, Terry Gudaitis, Thomas Holt and Max KilgerPublisher: Cameron H. Malin, Terry Gudaitis, Thomas Holt and Max Kilger ©2018ISBN: 9783319093086
- Déchets nucléaires : où est le problème ?Author: Geoffrey Brewer,Barb SanfordPublisher: Geoffrey Brewer,Barb Sanford ©2021ISBN: 9781402033575
- Decide and Conquer: 44 Decisions That Will Make or Break All LeadersAuthor: David SiegelPublisher: David Siegel ©2022ISBN: 9781400230877
- Decide and Conquer: 44 Decisions That Will Make or Break All LeadersAuthor: David SiegelPublisher: David Siegel ©2022ISBN: 9781400230891
- Decide: Better Ways of Making Better DecisionsAuthor: David WetheyPublisher: David Wethey ©2020ISBN: 9780749466299
- Decide: Work Smarter, Reduce Your Stress, and Lead by ExampleAuthor: Steve McClatchyPublisher: Steve McClatchy ©2019ISBN: 97811185543885 Concurrent Users
- Deciding Factor: The Power of Analytics to Make Every Decision a Winner, TheAuthor: Larry Rosenberger,John Nash,Ann GrahamPublisher: Larry Rosenberger,John Nash,Ann Graham ©2019ISBN: 9780470398197
- Deciding on MethodsAuthor: FlickPublisher: Flick ©2021ISBN: 9783319155050
- Deciding to InterveneAuthor: Robert L. Turknett,Carolyn N. TurknettPublisher: Robert L. Turknett,Carolyn N. Turknett ©2021ISBN: 9780891062066
- Deciding to InterveneAuthor: ChooPublisher: Choo ©2021ISBN: 9780822317890
- Deciding What’s TrueAuthor: GravesPublisher: Graves ©2020ISBN: 9781461378037
- Deciding with Children in PediatricsAuthor: Ramdeholl, DiannePublisher: Ramdeholl, Dianne ©2024ISBN: 9781118771099
- Deciding with Children in PediatricsAuthor: ChooPublisher: Choo ©2024ISBN: 9783110691665
- Decimal System for Classifying Data Pertaining to the Petroleum IndustryAuthor: UrenPublisher: Uren ©2021ISBN: 9784431408352
- Deciphering GrowthAuthor: RubinPublisher: Rubin ©2016ISBN: 9783540261926
- Deciphering Motivation in PsychotherapyAuthor: AllenPublisher: Allen ©2016ISBN: 9781468458916
- Deciphering Southern Thailand's ViolenceAuthor: HelbardtPublisher: Helbardt ©2020ISBN: 9781608768356
- Deciphering the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea: A Case Study in Source TriangulationAuthor: TanPublisher: Tan ©2019ISBN: 9789400745988
- Deciphering The Virtual Data CenterAuthor: Andrew Bartley,Rich ElkinsPublisher: Andrew Bartley,Rich Elkins ©2020ISBN: 9789048127023
- Decision Aid Models for Disaster Management and Emergencies, vol. 7Author: VermeulenPublisher: Vermeulen ©2016ISBN: 9789491216732Requires Adobe Digital Editions to access. Download at
- Decision Aids for Selection ProblemsAuthor: OlsonPublisher: Olson ©2016ISBN: 9781461284598
- Decision Algorithms for Emergency NeurologyAuthor: Vermeulen, Bart;Goossens, KeesPublisher: Vermeulen, Bart;Goossens, Kees ©2021ISBN: 9783030512750
- Decision Analysis for Healthcare ManagersAuthor: Farrokh Alemi,David H. GustafsonPublisher: Farrokh Alemi,David H. Gustafson ©2019ISBN: 9781567932560
- Decision Analysis in E and PAuthor: Koch, FrankPublisher: Koch, Frank ©2018ISBN: 9780821395899
- Decision Analytics JournalAuthor: Vrancx, PeterPublisher: Vrancx, Peter ©2021ISBN: 9780415676250
- Decision and Control in Uncertain Resource Systems, vol. 172Author: GhatakPublisher: Ghatak ©2016ISBN: 9781461378037
- Decision and Discrete MathematicsAuthor: I. HardwickPublisher: I. Hardwick ©2017ISBN: 9784431408352
- Decision and Game Theory for Security, vol. 6442Author: Couttolenc, Bernard FPublisher: Couttolenc, Bernard F ©2016ISBN: 9783642171963
- Decision and Game Theory for Security, vol. 7037Author: Alexander, Joseph K.;Fellows, Jack D.Publisher: Alexander, Joseph K.;Fellows, Jack D. ©2016ISBN: 9783642252792
- Decision and Game Theory for Security, vol. 7638Author: Liu, Ning RongPublisher: Liu, Ning Rong ©2016ISBN: 9783642342653
- Decision and Game Theory for Security, vol. 8252Author: BokoPublisher: Boko ©2016ISBN: 9783319027852
- Decision and Game Theory for Security, vol. 8840Author: Saltman, Richard;Bankauskaite, Vaida;Vrangbaek, KarstenPublisher: Saltman, Richard;Bankauskaite, Vaida;Vrangbaek, Karsten ©2016ISBN: 9783319126005
- Decision and Game Theory for Security, vol. 9406Author: LambrightPublisher: Lambright ©2016ISBN: 9783319255934
- Decision and Game Theory in Management With Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, vol. 308Author: LiPublisher: Li ©2016ISBN: 9783642407116
- Decision Assessment and Counseling in Abortion Care : Philosophy and PracticeAuthor: Perrucci, Alissa C.Publisher: Perrucci, Alissa C. ©2018ISBN: 9781442214569
- Decision Between Us, TheAuthor: RiccoPublisher: Ricco ©2020ISBN: 9783319159638
- Decision Book: Fifty Models for Strategic Thinking, Revised Edition, TheAuthor: Mikael Krogerus,Roman TschäppelerPublisher: Mikael Krogerus,Roman Tschäppeler ©2020ISBN: 9781684414352
- Decision Criteria and Optimal Inventory Processes, vol. 20Author: LiuPublisher: Liu ©2016ISBN: 9781461373452