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ABC DEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter D (5801-5850 of 28998):
- Defects and Diffusion in Semicondutors 2009Author: Fisher, DavidPublisher: Fisher, David ©2018ISBN: 9783908451631
- Defects and Diffusion Studied Using PAC SpectroscopyAuthor: Jaeger, Herbert;Zacate, Matthew O.Publisher: Jaeger, Herbert;Zacate, Matthew O. ©2018ISBN: 9783037850459
- Defects and Diffusion Theory and Simulation IIIAuthor: Fisher, DavidPublisher: Fisher, David ©2018ISBN: 9783037853627
- Defects and Diffusion, Theory and SimulationAuthor: Fisher, DavidPublisher: Fisher, David ©2018ISBN: 97839084517612 Concurrent Users
- Defects and Diffusion, Theory and Simulation IIAuthor: Fisher, DavidPublisher: Fisher, David ©2018ISBN: 9783037850435
- Defects and Disorder in Crystalline and Amorphous Solids, vol. 418Author: Fletcher, JohnPublisher: Fletcher, John ©2016ISBN: 9789401048590
- Defects and FractureAuthor: Feldhamer, George A.;McShea, William J.Publisher: Feldhamer, George A.;McShea, William J. ©2016ISBN: 9789401175227
- Defects and Surface-Induced Effects in Advanced Perovskites, vol. 77Author: SchallerPublisher: Schaller ©2016ISBN: 9780792362173
- Defects at Oxide Surfaces, vol. 58Author: Richard J. GossPublisher: Richard J. Goss ©2016ISBN: 9783319143668
- Defects in Advanced Electronic Materials and Novel Low Dimensional StructuresAuthor: Heffelfinger, JimPublisher: Heffelfinger, Jim ©2018ISBN: 9781585445158
- Defects in Crystalline SolidsAuthor: HerzogPublisher: Herzog ©2020ISBN: 9783540099659
- Defects in Crystalline SolidsAuthor: Heffelfinger, JimPublisher: Heffelfinger, Jim ©2021ISBN: 9781585445158
- Defects in High-k Gate Dielectric Stacks, vol. 220Author: Cahler, A.A.;Marsten, J.P.Publisher: Cahler, A.A.;Marsten, J.P. ©2016ISBN: 9781402043659
- Defects in Liquid Crystals: Computer Simulations, Theory and Experiments, vol. 43Author: TaussigPublisher: Taussig ©2018ISBN: 9781402001703
- Defects in Semiconductors, vol. 91Author: BenkertPublisher: Benkert ©2016ISBN: 9783540220411
- Defects in SiO2 and Related Dielectrics: Science and Technology, vol. 2Author: Randy GagePublisher: Randy Gage ©2016ISBN: 97807923668675 Concurrent Users
- Defects in SolidsAuthor: Blann, AndrewPublisher: Blann, Andrew ©2016ISBN: 9781475707632
- Defects in SolidsAuthor: Randy GagePublisher: Randy Gage ©2016ISBN: 9781468408317
- Defects in SolidsAuthor: KrenzPublisher: Krenz ©2021ISBN: 9789814843898
- Defects in T Cell Trafficking and Resistance to Cancer Immunotherapy, vol. 9Author: Krenz, KimPublisher: Krenz, Kim ©2016ISBN: 9783319422213
- Defects in Two-Dimensional MaterialsAuthor: NardiPublisher: Nardi ©2022ISBN: 9781461568018
- Defects Of Properties In Mathematics: Quantitative CharacterizationsAuthor: Adrian I Ban;Sorin G GalPublisher: Adrian I Ban;Sorin G Gal ©2018ISBN: 9789810249243
- Defects of Secretion in Cystic Fibrosis, vol. 558Author: Abhilash MajumderPublisher: Abhilash Majumder ©2016ISBN: 9780387230764
- Defects, Fracture and FatigueAuthor: Nimish SanghiPublisher: Nimish Sanghi ©2016ISBN: 9789400968233
- Defects, Te, vol. 16Author: MasseyPublisher: Massey ©2020ISBN: 9780387876115
- Defects-Recognition, Imaging and Physics in Semiconductors XIVAuthor: Yamada-Kaneta, Hiroshi;Sakai, AkiraPublisher: Yamada-Kaneta, Hiroshi;Sakai, Akira ©2018ISBN: 9783037854426
- Defence Acquisition and Procurement: How to Buy WeaponsAuthor: Ron P. SmithPublisher: Ron P. Smith ©2022ISBN: 9781009189651
- Defence Against Weapons of Mass Destruction TerrorismAuthor: Aytaç, O.;Kibaroğlu, M.Publisher: Aytaç, O.;Kibaroğlu, M. ©2018ISBN: 9781607500155
- Defence and Discovery : Canada's Military Space Program, 1945-74Author: Godefroy, Andrew B.Publisher: Godefroy, Andrew B. ©2018ISBN: 9780774819596
- Defence Applications of Multi-Agent Systems, vol. 3890Author: Hovland, MartinPublisher: Hovland, Martin ©2016ISBN: 9783540328322
- Defence ElectronicsAuthor: Ray TrickerPublisher: Ray Tricker ©2016ISBN: 9789048145638
- Defence from Floods and Floodplain ManagementAuthor: Gardiner, John;Starosolszky, Ödön;Yevjevich, VujicaPublisher: Gardiner, John;Starosolszky, Ödön;Yevjevich, Vujica ©2018ISBN: 9789401041799
- Defence from Floods and Floodplain Management, vol. 299Author: Richardson, BarryPublisher: Richardson, Barry ©2016ISBN: 9789401041799
- Defence from Invertebrates to Mammals: Focus on Tonic Immobility, vol. 271Author: Fisher, DavidPublisher: Fisher, David ©2022ISBN: 9783038352198
- Defence Management in Uncertain TimesAuthor: Holmes, Richard;McConville, TeriPublisher: Holmes, Richard;McConville, Teri ©2018ISBN: 9780714655222
- Defence Nuclear Waste Disposal in Russia: International Perspective, vol. 18Author: Fisher, DavidPublisher: Fisher, David ©2016ISBN: 9789401061483
- Defence of the Undefended Border, TheAuthor: PrestonPublisher: Preston ©2023ISBN: 9783908451426
- Defence TechnologyAuthor: Fisher, DavidPublisher: Fisher, David ©2020ISBN: 9783908451587
- Defend the SacredAuthor: McNallyPublisher: McNally ©2020ISBN: 9783908451587
- Defender's Dilemma : Charting a Course Toward Cybersecurity, TheAuthor: Libicki, Martin C.;Ablon, Lillian;Webb, TimPublisher: Libicki, Martin C.;Ablon, Lillian;Webb, Tim ©2018ISBN: 9780833089113
- Defenders of the FaithAuthor: HeilmanPublisher: Heilman ©2021ISBN: 9783908451754
- Defenders of the FaithAuthor: BleichPublisher: Bleich ©2020ISBN: 9781644691441
- Defenders of the RaceAuthor: EfronPublisher: Efron ©2022ISBN: 9783037852200
- Defending AmericaAuthor: HillmanPublisher: Hillman ©2022ISBN: 9783037852200
- Defending American Religious NeutralityAuthor: KoppelmanPublisher: Koppelman ©2021ISBN: 9780674066465
- Defending Christian FaithAuthor: BahkouPublisher: Bahkou ©2021ISBN: 9783110375800
- Defending Copernicus and Galileo, vol. 280Author: FinocchiaroPublisher: Finocchiaro ©2016ISBN: 9789048132003
- Defending Diversity : Affirmative Action at the University of MichiganAuthor: Gurin, Patricia;Lehman, Jeffrey S.;Lewis, Earl;Dey, Eric L.;Hurtado, Sylvia;Gurin, GeraldPublisher: Gurin, Patricia;Lehman, Jeffrey S.;Lewis, Earl;Dey, Eric L.;Hurtado, Sylvia;Gurin, Gerald ©2018ISBN: 9780472113071
- Defending HusserlAuthor: MeixnerPublisher: Meixner ©2021ISBN: 9783110342314
- Defending Hypatia, vol. 25Author: GouldingPublisher: Goulding ©2016ISBN: 9789048135417