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ABC DEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter D (21451-21500 of 28998):
- Differential Reynolds Stress Modeling for Separating Flows in Industrial AerodynamicsAuthor: Helgason, SigurdurPublisher: Helgason, Sigurdur ©2016ISBN: 9783319156385
- Differential Rotation and Stellar ConvectionAuthor: RüdigerPublisher: Rüdiger ©2022ISBN: 9783112532119
- Differential Subject Marking, vol. 72Author: Jean-marc GinouxPublisher: Jean-marc Ginoux ©2016ISBN: 9781402064982
- Differential Systems and Isometric Embeddings.(AM-114), Volume 114Author: JensenPublisher: Jensen ©2020ISBN: 9780124326507
- Differential Systems Involving Impulses, vol. 954Author: PanditPublisher: Pandit ©2016ISBN: 9783540116066
- Differential Tensor Algebras and Their Module CategoriesAuthor: Bautista, R.;Salmerón, L.;Zuazua, R.Publisher: Bautista, R.;Salmerón, L.;Zuazua, R. ©2018ISBN: 9780521757683
- Differential Thermal Analysis, vol. 11Author: Smykatz-KlossPublisher: Smykatz-Kloss ©2016ISBN: 9783642659539
- Differential TopologyAuthor: MukherjeePublisher: Mukherjee ©2016ISBN: 9783319190440
- Differential TopologyAuthor: Margalef-Roig, J.;Outerelo Dominguez, E .Publisher: Margalef-Roig, J.;Outerelo Dominguez, E . ©2018ISBN: 9780444884343
- Differential Topology and Geometry with Applications to PhysicsAuthor: Eduardo Nahmad-AcharPublisher: Eduardo Nahmad-Achar ©2019ISBN: 9780750320702
- Differential Topology of Complex Surfaces, vol. 1545Author: MorganPublisher: Morgan ©2016ISBN: 9783540566748
- Differential Topology, Foliations and Gelfand-Fuks Cohomology, vol. 652Author: CorderoPublisher: Cordero ©2016ISBN: 9783540078685
- Differential Topology, vol. 1350Author: DuggalPublisher: Duggal ©2016ISBN: 9783540503699
- Differential Topology, vol. 173Author: DuggalPublisher: Duggal ©2017ISBN: 9783034602501
- Differential Topology, vol. 33Author: HirschPublisher: Hirsch ©2016ISBN: 9781468494518
- Differential Topology, vol. 73Author: AkivisPublisher: Akivis ©2016ISBN: 9783642111013
- Differential Transformation Method for Mechanical Engineering ProblemsAuthor: Mohammad Hatami, Davood Domairry Ganji and Mohsen SheikholeslamiPublisher: Mohammad Hatami, Davood Domairry Ganji and Mohsen Sheikholeslami ©2017ISBN: 9783540539414
- Differential- und Integralrechnung ; Grenzwertbegriff, Differentialrechnung, vol. 1Author: BarnerPublisher: Barner ©2021ISBN: 97831110127732 Concurrent Users
- Differential-Algebraic Equations: A Projector Based AnalysisAuthor: LamourPublisher: Lamour ©2016ISBN: 9783642275548
- Differential-algebraic Systems: Analytical Aspects And Circuit ApplicationsAuthor: Ricardo RiazaPublisher: Ricardo Riaza ©2018ISBN: 9789812791801
- Differential-Difference Equations, vol. 6Author: BergerPublisher: Berger ©2017ISBN: 9781461269922
- Differential-Geometrical Methods in StatisticsAuthor: Amari, Shun-ichiPublisher: Amari, Shun-ichi ©2018ISBN: 9780387960562
- Differential-Geometrical Methods in Statistics, vol. 28Author: AmariPublisher: Amari ©2016ISBN: 9780387960562
- Differentialgeometrie ; Kurventheorie der Ebene und des Raumes, vol. 1Author: StrubeckerPublisher: Strubecker ©2020ISBN: 9783111015538
- Differentialgeometrie ; Kurventheorie der Ebene und des Raumes, vol. 1Author: StrubeckerPublisher: Strubecker ©2020ISBN: 9783111214061
- Differentialgeometrie ; Theorie der Flächenkrümmung, vol. 3Author: StrubeckerPublisher: Strubecker ©2020ISBN: 97831100626942 Concurrent Users
- Differentialgeometrie ; Theorie der Flächenkrümmung, vol. 3Author: StrubeckerPublisher: Strubecker ©2020ISBN: 9783111320984
- Differentialgeometrie ; Theorie der Flächenmetrik, vol. 2Author: StrubeckerPublisher: Strubecker ©2020ISBN: 9783111246499
- Differentialgeometrie ; Theorie der Flächenmetrik, vol. 2Author: StrubeckerPublisher: Strubecker ©2020ISBN: 9783112309445
- Differentialgleichungen der PhysikAuthor: SauterPublisher: Sauter ©2019ISBN: 9783111294230
- Differentialgleichungen der PhysikAuthor: SauterPublisher: Sauter ©2019ISBN: 9783111005201
- Differentialgleichungen der PhysikAuthor: SauterPublisher: Sauter ©2019ISBN: 9783111005225
- Differentialgleichungen und Mathematische ModellbildungAuthor: IbragimovPublisher: Ibragimov ©2020ISBN: 9783110495324
- Differentially Expressed Genes in Plants : A Bench ManualAuthor: Hansen, Axel KornerupPublisher: Hansen, Axel Kornerup ©2018ISBN: 9780748404216
- Differentialrechnung in der analytischen Geometrie, vol. 38Author: BergerPublisher: Berger ©2016ISBN: 9783540039099
- Differentiate or Die: Survival in Our Era of Killer Competition, Second EditionAuthor: Jack Trout,Steve RivkinPublisher: Jack Trout,Steve Rivkin ©2019ISBN: 9780470223390
- Differentiated Assessment : How to Assess the Learning Potential of Every StudentAuthor: Stefanakis, Evangeline Harris;Meier, DeborahPublisher: Stefanakis, Evangeline Harris;Meier, Deborah ©2018ISBN: 9780470230817
- Differentiated Cells in Aging Research, vol. 10Author: EpsteinPublisher: Epstein ©2020ISBN: 9783540214243
- Differentiated Classroom : Responding to the Needs of All Learners, TheAuthor: Tomlinson, Carol AnnPublisher: Tomlinson, Carol Ann ©2018ISBN: 97814166186075 Concurrent Users
- Differentiated Literacy Coaching : Scaffolding for Student and Teacher SuccessAuthor: Moran, Mary-CatherinePublisher: Moran, Mary-Catherine ©2018ISBN: 9780387961132
- Differentiated Literacy Strategies for English Language Learners, Grades 7-12Author: Gregory, Gayle H. H.;Burkman, Amy J. J.;Gregory, Gayle H. H.;Burkman, Amy J. J.Publisher: Gregory, Gayle H. H.;Burkman, Amy J. J.;Gregory, Gayle H. H.;Burkman, Amy J. J. ©2018ISBN: 9781412996471
- Differentiated Reading Instruction : Strategies for the Primary GradesAuthor: Walpole, Sharon;McKenna, Michael C.Publisher: Walpole, Sharon;McKenna, Michael C. ©2018ISBN: 9781593854133
- Differentiated School : Making Revolutionary Changes in Teaching and Learning, TheAuthor: Tomlinson, Carol Ann;Brimijoin, KayPublisher: Tomlinson, Carol Ann;Brimijoin, Kay ©2018ISBN: 9781416606789
- Differentiated Workforce, TheAuthor: Brian E. BeckerPublisher: Brian E. Becker ©2022ISBN: 9781663716859
- Differentiating by Readiness : Strategies and Lesson Plans for Tiered Instruction, Grades K-8Author: Allen, Linda;Turville, JoniPublisher: Allen, Linda;Turville, Joni ©2018ISBN: 9781596671379
- Differentiating DevelopmentAuthor: Steven H. WeintraubPublisher: Steven H. Weintraub ©2022ISBN: 9783319156385
- Differentiating for the Young Child : Teaching Strategies Across the Content Areas, PreK–3Author: Smutny, Joan F. (Franklin);von Fremd, Sarah (S.) E.Publisher: Smutny, Joan F. (Franklin);von Fremd, Sarah (S.) E. ©2018ISBN: 9781412975568
- Differentiating Instruction with Technology in Middle School ClassroomsAuthor: Smith, Grace E.;Throne, StephaniePublisher: Smith, Grace E.;Throne, Stephanie ©2018ISBN: 9781564842602
- Differentiating Normal and Abnormal PersonalityAuthor: Strack, StephenPublisher: Strack, Stephen ©2018ISBN: 9780826132062
- Differentiating Surgical InstrumentsAuthor: Rutherford, Colleen J.Publisher: Rutherford, Colleen J. ©2017ISBN: 9780803625457