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Showing books starting with the letter D (21851-21900 of 28998):
- Digital Curation in the Digital Humanities : Preserving and Promoting Archival and Special Collections
- Digital Currents
- Digital Customer Success: Why the Next Frontier of CS is Digital and How You Can Leverage it to Drive Durable Growth
- Digital Da Vinci
- Digital Da Vinci
- Digital Darwinism
- Digital Darwinism: Surviving the New Age of Business Disruption, Second Edition
- Digital Data and Privacy
- Digital Data Improvement Priorities for Continuous Learning in Health and Health Care : Workshop Summary
- Digital data improvement priorities for continuous learning in health and health care: workshop summary
- Digital Data Integrity: The Evolution from Passive Protection to Active Management
- Digital Dead End
- Digital Death, Digital Assets and Post-mortem Privacy
- Digital Death, Digital Assets and Post-mortem Privacy
- Digital Decision Making
- Digital denken – analog lenken
- Digital Dental Implantology
- Digital Design : An Embedded Systems Approach Using Verilog
- Digital Design : An Embedded Systems Approach Using VHDL
- Digital Design : Basic Concepts and Principles
- Digital Design and Computer Architecture
- Digital Design and Computer Architecture
- Digital Design and Computer Architecture
- Digital Design and Computer Architecture
- Digital Design and Computer Architecture : From Gates to Processors
- Digital Design and Implementation with Field Programmable Devices
- Digital Design and Manufacturing Technology II
- Digital Design of Nature
- Digital Design of Signal Processing Systems : A Practical Approach
- Digital Design Using QuarkXPress 4
- Digital Detectives
- Digital Detectives : Solving Information Dilemmas in an Online World
- Digital Dialectic, The
- Digital Dialogues and Community 2.0
- Digital Dice
- Digital Dice : Computational Solutions to Practical Probability Problems
- Digital Dice : Computational Solutions to Practical Probability Problems
- Digital Didactical Designs : Teaching and Learning in CrossActionSpaces
- Digital Difference, The
- Digital Difference, vol. 50
- Digital Differential Analysers
- Digital Differential Analysers : International Series of Monographs on Electronics and Instrumentation
- Digital Dilemmas
- Digital Dilemmas and Solutions
- Digital Disciplines: Attaining Market Leadership via the Cloud, Big Data, Social, Mobile, and the Internet of Things
- Digital Disruption and Electronic Resource Management in Libraries
- Digital Disruption: Unleashing the Next Wave of Innovation
- Digital Disruption: Unleashing the Next Wave of Innovation
- Digital Divide, The
- Digital Dividend of Terrestrial Broadcasting, The