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ABC DEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter D (3451-3500 of 28998):
- Data Mining for Biomarker Discovery, vol. 65Author: ClevePublisher: Cleve ©2016ISBN: 9781461421061
- Data Mining for Biomedical Applications, vol. 3916Author: RunklerPublisher: Runkler ©2016ISBN: 9783540331049
- Data Mining for Business Analytics : Concepts, Techniques, and Applications with XLMinerAuthor: Bruce, Peter C.Publisher: Bruce, Peter C. ©2022ISBN: 9781118729472
- Data Mining for Business Analytics: Concepts, Techniques and Applications in PythonAuthor: Galit Shmueli,Peter C. Bruce,Peter Gedeck,Nitin R. PatelPublisher: Galit Shmueli,Peter C. Bruce,Peter Gedeck,Nitin R. Patel ©2021ISBN: 9781119549840
- Data Mining for Business Analytics: Concepts, Techniques, and Applications in RAuthor: Galit Shmueli,Peter C. Bruce,Inbal Yahav,Nitin R. Patel,Kenneth C. Lichtendahl, Jr.Publisher: Galit Shmueli,Peter C. Bruce,Inbal Yahav,Nitin R. Patel,Kenneth C. Lichtendahl, Jr. ©2019ISBN: 9781118879368
- Data Mining for Business Analytics: Concepts, Techniques, and Applications with JMP ProAuthor: Galit Shmueli,Peter C. Bruce,Mia L. Stephens,Nitin R. PatelPublisher: Galit Shmueli,Peter C. Bruce,Mia L. Stephens,Nitin R. Patel ©2019ISBN: 9781118877432
- Data Mining for Business ApplicationsAuthor: AoPublisher: Ao ©2016ISBN: 9780387794198
- Data Mining for DummiesAuthor: Meta S. BrownPublisher: Meta S. Brown ©2020ISBN: 9781118893173
- Data Mining for Geoinformatics: Methods and ApplicationsAuthor: Guido Cervone,Jessica Lin,Nigel Waters (eds)Publisher: Guido Cervone,Jessica Lin,Nigel Waters (eds) ©2016ISBN: 9781461476689
- Data Mining for Intelligence, Fraud and Criminal Detection: Advanced Analytics and Information Sharing TechnologiesAuthor: Christopher WestphalPublisher: Christopher Westphal ©2019ISBN: 97814200672312 Concurrent Users
- Data Mining for Managers: How to Use Data to Solve Business ChallengesAuthor: Richard BoirePublisher: Richard Boire ©2020ISBN: 9781137406170
- Data Mining for Service, vol. 3Author: HuismanPublisher: Huisman ©2016ISBN: 9783642452512
- Data Mining for Social Network Data, vol. 12Author: John LadleyPublisher: John Ladley ©2016ISBN: 9781441962867
- Data Mining for the Social SciencesAuthor: MonaghanPublisher: Monaghan ©2020ISBN: 9783319100661
- Data Mining in Agriculture, vol. 34Author: MucherinoPublisher: Mucherino ©2016ISBN: 9780387886145
- Data Mining in BioinformaticsAuthor: Neera BhansaliPublisher: Neera Bhansali ©2016ISBN: 9781852336714
- Data Mining in Biomedicine, vol. 7Author: WangPublisher: Wang ©2016ISBN: 9780387693187
- Data Mining in Crystallography, vol. 134Author: Jin, HalPublisher: Jin, Hal ©2016ISBN: 9783642047589
- Data Mining in Drug DiscoveryAuthor: Hoffmann, Rémy D.;Gohier, Arnaud;Pospisil, Pavel;Mannhold, Raimund;Kubinyi, Hugo;Folkers, GerdPublisher: Hoffmann, Rémy D.;Gohier, Arnaud;Pospisil, Pavel;Mannhold, Raimund;Kubinyi, Hugo;Folkers, Gerd ©2018ISBN: 97835273298475 Concurrent Users
- Data Mining in Finance, vol. 547Author: KovalerchukPublisher: Kovalerchuk ©2016ISBN: 9780792378044
- Data Mining in Large Sets of Complex DataAuthor: CordeiroPublisher: Cordeiro ©2016ISBN: 9781447148890
- Data Mining in Time Series DatabasesAuthor: Mark Last,Abraham Kandel,Horst Bunke (eds)Publisher: Mark Last,Abraham Kandel,Horst Bunke (eds) ©2021ISBN: 9789812382900
- Data Mining Methods for Knowledge Discovery, vol. 458Author: CiosPublisher: Cios ©2016ISBN: 9781461375579
- Data Mining Mobile DevicesAuthor: Jesus MenaPublisher: Jesus Mena ©2020ISBN: 9781466555952
- Data Mining on Multimedia Data, vol. 2558Author: Sumeet Dua,Xian DuPublisher: Sumeet Dua,Xian Du ©2016ISBN: 9783540003175
- Data Mining TasksAuthor: ZahadatPublisher: Zahadat ©2019ISBN: 9783642408366
- Data Mining Techniques for Marketing, Sales, and Customer SupportAuthor: Michael J.A. Berry,Gordon LinoffPublisher: Michael J.A. Berry,Gordon Linoff ©2019ISBN: 9780471179801
- Data Mining Techniques in Sensor NetworksAuthor: AppicePublisher: Appice ©2016ISBN: 9781447154532Requires Adobe Digital Editions to access. Download at
- Data Mining Techniques: For Marketing, Sales, and Customer Relationship ManagementAuthor: Gordon S. Linoff,Michael J.A. BerryPublisher: Gordon S. Linoff,Michael J.A. Berry ©2020ISBN: 9781469069548
- Data Mining Techniques: For Marketing, Sales, and Customer Relationship Management, Third EditionAuthor: Gordon S. Linoff,Michael J.A. BerryPublisher: Gordon S. Linoff,Michael J.A. Berry ©2020ISBN: 9780470650936
- Data Mining Tools for Malware DetectionAuthor: Mehedy Masud,Latifur Khan,Bhavani ThuraisinghamPublisher: Mehedy Masud,Latifur Khan,Bhavani Thuraisingham ©2020ISBN: 9781439854549
- Data Mining Using Enterprise Miner Software: A Case Study Approach, First EditionAuthor: SAS InstitutePublisher: SAS Institute ©2020ISBN: 9781580256414
- Data Mining Using Grammar Based Genetic Programming and Applications, vol. 3Author: WongPublisher: Wong ©2016ISBN: 9780792377467
- Data Mining Using SAS Enterprise MinerAuthor: Randall MatignonPublisher: Randall Matignon ©2019ISBN: 9780470149010
- Data Mining Using SAS Enterprise Miner: A Case Study Approach, Second EditionAuthor: SAS InstitutePublisher: SAS Institute ©2020ISBN: 9781590471906
- Data Mining vs StatisticsAuthor: ZahadatPublisher: Zahadat ©2019ISBN: 9780387098227
- Data Mining with Computational IntelligenceAuthor: WangPublisher: Wang ©2016ISBN: 9783540245223
- Data Mining with Microsoft SQL Server 2008Author: Jamie MacLennan,ZhaoHui Tang,Bogdan CrivatPublisher: Jamie MacLennan,ZhaoHui Tang,Bogdan Crivat ©2019ISBN: 9780470277744
- Data Mining with Rattle and RAuthor: WilliamsPublisher: Williams ©2016ISBN: 9781441998897
- Data Mining Your WebsiteAuthor: Jesus MenaPublisher: Jesus Mena ©2019ISBN: 9781555582227
- Data Mining, vol. 12Author: GorunescuPublisher: Gorunescu ©2016ISBN: 9783642197208
- Data Mining, vol. 27Author: Yanchang Zhao and Justin CenPublisher: Yanchang Zhao and Justin Cen ©2016ISBN: 9783790810530
- Data Mining, vol. 3755Author: AdamoPublisher: Adamo ©2016ISBN: 9783540325475
- Data Mining, vol. 8Author: Sumeet Dua,Pradeep ChowriappaPublisher: Sumeet Dua,Pradeep Chowriappa ©2016ISBN: 9781441912794
- Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques, Second EditionAuthor: Jiawei Han,Micheline Kamber,Jian PeiPublisher: Jiawei Han,Micheline Kamber,Jian Pei ©2019ISBN: 9781558609013
- Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques, Third EditionAuthor: Jiawei Han,Micheline Kamber,Jian PeiPublisher: Jiawei Han,Micheline Kamber,Jian Pei ©2016ISBN: 9780123814791
- Data Mining: Concepts, Models, Methods, and AlgorithmsAuthor: Mehmed KantardzicPublisher: Mehmed Kantardzic ©2020ISBN: 9780471228523
- Data Mining: Foundations and Intelligent Paradigms, vol. 23Author: YinPublisher: Yin ©2016ISBN: 9783642231650
- Data Mining: Foundations and Intelligent Paradigms, vol. 24Author: ClevePublisher: Cleve ©2016ISBN: 9783642232404
- Data Mining: Foundations and Intelligent Paradigms, vol. 25Author: RunklerPublisher: Runkler ©2016ISBN: 9783642231506