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Showing books starting with the letter E (1951-2000 of 24982):
- Economic Evaluation
- Economic Evaluation in Child Health
- Economic Evaluation in Education: Cost-Effectiveness and Benefit-Cost Analysis
- Economic Evaluation in Genomic and Precision Medicine
- Economic Evaluation in Genomic Medicine
- Economic Evaluation of Climate Change Impacts : Development of a Cross-Sectoral Framework and Results for Austria
- Economic Evaluation of Clinical Trials
- Economic Evaluation of Pharmacy Services
- Economic Evaluation of Soviet Socialism
- Economic Evaluations in Exploration
- Economic Evaluations in Exploration
- Economic Evolution and Demographic Change, vol. 395
- Economic Evolution and Equilibrium, vol. 591
- Economic Evolution and Revolution in Historical Time
- Economic Evolution of American Health Care : From Marcus Welby to Managed Care, The
- Economic Evolution of American Health Care, The
- Economic Evolution, Learning, and Complexity
- Economic Exchange and Social Organization, vol. 12
- Economic Factors in Michigan Delinquency
- Economic Facts and Fallacies
- Economic Forecasts
- Economic Foundation of Asset Price Processes, vol. 24
- Economic Foundations of International Law
- Economic Function of a Stock Exchange, The
- Economic Gangsters
- Economic Geography
- Economic Geography and Public Policy
- Economic Geography of Barbados, The
- Economic Geography of Higher Education : Knowledge, Infrastructure and Learning Regions
- Economic Geology : Principles and Practice
- Economic Geology of Iran, The
- Economic Geology of Natural Gas Hydrate, vol. 9
- Economic Globalization, International Organizations and Crisis Management
- Economic Governance in the Age of Globalization
- Economic Growth
- Economic Growth
- Economic Growth
- Economic Growth and Development
- Economic Growth and Employment Opportunities for Minorities
- Economic Growth and Environmental Sustainability : The Prospects for Green Growth
- Economic Growth and Inequality
- Economic Growth and Sustainability
- Economic Growth and the Environment : An Introduction to the Theory
- Economic Growth and the Environment, vol. 18
- Economic Growth in Canada
- Economic Growth in Europe: A Comparative Industry Perspective
- Economic Growth in France and Britain, 1851-1950
- Economic Growth in the Regions of Europe, vol. 1
- Economic Growth of Nations
- Economic Hierarchies, Organization and the Structure of Production, vol. 7