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ABCDE FGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter F (501-550 of 16757):
- Failed SpineAuthor: Gunzburg, Robert;Szpalski, MarekPublisher: Gunzburg, Robert;Szpalski, Marek ©2018ISBN: 9780781796132
- Failed Stars and Super Planets : A Report Based on the January 1998 Workshop on Substellar-Mass ObjectsAuthor: Steering Group for the Workshop on Substellar-Mass Objects;Space Studies Board;National Research CouncilPublisher: Steering Group for the Workshop on Substellar-Mass Objects;Space Studies Board;National Research Council ©2018ISBN: 9780674368880
- Failed stars and super planets: a report based on the January 1998 Workshop on Substellar-Mass ObjectsAuthor: National Research Council (U.S.). Steering Group for the Workshop on Substellar-Mass Objects.Publisher: National Research Council (U.S.). Steering Group for the Workshop on Substellar-Mass Objects. ©2016ISBN: 9780300141269
- Failed StatebuildingAuthor: RichmondPublisher: Richmond ©2020ISBN: 9781607098768
- Failed StoneAuthor: LoughranPublisher: Loughran ©2020ISBN: 9789812381484
- Failed Welfare Revolution, TheAuthor: SteenslandPublisher: Steensland ©2021ISBN: 9783709186411
- Failing Families, Failing ScienceAuthor: EcklundPublisher: Ecklund ©2021ISBN: 9780674427990
- Failing ForwardAuthor: FletcherPublisher: Fletcher ©2023ISBN: 9780520390683
- Failing Forward: Turning Mistakes into Stepping Stones for SuccessAuthor: John C. MaxwellPublisher: John C. Maxwell ©2019ISBN: 9780785274308
- Failing GradesAuthor: KosarPublisher: Kosar ©2022ISBN: 9780789038364
- Failing in the FieldAuthor: KarlanPublisher: Karlan ©2021ISBN: 9781402057953
- Failing Our VeteransAuthor: BoultonPublisher: Boulton ©2021ISBN: 9781402057953
- Failing Right Heart, TheAuthor: RyanPublisher: Ryan ©2016ISBN: 9783319176970
- Failing Teachers?Author: Chamberlin, R. P.;Haynes, G. S.;Wragg, E. C.;Wragg, Prof E. C.Publisher: Chamberlin, R. P.;Haynes, G. S.;Wragg, E. C.;Wragg, Prof E. C. ©2018ISBN: 9780415220217
- Failing the FutureAuthor: KolodnyPublisher: Kolodny ©2021ISBN: 9781468442700
- Failing to WinAuthor: TierneyPublisher: Tierney ©2021ISBN: 9783110666076
- Failsafe Control SystemsAuthor: Condon, William;Iverson, Ellen R.;Manduca, Cathryn A.;Rutz, Carol;Willett, Gudrun;Huber, Mary Taylor;Haswell, Richard;Huber, Mary Taylor;Haswell, RichardPublisher: Condon, William;Iverson, Ellen R.;Manduca, Cathryn A.;Rutz, Carol;Willett, Gudrun;Huber, Mary Taylor;Haswell, Richard;Huber, Mary Taylor;Haswell, Richard ©2016ISBN: 9789401066778
- Failsafe Control Systems : Applications and emergency managementAuthor: Warwick, Kevin;Tham, Ming T.Publisher: Warwick, Kevin;Tham, Ming T. ©2018ISBN: 97894010667785 Concurrent Users
- Failure : Why Science Is So SuccessfulAuthor: Firestein, StuartPublisher: Firestein, Stuart ©2018ISBN: 9780199390106
- Failure AnalysisAuthor: OteguiPublisher: Otegui ©2016ISBN: 9783319039091
- Failure AnalysisAuthor: SullivanPublisher: Sullivan ©2022ISBN: 9781501524783
- Failure Analysis : A Practical Guide for Manufacturers of Electronic Components and SystemsAuthor: Bazu, Marius;Bajenescu, TituPublisher: Bazu, Marius;Bajenescu, Titu ©2018ISBN: 9780470748244
- Failure Analysis and Fractography of Polymer CompositesAuthor: E.S. GreenhalghPublisher: E.S. Greenhalgh ©2017ISBN: 97816070987681 Concurrent User
- Failure Analysis Case Studies IIAuthor: D.R.H. JonesPublisher: D.R.H. Jones ©2016ISBN: 9781620361719
- Failure Analysis in Biocomposites, Fibre-Reinforced Composites and Hybrid CompositesAuthor: Phillips, Susan L.;Dennison, Susan T.Publisher: Phillips, Susan L.;Dennison, Susan T. ©2018ISBN: 9781620361719
- Failure Analysis in Engineering ApplicationsAuthor: Shin-Ichi NishidaPublisher: Shin-Ichi Nishida ©2016ISBN: 9780801870965
- Failure Analysis of Engineering MaterialsAuthor: Brooks, Charlie R.Publisher: Brooks, Charlie R. ©2020ISBN: 97800713893345 Concurrent Users
- Failure Analysis of Engineering MaterialsAuthor: Brooks, Charlie R.Publisher: Brooks, Charlie R. ©2020ISBN: 9780071357586
- Failure Analysis of Engineering Structures : Methodology and Case HistoriesAuthor: Ramachandran, V.Publisher: Ramachandran, V. ©2018ISBN: 9780871708205
- Failure Analysis of Heat Treated Steel ComponentsAuthor: L., CanalePublisher: L., Canale ©2018ISBN: 9780871708687
- Failure Analysis of Integrated Circuits, vol. 494Author: ShankarPublisher: Shankar ©2016ISBN: 9781461372318
- Failure analysis of wood and wood-based productsAuthor: Lukowsky, DirkPublisher: Lukowsky, Dirk ©2015ISBN: 97800718393722 Concurrent Users
- Failure and Damage Analysis of Advanced Materials, vol. 560Author: Finch, EdwardPublisher: Finch, Edward ©2016ISBN: 9783709118344
- Failure and Success in AmericaAuthor: BantaPublisher: Banta ©2020ISBN: 97812604415292 Concurrent Users
- Failure by DesignAuthor: Bill WooditchPublisher: Bill Wooditch ©2020ISBN: 9781260441512
- Failure Case Studies in Civil Engineering : Structures, Foundations, and the GeoenvironmentAuthor: Bosela, Paul A.;Delatte, Norbert J.;Parfitt, Kevin M.;Parfitt, MPublisher: Bosela, Paul A.;Delatte, Norbert J.;Parfitt, Kevin M.;Parfitt, M ©2018ISBN: 9780784412558
- Failure Criteria in Fibre-Reinforced-Polymer CompositesAuthor: Jansen, Fritz;Streit, UtaPublisher: Jansen, Fritz;Streit, Uta ©2016ISBN: 9783642411175
- Failure Criteria in Fibre-Reinforced-Polymer CompositesAuthor: Hinton, M.;Soden, P. D.;Kaddour, Abdul-SalamPublisher: Hinton, M.;Soden, P. D.;Kaddour, Abdul-Salam ©2018ISBN: 9780080444758
- Failure in Geomaterials HandbookAuthor: Richard Wan, François Nicot and Félix DarvePublisher: Richard Wan, François Nicot and Félix Darve ©2017ISBN: 9781501946073
- Failure in Polymers, vol. 27Author: Wooditch, BillPublisher: Wooditch, Bill ©2016ISBN: 9783540088295
- Failure Mechanisms in Polymer Matrix CompositesAuthor: Bill WooditchPublisher: Bill Wooditch ©2018ISBN: 9781260441512
- Failure Mechanisms of Advanced Welding ProcessesAuthor: Bill WooditchPublisher: Bill Wooditch ©2018ISBN: 9781260441505
- Failure Modes and Mechanisms in Electronic PackagesAuthor: ViswanadhamPublisher: Viswanadham ©2016ISBN: 9781461377634
- Failure Modes, Effects and Causes of Microbiologically Influenced CorrosionAuthor: Farzaneh Akvan andReza JavaherdashtiPublisher: Farzaneh Akvan andReza Javaherdashti ©2019ISBN: 9781782201649
- Failure of American and Soviet Cultural Imperialism in German Universities, 1945-1990Author: Tsvetkova, NataliaPublisher: Tsvetkova, Natalia ©2018ISBN: 9789004250246
- Failure of Child Support, TheAuthor: CookPublisher: Cook ©2023ISBN: 97834843048025 Concurrent Users
- Failure of Corporate Law, TheAuthor: GreenfieldPublisher: Greenfield ©2020ISBN: 9780226306933
- Failure of Democracy in South Korea, TheAuthor: HanPublisher: Han ©2021ISBN: 9781399511148
- Failure of Democracy in the Republic of Congo, TheAuthor: ClarkPublisher: Clark ©2022ISBN: 9781603274500
- Failure of EmpireAuthor: LenskiPublisher: Lenski ©2020ISBN: 9781603274500