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ABCDE FGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter F (10801-10850 of 16757):
- Frame by FrameAuthor: FrankPublisher: Frank ©2020ISBN: 9783879973491
- Frame Conceptions and Text UnderstandingAuthor: PerezPublisher: Perez ©2020ISBN: 97831100800632 Concurrent Users
- Frame Innovation: Create New Thinking by DesignAuthor: Kees DorstPublisher: Kees Dorst ©2021ISBN: 9780262324311
- Frame of the UniverseAuthor: PurringtonPublisher: Purrington ©2019ISBN: 97802319119861 Concurrent User
- Frame Problem in Artificial Intelligence, TheAuthor: ElhaugePublisher: Elhauge ©2016ISBN: 97801953901311 Concurrent User
- Frame Relay for High Speed NetworksAuthor: Walter GoralskiPublisher: Walter Goralski ©2020ISBN: 9780471312741
- Frame Relay InternetworkingAuthor: Liza Henderson and Tom JenkinsPublisher: Liza Henderson and Tom Jenkins ©2020ISBN: 9780782125191
- Frame, Glass, VerseAuthor: KalasPublisher: Kalas ©2020ISBN: 9783112447871
- Frame-SemantikAuthor: BussePublisher: Busse ©2021ISBN: 9783110269406
- Frame-Theorie in der LexikographieAuthor: WegnerPublisher: Wegner ©2019ISBN: 9783484309104
- FramedAuthor: KamirPublisher: Kamir ©2021ISBN: 9780822336365
- Framed by GenderAuthor: RidgewayPublisher: Ridgeway ©2017ISBN: 9780199755776
- Framed by WarAuthor: WooPublisher: Woo ©2021ISBN: 9783112409114
- Framed TimeAuthor: StewartPublisher: Stewart ©2020ISBN: 9783112410417
- Framed!Author: MartinPublisher: Martin ©2020ISBN: 9780231911962
- Framed!: Solve an Intriguing Mystery and Master How to Make Smart ChoicesAuthor: Hari SinghPublisher: Hari Singh ©2019ISBN: 9780874258738
- Frames and BasesAuthor: ChristensenPublisher: Christensen ©2016ISBN: 9780817646776
- Frames and Concept Types, vol. 94Author: HazaiPublisher: Hazai ©2016ISBN: 9783319015408
- Frames and LocalesAuthor: PicadoPublisher: Picado ©2016ISBN: 9783034801539
- Frames in the Toxicity ControversyAuthor: TukkerPublisher: Tukker ©2016ISBN: 9789401059985
- Frames in the Toxicity Controversy : Risk Assessment and Policy Analysis Related to the Dutch Chlorine Debate and the Swedish PVC DebateAuthor: Tukker, ArnoldPublisher: Tukker, Arnold ©2018ISBN: 9789401059985
- Frames interdisziplinär: Modelle, Anwendungsfelder, MethodenAuthor: AbramovichPublisher: Abramovich ©2021ISBN: 97839575800235 Concurrent Users
- Frames of Mind : Ability, Perception and Self-Perception in the Arts and SciencesAuthor: Hudson, LiamPublisher: Hudson, Liam ©2018ISBN: 97811382076842 Concurrent Users
- Frames of Mind : The Theory of Multiple IntelligencesAuthor: Gardner, HowardPublisher: Gardner, Howard ©2018ISBN: 9780465024339
- Frames und lexikalisches BedeutungswissenAuthor: KonerdingPublisher: Konerding ©2019ISBN: 9783484311428
- Frames und sprachliches WissenAuthor: ZiemPublisher: Ziem ©2021ISBN: 9783110202755
- Framework and Tools for Environmental Management in AfricaAuthor: Nhamo, Godwell;Inyang, EkpePublisher: Nhamo, Godwell;Inyang, Ekpe ©2018ISBN: 9782869783218
- Framework for Alcohol Policy in WHO European RegionAuthor: World Health Organization;Who Regional Office for EuropePublisher: World Health Organization;Who Regional Office for Europe ©2018ISBN: 9789289013840
- Framework for Dietary Risk Assessment in the WIC Program : Interim ReportAuthor: BäschlinPublisher: Bäschlin ©2018ISBN: 9780309072632
- Framework for dietary risk assessment in the WIC program: interim reportAuthor: Institute of Medicine (U.S.). Committee on Dietary Risk Assessment in the WIC Program.Publisher: Institute of Medicine (U.S.). Committee on Dietary Risk Assessment in the WIC Program. ©2016ISBN: 9783837623444
- Framework for Implementing Integrated Vector Management at District Level in the South-East Asia Region : A Step-by-step ApproachAuthor: SEARO;Who Regional Office for the South-East Asia Region,;Who Regional Office for South-East AsiaPublisher: SEARO;Who Regional Office for the South-East Asia Region,;Who Regional Office for South-East Asia ©2018ISBN: 9789290223320
- Framework guidelines for workplace violence in the health sector : The training manualAuthor: International Labor Office;World Health Organization;International Council of NursesPublisher: International Labor Office;World Health Organization;International Council of Nurses ©2018ISBN: 9789221182467
- Framework of Systemic Organization : A Conceptual Approach to Families and Nursing, TheAuthor: Friedemann, Marie-LuisePublisher: Friedemann, Marie-Luise ©2018ISBN: 97808039491401 Concurrent User
- Frameworkless Front-End Development: Do You Control Your Dependencies or are They Controlling You?Author: Francesco StrazzulloPublisher: Francesco Strazzullo ©2019ISBN: 9781484249666
- Frameworks for Advanced Nursing Practice and Research : Philosophies, Theories, Models, and TaxonomiesAuthor: Utley, Rose;Henry, Kristina;Smith, LucretiaPublisher: Utley, Rose;Henry, Kristina;Smith, Lucretia ©2021ISBN: 97808261332291 Concurrent User
- Frameworks for Advanced Nursing Practice and Research : Philosophies, Theories, Models, and TaxonomiesAuthor: Utley, Rose, PhD, RN, CNE;Henry, Kristina, DNP, NE-BC;Smith, Lucretia, PhD, RN, CDEPublisher: Utley, Rose, PhD, RN, CNE;Henry, Kristina, DNP, NE-BC;Smith, Lucretia, PhD, RN, CDE ©2018ISBN: 9780826133229
- Frameworks for Higher Education in Homeland SecurityAuthor: M. Chalapathi RauPublisher: M. Chalapathi Rau ©2018ISBN: 9780309092951
- Frameworks for higher education in Homeland SecurityAuthor: National Research Council (U.S.). Committee on Educational Paradigms for Homeland Security.Publisher: National Research Council (U.S.). Committee on Educational Paradigms for Homeland Security. ©2016ISBN: 97808223270735 Concurrent Users
- Frameworks for Internal Medicine, 1eAuthor: Petrukhina, Marina A.;Scott, Lawrence T.;Kroto, Harold W.Publisher: Petrukhina, Marina A.;Scott, Lawrence T.;Kroto, Harold W. ©2021ISBN: 9781496359308
- Frameworks for Modeling Cognition and Decisions in Institutional Environments, vol. 21Author: VallbéPublisher: Vallbé ©2016ISBN: 9789401794268
- Frameworks of Choice : Predictive and Genetic Testing in AsiaAuthor: Sleeboom-Faulkner, MargaretPublisher: Sleeboom-Faulkner, Margaret ©2018ISBN: 9789089641656
- Frameworks, Artworks, Place : The Space of Perception in the Modern WorldAuthor: Mehigan, TimPublisher: Mehigan, Tim ©2018ISBN: 9789042023628
- Framing a Lost CityAuthor: Cox HallPublisher: Cox Hall ©2021ISBN: 97831124103701 Concurrent User
- Framing a Lost CityAuthor: Cox HallPublisher: Cox Hall ©2021ISBN: 9781477313671Requires Adobe Digital Editions to access. Download at
- Framing AfricaAuthor: Duchateau, Luc;Janssen, PaulPublisher: Duchateau, Luc;Janssen, Paul ©2022ISBN: 9780387728346
- Framing Asian StudiesAuthor: Wienke, Andreas;Jones, Byron ;Chung-Chow, Shein ;Liu, Jen-pei ;Peace, Karl E.Publisher: Wienke, Andreas;Jones, Byron ;Chung-Chow, Shein ;Liu, Jen-pei ;Peace, Karl E. ©2020ISBN: 9781420073881
- Framing AuthorityAuthor: CranePublisher: Crane ©2021ISBN: 9781433827532
- Framing BordersAuthor: KalmanPublisher: Kalman ©2021ISBN: 9780387726601
- Framing Canadian FederalismAuthor: BrydenPublisher: Bryden ©2021ISBN: 97831100708041 Concurrent User
- Framing Decisions : Decision-Making That Accounts for Irrationality, People and ConstraintsAuthor: Frame, J. DavidsonPublisher: Frame, J. Davidson ©2018ISBN: 9781118014899