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ABCDEFG HIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter H (7001-7050 of 17235):
- Heat Shock Proteins and the Cardiovascular System, vol. 192Author: JijiPublisher: Jiji ©2016ISBN: 97814613783275 Concurrent Users
- Heat Shock Proteins and Whole Body Adaptation to Extreme EnvironmentsAuthor: Evgen'evPublisher: Evgen'ev ©2016ISBN: 9789401792349
- Heat Shock Proteins and Whole Body Physiology, vol. 5Author: Andriy Redko and Oleksandr RedkoPublisher: Andriy Redko and Oleksandr Redko ©2016ISBN: 9789048133802
- Heat Shock Proteins in Cancer, vol. 2Author: Thulukkanam, KuppanPublisher: Thulukkanam, Kuppan ©2016ISBN: 9781402064005
- Heat Shock Proteins in Human Diseases, vol. 21Author: LindbergPublisher: Lindberg ©2021ISBN: 9783030622886Requires Adobe Digital Editions to access. Download at
- Heat Shock Proteins in Neural CellsAuthor: Richter-LandsbergPublisher: Richter-Landsberg ©2016ISBN: 9780387399522
- Heat Shock Proteins of MalariaAuthor: Cirimele, Gianluca;D'Elia, MarcelloPublisher: Cirimele, Gianluca;D'Elia, Marcello ©2016ISBN: 9789400774377
- Heat Shock Proteins: Potent Mediators of Inflammation and Immunity, vol. 1Author: AvramidiPublisher: Avramidi ©2016ISBN: 9781402055843
- Heat Storage Systems for BuildingsAuthor: Dogan Erdemir andIbrahim DincerPublisher: Dogan Erdemir andIbrahim Dincer ©2021ISBN: 9780387380315
- Heat Stress and Animal ProductivityAuthor: AggarwalPublisher: Aggarwal ©2016ISBN: 9788132208785
- Heat TransferAuthor: Calin, Ovidiu;Chang, Der-Chen;Furutani, Kenro;Iwasaki, ChisatoPublisher: Calin, Ovidiu;Chang, Der-Chen;Furutani, Kenro;Iwasaki, Chisato ©2016ISBN: 9780817649944
- Heat TransferAuthor: BeckerPublisher: Becker ©2016ISBN: 9781468412581
- Heat Transfer : A Modern ApproachAuthor: Becker, MartinPublisher: Becker, Martin ©2018ISBN: 97814684125815 Concurrent Users
- Heat Transfer : Basis and PracticeAuthor: von Böckh, Peter;Wetzel, ThomasPublisher: von Böckh, Peter;Wetzel, Thomas ©2016ISBN: 9783642191824
- Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow in Biological ProcessesAuthor: P. D. Dunn and David ReayPublisher: P. D. Dunn and David Reay ©2016ISBN: 9781398600096
- Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow in Minichannels and MicrochannelsAuthor: Satish Kandlikar, Srinivas Garimella, Dongqing Li, Stephane Colin and Michael R. KingPublisher: Satish Kandlikar, Srinivas Garimella, Dongqing Li, Stephane Colin and Michael R. King ©2016ISBN: 9783642200205
- Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow in Minichannels and MicrochannelsAuthor: Satish G. Kandlikar, Srinivas Garimella, Dongqing Li, Stéphane Colin and Michael R. KingPublisher: Satish G. Kandlikar, Srinivas Garimella, Dongqing Li, Stéphane Colin and Michael R. King ©2016ISBN: 9780674180833
- Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow in Nuclear SystemsAuthor: Fenech, HenriPublisher: Fenech, Henri ©2016ISBN: 97800802718111 Concurrent User
- Heat Transfer and Spacecraft Thermal ControlAuthor: Lucas, John W.Publisher: Lucas, John W. ©2018ISBN: 9780262120425
- Heat Transfer Applications for the Practicing EngineerAuthor: Theodore, LouisPublisher: Theodore, Louis ©2018ISBN: 9780470643723
- Heat Transfer EngineeringAuthor: Balaji Srinivasan, C. Balaji and Sateesh GedupudiPublisher: Balaji Srinivasan, C. Balaji and Sateesh Gedupudi ©2020ISBN: 9781461458531
- Heat Transfer Enhancement in Chemical ProcessesAuthor: Sun, LiliPublisher: Sun, Lili ©2024ISBN: 9781461458531
- Heat Transfer Enhancement of Heat ExchangersAuthor: Kakaç, S.;Bergles, A. E.;Mayinger, F.;Yuncu, HafitPublisher: Kakaç, S.;Bergles, A. E.;Mayinger, F.;Yuncu, Hafit ©2018ISBN: 9789048151905
- Heat Transfer Enhancement Using Nanofluid Flow in MicrochannelsAuthor: Davood Domairry Ganji and Amir MalvandiPublisher: Davood Domairry Ganji and Amir Malvandi ©2016ISBN: 9783319205076
- Heat Transfer in Aerospace ApplicationsAuthor: Bengt Sundén and Juan FuPublisher: Bengt Sundén and Juan Fu ©2017ISBN: 97833192050762 Concurrent Users
- Heat Transfer in Fluidized Beds, vol. 11Author: MolerusPublisher: Molerus ©2016ISBN: 9789401064682
- Heat Transfer in Medicine and BiologyAuthor: Eriksen, Vernon L.Publisher: Eriksen, Vernon L. ©2016ISBN: 9781468482874
- Heat Transfer in Multi-Phase Materials, vol. 2Author: Wilhelm, Emmerich;Letcher, TrevorPublisher: Wilhelm, Emmerich;Letcher, Trevor ©2016ISBN: 9783642044021
- Heat Transfer in Nuclear Reacter Safety, vol. 29Author: Dominik, Jan;Zacek, PavelPublisher: Dominik, Jan;Zacek, Pavel ©2016ISBN: 97833191721011 Concurrent User
- Heat Transfer in Polymer Composite Materials : Forming ProcessesAuthor: Boyard, NicolasPublisher: Boyard, Nicolas ©2018ISBN: 9783319172101
- Heat transfer in process engineeringAuthor: Cao, Eduardo.Publisher: Cao, Eduardo. ©2012ISBN: 9780071738125
- Heat Transfer in Radiating and Combusting Systems, vol. 17Author: Kabakov, Alexander E.;Gabai, Vladimir L.Publisher: Kabakov, Alexander E.;Gabai, Vladimir L. ©2016ISBN: 9783642846397
- Heat Transfer in StructuresAuthor: H. Schuh, R. L. Bisplinghoff and W. S. HempPublisher: H. Schuh, R. L. Bisplinghoff and W. S. Hemp ©2016ISBN: 9783034894104
- Heat Transfer in the Chemical, Food and Pharmaceutical IndustriesAuthor: Jean-Paul DuroudierPublisher: Jean-Paul Duroudier ©2017ISBN: 97833194633911 Concurrent User
- Heat Transfer ModelingAuthor: SidebothamPublisher: Sidebotham ©2016ISBN: 97833191451361 Concurrent User
- Heat Transfer PhysicsAuthor: Kaviany, MassoudPublisher: Kaviany, Massoud ©2018ISBN: 97805218989735 Concurrent Users
- Heat Transfer Principles and ApplicationsAuthor: Charles ForsbergPublisher: Charles Forsberg ©2020ISBN: 9789401792349
- Heat Transfer with Freezing and Thawing, vol. 65Author: Evgen'evPublisher: Evgen'ev ©2016ISBN: 9789401792349
- Heat Transfer, vol. 43Author: B. I. Kitaev, Yu. G. Yaroshenko, V. D. Suchkov and P. A. YoungPublisher: B. I. Kitaev, Yu. G. Yaroshenko, V. D. Suchkov and P. A. Young ©2016ISBN: 9780123815293
- Heat Transfers and Related Effects in Supercritical Fluids, vol. 108Author: ZappoliPublisher: Zappoli ©2018ISBN: 9789401791861Requires Adobe Digital Editions to access. Download at
- Heat Transfer–Incandescent TungstenAuthor: Andriy Redko and Oleksandr RedkoPublisher: Andriy Redko and Oleksandr Redko ©2016ISBN: 9789048133802
- Heat Transport and Energetics of the Earth and Rocky PlanetsAuthor: Anne HofmeisterPublisher: Anne Hofmeister ©2019ISBN: 9780387399522
- Heat Transport in Micro- and Nanoscale Thin FilmsAuthor: Bekir Yilbas, Saad Mansoor, and Haider AliPublisher: Bekir Yilbas, Saad Mansoor, and Haider Ali ©2017ISBN: 9780387399522
- Heat Treating 2011 : Proceedings of the 26th ConferenceAuthor: Ferguson, B. Lynn;Jones, Roger;MacKenzie, D. ScottPublisher: Ferguson, B. Lynn;Jones, Roger;MacKenzie, D. Scott ©2018ISBN: 9781615038381
- Heat Treating : Proceedings of the 16th ConferenceAuthor: Dossett, John;Juetje, RobertPublisher: Dossett, John;Juetje, Robert ©2018ISBN: 9780871705792
- Heat Treating : Proceedings of the 18th ConferenceAuthor: Walton, Harry W.;Wallis, Ronald A.Publisher: Walton, Harry W.;Wallis, Ronald A. ©2018ISBN: 9780871706263
- Heat Treating and Surface Engineering : Proceedings of the 22nd Heat Treating Society Conference and the 2nd International Surface Engineering CongressAuthor: Gaster, Robert J.;Dahotre, Narendra B.;Hill, Robert A.Publisher: Gaster, Robert J.;Dahotre, Narendra B.;Hill, Robert A. ©2018ISBN: 9780871707970
- Heat TreatmentAuthor: William E. BrysonPublisher: William E. Bryson ©2016ISBN: 9781402055843
- Heat Treatment for Insect ControlAuthor: D. HammondPublisher: D. Hammond ©2016ISBN: 9780387380315
- Heat Treatment of Gears : A Practical Guide for EngineersAuthor: Rakhit, A. K.Publisher: Rakhit, A. K. ©2018ISBN: 9780871706942