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Showing books starting with the letter H (8401-8450 of 17235):
- Hero's Fight, The
- Hero's Journey : How Educators Can Transform Schools and Improve Learning, The
- Herodian of Antioch's History of the Roman Empire
- Herodiani historiarum libri octo
- Herodot-Studien
- Herodoti De Bello Persico libri novem
- Herodoti historiae ; Libri I - IV, vol. I
- Herodoti historiae ; Libri V-IX. Indices, vol. II
- Heródoto en el Siglo de Oro
- Herodots Welt
- Herodotus
- Herodotus - narrator, scientist, historian
- Herodotus and the Origins of the Political Community
- Herodotus and the Question Why
- Herodotus and the topography of Xerxes’ invasion
- Herodotus in the Anthropocene
- Herodotus, Explorer of the Past
- Heroenkulte in Griechenland von der geometrischen bis zur klassischen Zeit
- Heroes - Repräsentationen des Heroischen in Geschichte, Literatur und Alltag
- Heroes : What They Do and Why We Need Them
- Heroes and Cowards
- Heroes and Toilers
- Heroes and Villains
- Heroes of China's Great Leap Forward
- Heroes of Empire
- Heroes of the Age
- Heroes, Martyrs, and Political Messiahs in Revolutionary Cuba, 1946-1958
- Heroic Awe
- Heroic Awe
- Heroic City, The
- Heroic Commitment in Richardson, Eliot, and James
- Heroic Efforts
- Heroic Failure and the British
- Heroic Forms
- Heroic humility: What the science of humility can say to people raised on self-focus
- Heroic Image in Five Shakespearean Tragedies
- Heroic Leadership: Leading with Integrity and Honor
- Heroic Love
- Heroic Poets, Poetic Heroes
- Heroic Sagas and Ballads
- Heroic Slave, The
- Heroic Temper, The
- Heroin Century
- Heroin Stimulus : Implications for a Theory of Addiction
- Heroin Use in England: An ethnographic Study of Drug Addiction
- Heroine Abuse
- Heroine of the Harlem Renaissance and Beyond
- Heroines and History
- Heroines and Local Girls
- Heroines in French Drama of the Romantic Period 1829–1848