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ABCDEFG HIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter H (1001-1050 of 17235):
- Handbook of Chemical Vapor DepositionAuthor: Hugh O. PiersonPublisher: Hugh O. Pierson ©2016ISBN: 97894010719701 Concurrent User
- Handbook of Chemical Vapor Deposition : Principles, Technology and ApplicationsAuthor: Pierson, Hugh O.Publisher: Pierson, Hugh O. ©2018ISBN: 9780815513001
- Handbook of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Biology : New FrontiersAuthor: Shishkina, Ludmila N.;Zaikov, Gennadii Efremovich;Goloschapov, Alexander N.Publisher: Shishkina, Ludmila N.;Zaikov, Gennadii Efremovich;Goloschapov, Alexander N. ©2018ISBN: 9781607418610
- Handbook of Chemometrics and Qualimetrics: Part B, vol. 20Author: Hugh O. PiersonPublisher: Hugh O. Pierson ©2017ISBN: 9780387243696
- Handbook of Child and Adolescent Anxiety DisordersAuthor: BallPublisher: Ball ©2016ISBN: 9781441977823
- Handbook of Child and Adolescent Anxiety DisordersAuthor: McKay, Dean;Storch, Eric A.Publisher: McKay, Dean;Storch, Eric A. ©2018ISBN: 9781441977823
- Handbook of Child and Adolescent Drug and Substance Abuse : Pharmacological, Developmental, and Clinical ConsiderationsAuthor: Pagliaro, Louis A.;Pagliaro, Ann MariePublisher: Pagliaro, Louis A.;Pagliaro, Ann Marie ©2018ISBN: 9780470639061
- Handbook of Child and Adolescent Group Therapy : A Practitioner's ReferenceAuthor: Haen, Craig;Aronson, SethPublisher: Haen, Craig;Aronson, Seth ©2018ISBN: 97811389545712 Concurrent Users
- Handbook of Child and Adolescent Psychology Treatment ModulesAuthor: Philippe Menasche;Ioannis Dimarakis;Nagy A Habib;Myrtle Y GordonPublisher: Philippe Menasche;Ioannis Dimarakis;Nagy A Habib;Myrtle Y Gordon ©2023ISBN: 9780323996143
- Handbook of Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy : Psychoanalytic Approaches, TheAuthor: Lanyado, Monica;Horne, AnnPublisher: Lanyado, Monica;Horne, Ann ©2018ISBN: 9780415172585
- Handbook of Child and Adolescent Sexuality : Developmental and Forensic PsychologyAuthor: Bromberg, Daniel S.;O'Donohue, William T.Publisher: Bromberg, Daniel S.;O'Donohue, William T. ©2016ISBN: 9780123877598
- Handbook of child guidanceAuthor: Harms, ErnestPublisher: Harms, Ernest ©2017ISBN: 9781848000919
- Handbook of Child Maltreatment, vol. 2Author: HasanPublisher: Hasan ©2016ISBN: 9789400772076
- Handbook of Child Psychology and Developmental Science, Cognitive ProcessesAuthor: Lerner, Richard M.;Liben, Lynn S.;Mueller, UlrichPublisher: Lerner, Richard M.;Liben, Lynn S.;Mueller, Ulrich ©2018ISBN: 9781118136782
- Handbook of Child Well-BeingAuthor: Cohen, Henri;Lefebvre, ClairePublisher: Cohen, Henri;Lefebvre, Claire ©2016ISBN: 9789048190621
- Handbook of Childhood and Adolescent ObesityAuthor: Hoare, Carol;Hoare, CarolPublisher: Hoare, Carol;Hoare, Carol ©2016ISBN: 9780387769226
- Handbook of Childhood Death and BereavementAuthor: Corr, Charles;Corr, Donna M.Publisher: Corr, Charles;Corr, Donna M. ©2018ISBN: 97808261932161 Concurrent User
- Handbook of Children and Youth StudiesAuthor: Kirkham, Bruce;Kavanaugh, Arthur;Plevy, Scott Eric;Barker, JonathanPublisher: Kirkham, Bruce;Kavanaugh, Arthur;Plevy, Scott Eric;Barker, Jonathan ©2016ISBN: 9789814451147
- Handbook of Children with Special Health Care NeedsAuthor: Ding, Kuiling;Uozumi, YasuhiroPublisher: Ding, Kuiling;Uozumi, Yasuhiro ©2016ISBN: 9781461423348
- Handbook of China's Financial System, TheAuthor: XiongPublisher: Xiong ©2021ISBN: 9783764367053
- Handbook of Chitin and Chitosan Volume 1: Preparation and PropertiesAuthor: Bradshaw, Ralph A.;Dennis, Edward A.Publisher: Bradshaw, Ralph A.;Dennis, Edward A. ©2020ISBN: 9780123741455
- Handbook of Chitin and Chitosan Volume 2: Composites and Nanocomposites from Chitin and Chitosan, Manufacturing and CharacterisationsAuthor: Bradshaw, Ralph A.;Dennis, Edward A.Publisher: Bradshaw, Ralph A.;Dennis, Edward A. ©2020ISBN: 9780123741455
- Handbook of Chitin and Chitosan Volume 3: Chitin and Chitosan based Polymer Materials for Various ApplicationsAuthor: Bond, Frank W.;Dryden, Windy.Publisher: Bond, Frank W.;Dryden, Windy. ©2020ISBN: 9780470021323
- Handbook of Chlor-Alkali TechnologyAuthor: O’BrienPublisher: O’Brien ©2016ISBN: 9780306486234
- Handbook of Chlor-Alkali Technology : Volume I: Fundamentals, Volume II: Brine Treatment and Cell Operation, Volume III: Facility Design and Product Handling, Volume IV: Operations, Volume V: Corrosion, Environmental Issues, and Future DevelopmentsAuthor: O'Brien, Thomas F.;Bommaraju, Tilak V.;Hine, FumioPublisher: O'Brien, Thomas F.;Bommaraju, Tilak V.;Hine, Fumio ©2018ISBN: 9781489992819
- Handbook of Chronic Depression : Diagnosis and Therapeutic ManagementAuthor: Alpert, Jonathan;Fava, MaurizioPublisher: Alpert, Jonathan;Fava, Maurizio ©2018ISBN: 9780824756604
- Handbook of Chronic Myeloid LeukemiaAuthor: HughesPublisher: Hughes ©2016ISBN: 9783319083490
- Handbook of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary DiseaseAuthor: Rees, P JohnPublisher: Rees, P John ©2017ISBN: 9781853179167
- Handbook of Citizen Science in Ecology and ConservationAuthor: Ioan D. MarinescuPublisher: Ioan D. Marinescu ©2020ISBN: 9780520284777
- Handbook of civil engineering calculationsAuthor: Tyler G. Hicks, editor ; S. David Hicks, coordinating editor.Publisher: Tyler G. Hicks, editor ; S. David Hicks, coordinating editor. ©2012ISBN: 9780071472937
- Handbook of Civil Engineering Calculations, Third EditionAuthor: Hicks, Tyler G.Publisher: Hicks, Tyler G. ©2020ISBN: 9781259586088
- Handbook of Civil Engineering Calculations, Third EditionAuthor: Hicks, Tyler G.Publisher: Hicks, Tyler G. ©2020ISBN: 9781259586859
- Handbook of Civil Society in Africa, The, vol. 20Author: HarriganPublisher: Harrigan ©2016ISBN: 9781461482611
- Handbook of Classical and Modern MandaicAuthor: MacuchPublisher: Macuch ©2021ISBN: 9783110002614
- Handbook of Classical ConditioningAuthor: Lavond, David G.;Steinmetz, Joseph E.Publisher: Lavond, David G.;Steinmetz, Joseph E. ©2016ISBN: 9781461349938
- Handbook of Classroom AssessmentAuthor: Fryer, Douglas H.Publisher: Fryer, Douglas H. ©2017ISBN: 97814684981895 Concurrent Users
- Handbook of Clay Science, vol. 1Author: Nicholas P. Cheremisinoff, Ph.D., and Nicholas P. Cheremisinoff, Ph.D.Publisher: Nicholas P. Cheremisinoff, Ph.D., and Nicholas P. Cheremisinoff, Ph.D. ©2017ISBN: 9783527328840
- Handbook of Clay Science, vol. 5Author: Martin B. HockingPublisher: Martin B. Hocking ©2016ISBN: 9780199662685
- Handbook of Climate Change AdaptationAuthor: Hocking, Martin B. B.;Hocking, Martin B. B.Publisher: Hocking, Martin B. B.;Hocking, Martin B. B. ©2016ISBN: 9783642386695
- Handbook of Climate Change and India : Development, Politics and GovernanceAuthor: Dubash, NavrozPublisher: Dubash, Navroz ©2018ISBN: 9781849713580
- Handbook of Climate Change MitigationAuthor: Hugh O. PiersonPublisher: Hugh O. Pierson ©2016ISBN: 97814419799021 Concurrent User
- Handbook of Climate Change Mitigation and AdaptationAuthor: Pierson, Hugh O.Publisher: Pierson, Hugh O. ©2016ISBN: 9783319144085
- Handbook of Clinical Adult Genetics and GenomicsAuthor: Shishkina, Ludmila N.;Zaikov, Gennadii Efremovich;Goloschapov, Alexander N.Publisher: Shishkina, Ludmila N.;Zaikov, Gennadii Efremovich;Goloschapov, Alexander N. ©2020ISBN: 9781607418610
- Handbook of Clinical AnesthesiaAuthor: Lovette, Irby J.;Fitzpatrick, John W.Publisher: Lovette, Irby J.;Fitzpatrick, John W. ©2016ISBN: 9780781789486
- Handbook of Clinical AnesthesiaAuthor: McKay, Dean;Storch, Eric A.Publisher: McKay, Dean;Storch, Eric A. ©2018ISBN: 9781451176155
- Handbook of Clinical AnesthesiaAuthor: HamiltonPublisher: Hamilton ©2016ISBN: 9780781757935
- Handbook of Clinical AudiologyAuthor: BallPublisher: Ball ©2021ISBN: 9781451191639
- Handbook of Clinical Behavioral PediatricsAuthor: Bellack, Alan S.;Hersen, Michel;Gross, Alan M.Publisher: Bellack, Alan S.;Hersen, Michel;Gross, Alan M. ©2018ISBN: 9781461278405
- Handbook of Clinical Child NeuropsychologyAuthor: Sande, Merle A.;Zak, OtoPublisher: Sande, Merle A.;Zak, Oto ©2016ISBN: 9781489968098
- Handbook of Clinical Health PsychologyAuthor: LlewelynPublisher: Llewelyn ©2016ISBN: 9780471485445