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ABCDEFG HIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter H (10501-10550 of 17235):
- Historian in an Age of CrisisAuthor: StraussPublisher: Strauss ©2021ISBN: 9780674436343Requires Adobe Digital Editions to access. Download at
- Historian Looks Back : The Calculus as Algebra and Selected WritingsAuthor: Grabiner, Judith V.Publisher: Grabiner, Judith V. ©2018ISBN: 9780883855720
- Historian of the StrangeAuthor: ZeitlinPublisher: Zeitlin ©2022ISBN: 97814471526201 Concurrent User
- Historians across BordersAuthor: AllenPublisher: Allen ©2020ISBN: 9781852339609
- Historians and Historiography in the Italian RenaissanceAuthor: CochranePublisher: Cochrane ©2022ISBN: 9781852331856
- Historians and the Law in Postrevolutionary FranceAuthor: KelleyPublisher: Kelley ©2021ISBN: 9781447152620
- Historians and Their Craft:. a Study of the Presidential Addresses. of the American Historical Association, 1884–1945Author: AusubelPublisher: Ausubel ©2019ISBN: 9780231914161
- Historians as Expert Judicial Witnesses in Tobacco Litigation, vol. 4Author: DelafontainePublisher: Delafontaine ©2016ISBN: 9783319142913
- Historians of Anglo-American Law, TheAuthor: HoldsworthPublisher: Holdsworth ©2019ISBN: 9780231935746
- Historians of the Jews and the HolocaustAuthor: EngelPublisher: Engel ©2022ISBN: 9781468455373
- Historians on HamiltonAuthor: Park, W. WallacePublisher: Park, W. Wallace ©2020ISBN: 9781468455373
- Historians’ Paradox, TheAuthor: HofferPublisher: Hoffer ©2022ISBN: 9783540579137
- Historias cruzadas de novelas… Juan Rulfo, Alejo Carpentier, Mario Vargas Llosa, Carlos Fuentes, Gabriel García Márquez, José DonosoAuthor: JosetPublisher: Joset ©2020ISBN: 97802621622961 Concurrent User
- Historias de la pequeña pantallaAuthor: LópezPublisher: López ©2020ISBN: 9781451187427
- Historias e historietasAuthor: LudolfPublisher: Ludolf ©2020ISBN: 9781496383426
- Historias híbridasAuthor: PerkowskaPublisher: Perkowska ©2020ISBN: 9780781772006
- Historic Control TextbooksAuthor: Feller, Alfred C.;Diebold Professor emeritus, Jacques;Diebold, JacquesPublisher: Feller, Alfred C.;Diebold Professor emeritus, Jacques;Diebold, Jacques ©2016ISBN: 9783540638018
- Historic Imaginary, TheAuthor: FoguPublisher: Fogu ©2021ISBN: 9783110223378
- Historic Mortars, vol. 7Author: LennertPublisher: Lennert ©2016ISBN: 9789400746343
- Historic Native Peoples of TexasAuthor: Lennert, Karl;Feller, Alfred C.Publisher: Lennert, Karl;Feller, Alfred C. ©2021ISBN: 9783540512707
- Historic Native Peoples of TexasAuthor: FosterPublisher: Foster ©2021ISBN: 9780292717923
- Historic New LanarkAuthor: DonnachiePublisher: Donnachie ©2022ISBN: 9781588294999
- Historic Newspapers in the Digital Age : Search All about It!Author: Gooding, PaulPublisher: Gooding, Paul ©2018ISBN: 9781472463388
- Historic Origin and Social Development of Family Life in RussiaAuthor: CapellePublisher: Capelle ©2019ISBN: 9780231914185
- Historic PreservationAuthor: TomlanPublisher: Tomlan ©2016ISBN: 9783319049748
- Historic Preservation in Indiana : Essays from the FieldAuthor: Hiller, Nancy R.;Glassie, Henry;Sturbaum, Bill;Miller, Teresa;Schlemmer, Elizabeth;Sanders, Scott Russell;Brubaker, Cynthia;Cook, Gayle;Sarra, Edith;Munson, Cheryl AnnPublisher: Hiller, Nancy R.;Glassie, Henry;Sturbaum, Bill;Miller, Teresa;Schlemmer, Elizabeth;Sanders, Scott Russell;Brubaker, Cynthia;Cook, Gayle;Sarra, Edith;Munson, Cheryl Ann ©2018ISBN: 9780253010469
- Historic Real EstateAuthor: MartinkoPublisher: Martinko ©2020ISBN: 9780812252095
- Historic StructuresAuthor: GalanPublisher: Galan ©2021ISBN: 9781468418170
- Historic Titles in International LawAuthor: BlumPublisher: Blum ©2016ISBN: 97894015020165 Concurrent Users
- Historic Urban Landscape : Managing Heritage in an Urban Century, TheAuthor: Bandarin, Francesco;van Oers, RonPublisher: Bandarin, Francesco;van Oers, Ron ©2018ISBN: 9781118932728
- Historic Wooden Architecture in Europe and RussiaAuthor: Genton, Claude YvesPublisher: Genton, Claude Yves ©2021ISBN: 9783035605662
- Historical and Archaeological Perspectives on Gender TransformationsAuthor: Hellquist, Henrik;Skalova, AlenaPublisher: Hellquist, Henrik;Skalova, Alena ©2016ISBN: 9781461448624
- Historical and Philosophical Context of Rational Psychotherapy : The Legacy of Epictetus, TheAuthor: Dryden, Windy;Still, ArthurPublisher: Dryden, Windy;Still, Arthur ©2018ISBN: 97817804902361 Concurrent User
- Historical and Philosophical Perspectives on Biomedical Ethics: from Paternalism to Autonomy? : From Paternalism to Autonomy?Author: Maehle, Andreas-Holger;Geyer-Kordesch, JohannaPublisher: Maehle, Andreas-Holger;Geyer-Kordesch, Johanna ©2018ISBN: 97811387349821 Concurrent User
- Historical and Philosophical Roots of PerceptionAuthor: AllenPublisher: Allen ©2016ISBN: 9781447152620
- Historical Animal, TheAuthor: Nance, Susan;Colby, Jason;Gibson, Abraham H.;Swart, Sandra;Tortorici, Zeb;Cox, Lisa;Zulueta, Concepción Cortés;Shaw, David Gary;Pooley-Ebert, Andria;Cincinnati, NoahPublisher: Nance, Susan;Colby, Jason;Gibson, Abraham H.;Swart, Sandra;Tortorici, Zeb;Cox, Lisa;Zulueta, Concepción Cortés;Shaw, David Gary;Pooley-Ebert, Andria;Cincinnati, Noah ©2018ISBN: 9780815634287
- Historical Anthology of Music ; Historical Anthology of Music, Volume I: Oriental, Medieval, and Renaissance Music, vol. IAuthor: DavisonPublisher: Davison ©2020ISBN: 9780674335400
- Historical Anthology of Music ; Historical Anthology of Music, Volume II: Baroque, Rococo, and Pre-Classical Music, vol. IIAuthor: DavisonPublisher: Davison ©2020ISBN: 9780674335431
- Historical Archaeologies of CapitalismAuthor: I. G. SommersPublisher: I. G. Sommers ©2016ISBN: 9783319127590
- Historical Archaeologies of CapitalismAuthor: RashedPublisher: Rashed ©2016ISBN: 9780306460685
- Historical ArchaeologyAuthor: Hall, MartinPublisher: Hall, Martin ©2022ISBN: 9781405107501
- Historical Archaeology at Tikal, GuatemalaAuthor: Moholy-NagyPublisher: Moholy-Nagy ©2020ISBN: 9781934536476
- Historical Archaeology in WachoviaAuthor: SouthPublisher: South ©2016ISBN: 97803064565892 Concurrent Users
- Historical Archaeology of Gendered LivesAuthor: RotmanPublisher: Rotman ©2016ISBN: 9780387896670
- Historical Archeology of Tourism in Yellowstone National ParkAuthor: WilsonPublisher: Wilson ©2016ISBN: 9781441910837
- Historical Aspects of Pediatric Surgery, vol. 20Author: Park, W. WallacePublisher: Park, W. Wallace ©2016ISBN: 9783642708275
- Historical Atlas of CanadaAuthor: AllenPublisher: Allen ©2021ISBN: 9781852339609
- Historical Atlas of CanadaAuthor: ZeitlinPublisher: Zeitlin ©2021ISBN: 97814471526201 Concurrent User
- Historical Atlas of CanadaAuthor: Grabiner, Judith V.Publisher: Grabiner, Judith V. ©2021ISBN: 97808838557205 Concurrent Users
- Historical Atlas of Central EuropeAuthor: MagocsiPublisher: Magocsi ©2020ISBN: 9781852331856