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ABCDEFG HIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter H (3051-3100 of 17235):
- Handbook of Service Innovation, TheAuthor: Modjarrad, Kayvon;Ebnesajjad, SinaPublisher: Modjarrad, Kayvon;Ebnesajjad, Sina ©2016ISBN: 9781447165897
- Handbook of Service ScienceAuthor: Michael, Kurt D.;Jameson, John PaulPublisher: Michael, Kurt D.;Jameson, John Paul ©2016ISBN: 97814419162735 Concurrent Users
- Handbook of Service User Involvement in Mental Health ResearchAuthor: Wallcraft, Jan;Schrank, Beate;Amering, Michaela;Amering, MichaelaPublisher: Wallcraft, Jan;Schrank, Beate;Amering, Michaela;Amering, Michaela ©2018ISBN: 9780470997956
- Handbook of Set TheoryAuthor: EchlinPublisher: Echlin ©2016ISBN: 9781402048432
- Handbook of Set-Theoretic TopologyAuthor: Panicker, SangeetaPublisher: Panicker, Sangeeta ©2016ISBN: 97814419767031 Concurrent User
- Handbook of Sexual and Gender Identity DisordersAuthor: Rowland, David L.;Incrocci, LucaPublisher: Rowland, David L.;Incrocci, Luca ©2018ISBN: 97804709394371 Concurrent User
- Handbook of sexual orientation and gender diversity in counseling and psychotherapyAuthor: DeBord, Kurt A.Publisher: DeBord, Kurt A. ©2017ISBN: 9781433823060
- Handbook of Shock WavesAuthor: CapderouPublisher: Capderou ©2016ISBN: 9783319034157
- Handbook of Shock Waves, Three Volume SetAuthor: Ben-Dor, Gabi;Igra, Ozer;Elperin, TovPublisher: Ben-Dor, Gabi;Igra, Ozer;Elperin, Tov ©2018ISBN: 9780120864300
- Handbook of Short SellingAuthor: Robert Radvanovsky,Jacob Brodsky (eds)Publisher: Robert Radvanovsky,Jacob Brodsky (eds) ©2016ISBN: 9781466502260
- Handbook of Sidescan Sonar, TheAuthor: BlondelPublisher: Blondel ©2016ISBN: 9783540426417
- Handbook of Signal Processing in AcousticsAuthor: Havelock, David;Kuwano, Sonoko;Vorländer, Michael;Vorländer, MichaelPublisher: Havelock, David;Kuwano, Sonoko;Vorländer, Michael;Vorländer, Michael ©2018ISBN: 9780387776989
- Handbook of Signal Processing in AcousticsAuthor: Haghi, A. K.Publisher: Haghi, A. K. ©2016ISBN: 9780387776989
- Handbook of Signal Processing SystemsAuthor: EarglePublisher: Eargle ©2016ISBN: 97814419634442 Concurrent Users
- Handbook of Signal Processing SystemsAuthor: EarglePublisher: Eargle ©2016ISBN: 9781461468585
- Handbook of Signs and SymptomsAuthor: LippincottPublisher: Lippincott ©2018ISBN: 9781605470528
- Handbook of Signs and SymptomsAuthor: Young, A. W.;Ellis, H. D.;Young, A. W.Publisher: Young, A. W.;Ellis, H. D.;Young, A. W. ©2016ISBN: 9781605470528
- Handbook of Signs and SymptomsAuthor: Pacheco-Torgal, F.;Ding, YiningPublisher: Pacheco-Torgal, F.;Ding, Yining ©2012ISBN: 9781582554020
- Handbook of Signs and SymptomsAuthor: Weist, Mark D.;Lever, Nancy A.;Bradshaw, Catherine P.;Owens, Julie SarnoPublisher: Weist, Mark D.;Lever, Nancy A.;Bradshaw, Catherine P.;Owens, Julie Sarno ©2021ISBN: 9781451194258
- Handbook of Silicon Based MEMS Materials and TechnologiesAuthor: Christenson, Sandra L.;Reschly, Amy L.Publisher: Christenson, Sandra L.;Reschly, Amy L. ©2020ISBN: 97804159637561 Concurrent User
- Handbook of Silicon Based MEMS Materials and TechnologiesAuthor: Flood, James;Lapp, Diane;Squire, James R.Publisher: Flood, James;Lapp, Diane;Squire, James R. ©2016ISBN: 9783319070513
- Handbook of Silicon Based MEMS Materials and TechnologiesAuthor: Tilli, Markku;Paulasto-Kröckel, Mervi;Motooka, Teruaki;Lindroos, Veikko;Airaksinen, Veli-Matti;Franssila, Sami;Lehto, AriPublisher: Tilli, Markku;Paulasto-Kröckel, Mervi;Motooka, Teruaki;Lindroos, Veikko;Airaksinen, Veli-Matti;Franssila, Sami;Lehto, Ari ©2017ISBN: 9780815515944
- Handbook of Silicon Based MEMS Materials and TechnologiesAuthor: Veikko Lindroos, Markku Tilli, Ari Lehto and Teruaki MotookaPublisher: Veikko Lindroos, Markku Tilli, Ari Lehto and Teruaki Motooka ©2020ISBN: 9780935302479
- Handbook of Silicon Wafer Cleaning TechnologyAuthor: Shennan, Ian;Long, Antony J.;Horton, Benjamin P.Publisher: Shennan, Ian;Long, Antony J.;Horton, Benjamin P. ©2016ISBN: 9781118452585
- Handbook of Silicon Wafer Cleaning TechnologyAuthor: Totten, G.Publisher: Totten, G. ©2018ISBN: 97816145118091 Concurrent User
- Handbook of Simulation Optimization, vol. 216Author: Kurlan, RogerPublisher: Kurlan, Roger ©2016ISBN: 97814939138311 Concurrent User
- Handbook of Simulator-Based TrainingAuthor: Farmer, Eric;Rooij, John van;Riemersma, Johan;Jorna, PeterPublisher: Farmer, Eric;Rooij, John van;Riemersma, Johan;Jorna, Peter ©2018ISBN: 97807546118755 Concurrent Users
- Handbook of Singapore–Malaysian Corporate FinanceAuthor: Cole, Richard J.;Schweikert, Milbra A.;Jarvis, Bruce B.Publisher: Cole, Richard J.;Schweikert, Milbra A.;Jarvis, Bruce B. ©2016ISBN: 9780121794606
- Handbook of Single Molecule Fluorescence SpectroscopyAuthor: Gell, Chris;Brockwell, David;Smith, AlastairPublisher: Gell, Chris;Brockwell, David;Smith, Alastair ©2018ISBN: 9780198529422
- Handbook of Single-Molecule BiophysicsAuthor: Taylor, Roy;Batey, DeborahPublisher: Taylor, Roy;Batey, Deborah ©2016ISBN: 9780387764962
- Handbook of Skull Base SurgeryAuthor: Boekaerts, Monique;Pintrich, Paul R.;Zeidner, MoshePublisher: Boekaerts, Monique;Pintrich, Paul R.;Zeidner, Moshe ©2018ISBN: 9781626230255Requires Adobe Digital Editions to access. Download at
- Handbook of Skull Base SurgeryAuthor: DiLevaPublisher: DiLeva ©2021ISBN: 9781626230255
- Handbook of Sleep Disorders in Medical ConditionsAuthor: Boekaerts, Monique;Pintrich, Paul R.;Zeidner, MoshePublisher: Boekaerts, Monique;Pintrich, Paul R.;Zeidner, Moshe ©2019ISBN: 9780123695192
- Handbook of Sleep MedicineAuthor: Schunk, Dale H.;Zimmerman, BarryPublisher: Schunk, Dale H.;Zimmerman, Barry ©2012ISBN: 9780415871112
- Handbook of Sleep Research, vol. 30Author: Barrett, Alan J.;Rawlings, Neil D.;Woessner, J. FredPublisher: Barrett, Alan J.;Rawlings, Neil D.;Woessner, J. Fred ©2019ISBN: 9780128137437
- Handbook of Small Animal GastroenterologyAuthor: Neil D. Rawlings and Guy SalvesenPublisher: Neil D. Rawlings and Guy Salvesen ©2017ISBN: 9783540929123
- Handbook of Small Animal Oral EmergenciesAuthor: Cecilia Gorrel, Susanna Penman, Peter P. Emily and A. T. B. EdneyPublisher: Cecilia Gorrel, Susanna Penman, Peter P. Emily and A. T. B. Edney ©2016ISBN: 9781461369707
- Handbook of Small Animal PracticeAuthor: StapelbergPublisher: Stapelberg ©2017ISBN: 9789400714328
- Handbook of Small Animal Radiological Differential DiagnosisAuthor: Ruth Dennis, MA, VetMB, DVR, DipECVDI, MRCVS, Robert M Kirberger, BVSc, MMedVet [Rad), DipECVDI, Robert H Wrigley, BVSc, MS, DVR, MRCVS, DipACVR, and Frances J Barr, MA, VetMB, PhD, DVR, DipECVDI, MRCVSPublisher: Ruth Dennis, MA, VetMB, DVR, DipECVDI, MRCVS, Robert M Kirberger, BVSc, MMedVet [Rad), DipECVDI, Robert H Wrigley, BVSc, MS, DVR, MRCVS, DipACVR, and Frances J Barr, MA, VetMB, PhD, DVR, DipECVDI, MRCVS ©2017ISBN: 9789400714328
- Handbook of Small Animal Radiology and UltrasoundAuthor: Ruth Dennis, MA, VetMB, DVR, DipECVDI, MRCVS, Robert M. Kirberger, BVSc, MMedVet(Rad), DipECVDI, Frances Barr, MA, VetMB, PhD, DVR, DipECVDI, MRCVS, and Robert H. Wrigley, BVSc, MS, DVR, DipACVR, DipECVDI, MRCVSPublisher: Ruth Dennis, MA, VetMB, DVR, DipECVDI, MRCVS, Robert M. Kirberger, BVSc, MMedVet(Rad), DipECVDI, Frances Barr, MA, VetMB, PhD, DVR, DipECVDI, MRCVS, and Robert H. Wrigley, BVSc, MS, DVR, DipACVR, DipECVDI, MRCVS ©2017ISBN: 9780128006290
- Handbook of Small Modular Nuclear ReactorsAuthor: V. MangulisPublisher: V. Mangulis ©2020ISBN: 9783527327768
- Handbook of Small Modular Nuclear ReactorsAuthor: M. D. Carelli and D. T. IngersollPublisher: M. D. Carelli and D. T. Ingersoll ©2016ISBN: 9781461418634
- Handbook of Smart Coatings for Materials ProtectionAuthor: van der Ree, Rodney;Smith, Daniel J.;Grilo, ClaraPublisher: van der Ree, Rodney;Smith, Daniel J.;Grilo, Clara ©2016ISBN: 9781461418634
- Handbook of Smart Coatings for Materials ProtectionAuthor: Makhlouf, Abdel Salam HamdyPublisher: Makhlouf, Abdel Salam Hamdy ©2018ISBN: 9780857096807
- Handbook of Smart Energy SystemsAuthor: Michel Fathi,Enrico Zio,Panos M. PardalosPublisher: Michel Fathi,Enrico Zio,Panos M. Pardalos ©2024ISBN: 9783030979393
- Handbook of Smart Homes, Health Care and Well-BeingAuthor: Michael, Kurt D.;Jameson, John PaulPublisher: Michael, Kurt D.;Jameson, John Paul ©2016ISBN: 97833190158285 Concurrent Users
- Handbook of Smart Photocatalytic MaterialsAuthor: Wallcraft, Jan;Schrank, Beate;Amering, Michaela;Amering, MichaelaPublisher: Wallcraft, Jan;Schrank, Beate;Amering, Michaela;Amering, Michaela ©2020ISBN: 9780470997956
- Handbook of Smart Photocatalytic MaterialsAuthor: Howie, Alec J.Publisher: Howie, Alec J. ©2020ISBN: 9781402048432
- Handbook of Smart TextilesAuthor: EchlinPublisher: Echlin ©2016ISBN: 9789814451444
- Handbook of Social Choice and WelfareAuthor: Panicker, SangeetaPublisher: Panicker, Sangeeta ©2020ISBN: 97814419767031 Concurrent User