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ABCDEFGH IJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter I (6601-6650 of 21422):
- Industrial Network SecurityAuthor: Knapp, Eric D.Publisher: Knapp, Eric D. ©2024ISBN: 9780674368569
- Industrial Network Security : Securing Critical Infrastructure Networks for Smart Grid, SCADA, and Other Industrial Control SystemsAuthor: Knapp, Eric D.;Langill, Joel ThomasPublisher: Knapp, Eric D.;Langill, Joel Thomas ©2018ISBN: 9781597496452
- Industrial Network Security: Securing Critical Infrastructure Networks for Smart Grid, SCADA, and other Industrial Control SystemsAuthor: Eric KnappPublisher: Eric Knapp ©2016ISBN: 97815974964521 Concurrent User
- Industrial Network Security: Securing Critical Infrastructure Networks for Smart Grid, SCADA, and other Industrial Control Systems, Second EditionAuthor: Eric D. Knapp,Joel Thomas LangillPublisher: Eric D. Knapp,Joel Thomas Langill ©2016ISBN: 9780124201149
- Industrial Oil CropsAuthor: DowniePublisher: Downie ©2016ISBN: 9780751403527
- Industrial Organic ChemicalsAuthor: Wittcoff, Harold A.;Reuben, Bryan G.;Plotkin, Jeffery S.Publisher: Wittcoff, Harold A.;Reuben, Bryan G.;Plotkin, Jeffery S. ©2018ISBN: 9780470537435
- Industrial Organic ChemistryAuthor: BenvenutoPublisher: Benvenuto ©2019ISBN: 97831104944641 Concurrent User
- Industrial Organization and Regulation of the Securities Industry, TheAuthor: Lewis, Alison;Seckler, Marcelo;Kramer, Herman;Rosmalen, Gerda vanPublisher: Lewis, Alison;Seckler, Marcelo;Kramer, Herman;Rosmalen, Gerda van ©2020ISBN: 97831106468495 Concurrent Users
- Industrial Organization and the Digital EconomyAuthor: Illing, Gerhard;Peitz, MartinPublisher: Illing, Gerhard;Peitz, Martin ©2018ISBN: 9780262090414
- Industrial Organization in CanadaAuthor: BeMiller, James N.;Whistler, Roy L.Publisher: BeMiller, James N.;Whistler, Roy L. ©2023ISBN: 9780127462530
- Industrial Organization of Banking, TheAuthor: VanHoosePublisher: VanHoose ©2016ISBN: 97836420282051 Concurrent User
- Industrial Organization, Trade, and Social InteractionAuthor: DowPublisher: Dow ©2020ISBN: 9783110563306
- Industrial PeacemakerAuthor: ShilsPublisher: Shils ©2021ISBN: 97808122777221 Concurrent User
- Industrial PeacemakingAuthor: DouglasPublisher: Douglas ©2019ISBN: 97802319157625 Concurrent Users
- Industrial Perspectives of Safety-critical SystemsAuthor: King, Ralph W.;Magid, JohnPublisher: King, Ralph W.;Magid, John ©2016ISBN: 9783540761891
- Industrial Pigging Technology : Fundamentals, Components, ApplicationsAuthor: Hiltscher, Gerhard;Mühlthaler, Wolfgang;Smits, Jörg;Mühlthaler, Wolfgang;Smits, JörgPublisher: Hiltscher, Gerhard;Mühlthaler, Wolfgang;Smits, Jörg;Mühlthaler, Wolfgang;Smits, Jörg ©2018ISBN: 9783527306350
- Industrial Piping and Equipment Estimating ManualAuthor: Kenneth StormPublisher: Kenneth Storm ©2017ISBN: 9781629582030
- Industrial Piping and Equipment Estimating ManualAuthor: Storm, KennethPublisher: Storm, Kenneth ©2018ISBN: 9780128139462
- Industrial Piping and Equipment Estimating ManualAuthor: Kenneth StormPublisher: Kenneth Storm ©2023ISBN: 9781629582030
- Industrial Policies After 2000, vol. 72Author: Eggers, RudolfPublisher: Eggers, Rudolf ©2016ISBN: 9789401057660
- Industrial Policy and Economic Transformation in AfricaAuthor: Warwick, K.;Rees, D.Publisher: Warwick, K.;Rees, D. ©2021ISBN: 9780231175180
- Industrial Policy for National ChampionsAuthor: Talty, John J.Publisher: Talty, John J. ©2021ISBN: 9780262016018
- Industrial Policy in Eastern Europe, vol. 31Author: BrabantPublisher: Brabant ©2016ISBN: 97894010434032 Concurrent Users
- Industrial Policy: The Coevolution of Public and Private Sources of Finance for Important Emerging and Evolving TechnologiesAuthor: Kenneth I. Carlaw,Richard G. LipseyPublisher: Kenneth I. Carlaw,Richard G. Lipsey ©2022ISBN: 9781009227483
- Industrial Pollution : Oil Spills, Toxicity and Risk AssessmentAuthor: Baines, Earl N.;Appleton, Paul G.Publisher: Baines, Earl N.;Appleton, Paul G. ©2018ISBN: 9781604569179
- Industrial Pollution PreventionAuthor: Förstner, U.;Murphy, Robert J.;Rulkens, W. H.Publisher: Förstner, U.;Murphy, Robert J.;Rulkens, W. H. ©2018ISBN: 9783642084560
- Industrial Power DistributionAuthor: Fehr, RalphPublisher: Fehr, Ralph ©2018ISBN: 9783110330328
- Industrial Power Engineering and Applications HandbookAuthor: K.C. AgrawalPublisher: K.C. Agrawal ©2016ISBN: 9781447111450
- Industrial Practice of Chemical Process Engineering, TheAuthor: BodmanPublisher: Bodman ©2021ISBN: 97802620204041 Concurrent User
- Industrial Problem Solving SimplifiedAuthor: PawlakPublisher: Pawlak ©2016ISBN: 9781430265771
- Industrial Process Automation SystemsAuthor: B.R. Mehta and Y. Jaganmohan ReddyPublisher: B.R. Mehta and Y. Jaganmohan Reddy ©2016ISBN: 9781447110750
- Industrial Process ControlAuthor: Ghodrat KalaniPublisher: Ghodrat Kalani ©2016ISBN: 9781484253151
- Industrial Process Control SystemsAuthor: Fardo, Stephen W.;Patrick, Dale R.Publisher: Fardo, Stephen W.;Patrick, Dale R. ©2018ISBN: 9788817359146
- Industrial Process Identification and Control Design : Step-Test and Relay-experiment-based MethodsAuthor: Liu, Tao;Gao, FurongPublisher: Liu, Tao;Gao, Furong ©2016ISBN: 97814471601681 Concurrent User
- Industrial Process Plant Construction Estimating and Man-Hour AnalysisAuthor: Kenneth StormPublisher: Kenneth Storm ©2019ISBN: 9783038353485Unlimited Users
- Industrial Process Scale-UpAuthor: Jan HarmsenPublisher: Jan Harmsen ©2019ISBN: 9789401042741Unlimited Users
- Industrial Process Scale-upAuthor: Jan HarmsenPublisher: Jan Harmsen ©2016ISBN: 9781461596790Unlimited Users
- Industrial Production ModelsAuthor: DanøPublisher: Danø ©2016ISBN: 9783709181423
- Industrial Project ManagementAuthor: TonchiaPublisher: Tonchia ©2016ISBN: 9783540775423
- Industrial Proteins in Perspective, vol. 23Author: John F. ReadyPublisher: John F. Ready ©2017ISBN: 9781447123200
- Industrial psychologyAuthor: Siegel, LawrencePublisher: Siegel, Lawrence ©2017ISBN: 9781439861011
- Industrial psychologyAuthor: von Haller Gilmer, B.Publisher: von Haller Gilmer, B. ©2017ISBN: 9789401042741Unlimited Users
- Industrial psychologyAuthor: Tiffin, JosephPublisher: Tiffin, Joseph ©2017ISBN: 9789811033032Requires Adobe Digital Editions to access. Download at
- Industrial psychologyAuthor: von Haller Gilmer, B.Publisher: von Haller Gilmer, B. ©2012ISBN: 9780815514084
- Industrial psychology., 2nd edAuthor: Tiffin, JosephPublisher: Tiffin, Joseph ©2012ISBN: 9783790809497
- Industrial Radiology : Theory and PracticeAuthor: Halmshaw, R.;Lord, W.;Halmshaw, R.Publisher: Halmshaw, R.;Lord, W.;Halmshaw, R. ©2018ISBN: 9789401042444
- Industrial Radiology, vol. 1Author: HalmshawPublisher: Halmshaw ©2016ISBN: 9789401042444
- Industrial refrigeration handbookAuthor: Stoecker, W. F.Publisher: Stoecker, W. F. ©2012ISBN: 9780070616233
- Industrial RelationsAuthor: Eric KnappPublisher: Eric Knapp ©2020ISBN: 9781597496452
- Industrial relations and the social orderAuthor: Moore, Wilbert E.Publisher: Moore, Wilbert E. ©2017ISBN: 9780674368569