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- Inorganic and Organometallic Transition Metal Complexes with Biological Molecules and Living CellsAuthor: Huang, Qi;Jing, Shi;Yi, Jianbo;Zhen, WeiPublisher: Huang, Qi;Jing, Shi;Yi, Jianbo;Zhen, Wei ©2017ISBN: 9781118889923Requires Adobe Digital Editions to access. Download at
- Inorganic and Physical Chemistry, vol. 77Author: Anamika Ahirwar,Piyush Kumar Shukla,Manish Shrivastava,Priti Maheshwary,Bhupesh GourPublisher: Anamika Ahirwar,Piyush Kumar Shukla,Manish Shrivastava,Priti Maheshwary,Bhupesh Gour ©2016ISBN: 9783540089872
- Inorganic Anticorrosive MaterialsAuthor: ArgonetoPublisher: Argoneto ©2022ISBN: 9780857297068
- Inorganic Aspects of Biological and Organic ChemistryAuthor: Hanzlik, RobertPublisher: Hanzlik, Robert ©2018ISBN: 9780123240507
- Inorganic Aspects of Biological and Organic ChemistryAuthor: Robert HanzlikPublisher: Robert Hanzlik ©2016ISBN: 9780857297068
- Inorganic Biochemistry : Volume 1Author: Hill, H. A. O.Publisher: Hill, H. A. O. ©2018ISBN: 9780851865706
- Inorganic Biochemistry : Volume 3Author: Hill, H. A. O.Publisher: Hill, H. A. O. ©2018ISBN: 9780851865652
- Inorganic Chemical Biology : Principles, Techniques and ApplicationsAuthor: Gasser, GillesPublisher: Gasser, Gilles ©2018ISBN: 9781118510025
- Inorganic ChemistryAuthor: Michael SchragePublisher: Michael Schrage ©2016ISBN: 97802620283631 Concurrent User
- Inorganic ChemistryAuthor: C. Chambers and A. K. HollidayPublisher: C. Chambers and A. K. Holliday ©2016ISBN: 9781681686905
- Inorganic ChemistryAuthor: House, James E.Publisher: House, James E. ©2018ISBN: 9780123851109
- Inorganic ChemistryAuthor: William W. PorterfieldPublisher: William W. Porterfield ©2016ISBN: 9781501943799
- Inorganic ChemistryAuthor: J. BassettPublisher: J. Bassett ©2016ISBN: 9781663724076
- Inorganic ChemistryAuthor: James HousePublisher: James House ©2019ISBN: 97807303836425 Concurrent Users
- Inorganic ChemistryAuthor: MauryaPublisher: Maurya ©2021ISBN: 9783110727258
- Inorganic ChemistryAuthor: Clayton M. Christensen,Michael E. RaynorPublisher: Clayton M. Christensen,Michael E. Raynor ©2022ISBN: 9783112539477
- Inorganic ChemistryAuthor: Nathan BairdPublisher: Nathan Baird ©2022ISBN: 9783112536759
- Inorganic Chemistry : An Industrial and Environmental PerspectiveAuthor: Swaddle, Thomas W.Publisher: Swaddle, Thomas W. ©2017ISBN: 9780126785500
- Inorganic Chemistry : Reactions, Structure and MechanismsAuthor: Trimm, Harold H.Publisher: Trimm, Harold H. ©2018ISBN: 9781926692593
- Inorganic Chemistry and Spectroscopy, vol. 36Author: ClarkPublisher: Clark ©2016ISBN: 9783540092018
- Inorganic Chemistry CommunicationsAuthor: Clayton M. Christensen,Michael E. RaynorPublisher: Clayton M. Christensen,Michael E. Raynor ©2020ISBN: 9781663735935
- Inorganic Chemistry for DummiesAuthor: Matson, Michael;Orbaek, Alvin W.Publisher: Matson, Michael;Orbaek, Alvin W. ©2018ISBN: 97811182179481 Concurrent User
- Inorganic Chemistry in Germany, vol. 82Author: Peter J. Denning,Robert DunhamPublisher: Peter J. Denning,Robert Dunham ©2023ISBN: 9780262014540
- Inorganic Chemistry in India, vol. 81Author: Michael SchragePublisher: Michael Schrage ©2023ISBN: 9781469063522
- Inorganic Chemistry in Spain, vol. 84Author: OhsawaPublisher: Ohsawa ©2024ISBN: 9783642254796
- Inorganic Chemistry in TablesAuthor: TurovaPublisher: Turova ©2016ISBN: 9783642204869
- Inorganic Chemistry Metal Carbonyl Chemistry, vol. 71Author: Sgroi, Jr., AnthonyPublisher: Sgroi, Jr., Anthony ©2016ISBN: 9783540082903
- Inorganic Chemistry of the Main-Group Elements : Volume 2Author: Addison, C. C.Publisher: Addison, C. C. ©2018ISBN: 9780851867625
- Inorganic Chemistry of the Transition Elements : Volume 1Author: Johnson, B. F. G.Publisher: Johnson, B. F. G. ©2018ISBN: 9780851865003
- Inorganic Chemistry, vol. 124Author: Vegas, AngelPublisher: Vegas, Angel ©2016ISBN: 97835401353402 Concurrent Users
- Inorganic Chemistry, vol. 14Author: Marc HelmoldPublisher: Marc Helmold ©2016ISBN: 9783540061625
- Inorganic Chemistry, vol. 35-1Author: Chris Grivas,Gerard J. PuccioPublisher: Chris Grivas,Gerard J. Puccio ©2016ISBN: 9783540060802
- Inorganic Chemistry, vol. 46Author: BentPublisher: Bent ©2016ISBN: 9783540106555
- Inorganic Chemistry, vol. 96Author: National Science Teachers AssociationPublisher: National Science Teachers Association ©2016ISBN: 9783540104254
- Inorganic ComplexesAuthor: C.K. JorgensenPublisher: C.K. Jorgensen ©2016ISBN: 9781402087387
- Inorganic Compounds and Elements, vol. 4Author: Fujimoto, Kenjiro;Kawamori, Shigehiro;Cordier, Stephane;Tessier, FranckPublisher: Fujimoto, Kenjiro;Kawamori, Shigehiro;Cordier, Stephane;Tessier, Franck ©2016ISBN: 97830383514431 Concurrent User
- Inorganic Compounds and Elements, vol. 4Author: Carraher Jr., Charles E.;Carraher, Charles E.;Pittman Jr., CharlesPublisher: Carraher Jr., Charles E.;Carraher, Charles E.;Pittman Jr., Charles ©2016ISBN: 9780306438196
- Inorganic Contaminants and RadionuclidesAuthor: Chinakhov, Dmitry А.Publisher: Chinakhov, Dmitry А. ©2023ISBN: 9783642036200
- Inorganic Contaminants in the Vadose Zone, vol. 74Author: DargentPublisher: Dargent ©2016ISBN: 9783642744532
- Inorganic Contaminants of Surface WaterAuthor: MoorePublisher: Moore ©2016ISBN: 9781461277552
- Inorganic Controlled Release TechnologyAuthor: Xiang Zhang and Mark CresswellPublisher: Xiang Zhang and Mark Cresswell ©2016ISBN: 97814684079831 Concurrent User
- Inorganic Electrochemistry : Theory, Practice and ApplicationAuthor: Zanello, Piero;Connelly, Neil G.Publisher: Zanello, Piero;Connelly, Neil G. ©2018ISBN: 97808540466141 Concurrent User
- Inorganic Elements in Biochemistry, vol. 54Author: ConnettPublisher: Connett ©2016ISBN: 97835401254265 Concurrent Users
- Inorganic Fibres and Composite MaterialsAuthor: P. Bracke, H. Schurmans and J. VerhoestPublisher: P. Bracke, H. Schurmans and J. Verhoest ©2016ISBN: 97814939022621 Concurrent User
- Inorganic Frameworks as Smart NanomedicinesAuthor: OlesenPublisher: Olesen ©2018ISBN: 9789401054171Unlimited Users
- Inorganic Geochemistry : Applications to Petroleum GeologyAuthor: Robinson, A. G.Publisher: Robinson, A. G. ©2018ISBN: 9780632034338Unlimited Users
- Inorganic Geochemistry of CoalAuthor: David French,Ian Graham,James Hower,Lei Zhao,Robert Finkelman andShifeng DaiPublisher: David French,Ian Graham,James Hower,Lei Zhao,Robert Finkelman andShifeng Dai ©2023ISBN: 9789401051545
- Inorganic Hydrazine Derivatives : Synthesis, Properties and ApplicationsAuthor: Patil, K. C.;Rattan, Tanu MimaniPublisher: Patil, K. C.;Rattan, Tanu Mimani ©2018ISBN: 9781118889923Requires Adobe Digital Editions to access. Download at
- Inorganic HydridesAuthor: B. L. Shaw and L. A. K. StavelyPublisher: B. L. Shaw and L. A. K. Stavely ©2016ISBN: 9783540089872
- Inorganic Membrane Reactors : Fundamentals and ApplicationsAuthor: Tan, Xiaoyao;Li, KangPublisher: Tan, Xiaoyao;Li, Kang ©2018ISBN: 9780857297068