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ABCDEFGH IJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter I (9901-9950 of 21422):
- Insect VirologyAuthor: Kenneth M. SmithPublisher: Kenneth M. Smith ©2016ISBN: 9780444504074
- Insect Viruses: Biotechnological Applications, vol. 68Author: Drake, V. Alistair;Gatehouse, A. GavinPublisher: Drake, V. Alistair;Gatehouse, A. Gavin ©2016ISBN: 97805214400045 Concurrent Users
- Insect Viruses: Detection, Characterization and RolesAuthor: Connell, Christopher I.Publisher: Connell, Christopher I. ©2018ISBN: 97816069296501 Concurrent User
- Insect-Borne Diseases in the 21st CenturyAuthor: Marcello NicolettiPublisher: Marcello Nicoletti ©2020ISBN: 9781437715033Unlimited Users
- Insect-Fungal Associations : Ecology and EvolutionAuthor: Vega, Fernando E.;Blackwell, MeredithPublisher: Vega, Fernando E.;Blackwell, Meredith ©2018ISBN: 9780195166521Unlimited Users
- Insect-fungus InteractionsAuthor: Marjorie A. HoyPublisher: Marjorie A. Hoy ©2016ISBN: 9781402087813Unlimited Users
- Insect-Plant BiologyAuthor: Schoonhoven, Louis M.;van Loon, Joop J. A.;Dicke, MarcelPublisher: Schoonhoven, Louis M.;van Loon, Joop J. A.;Dicke, Marcel ©2018ISBN: 9780198525950
- Insect-Plant Interactions in a Crop Protection Perspective, vol. 81Author: Hoy University of Kansas, B. A. (1963) Univsersity of California--BerkeleyPublisher: Hoy University of Kansas, B. A. (1963) Univsersity of California--Berkeley ©2017ISBN: 9780124158740
- Insecticidal Proteins and RNAi in the Control of Insects, vol. 65Author: Hoy, Marjorie A.Publisher: Hoy, Marjorie A. ©2023ISBN: 9780123570314Requires Adobe Digital Editions to access. Download at
- Insecticide ActionAuthor: BeutelPublisher: Beutel ©2016ISBN: 9781468413267
- Insecticide MicrobiologyAuthor: Beutel, Rolf G.;Friedrich, Frank;Yang, Xing-Ke;Ge, Si-QinPublisher: Beutel, Rolf G.;Friedrich, Frank;Yang, Xing-Ke;Ge, Si-Qin ©2016ISBN: 9783642699191
- Insecticide Mode of ActionAuthor: Joel R. CoatsPublisher: Joel R. Coats ©2016ISBN: 9783110262636
- InsecticidesAuthor: R. D. O'BrienPublisher: R. D. O'Brien ©2016ISBN: 9789401040099
- InsecticidesAuthor: Woiwod, I.P.;Reynolds, D.R.;Thomas, C.D.;Woiwod, P.;Reynolds, D.R.;Thomas, C.D.Publisher: Woiwod, I.P.;Reynolds, D.R.;Thomas, C.D.;Woiwod, P.;Reynolds, D.R.;Thomas, C.D. ©2016ISBN: 9780851994567
- Insecticides : Analytical Methods for Pesticides, Plant Growth Regulators, and Food Additives, Vol. 2Author: Zweig, GunterPublisher: Zweig, Gunter ©2018ISBN: 9781483196749
- Insecticides Design Using Advanced TechnologiesAuthor: RaabePublisher: Raabe ©2016ISBN: 9783540469049
- Insectivora, vol. 1Author: StephanPublisher: Stephan ©2016ISBN: 9781461391265
- InsectpediaAuthor: EatonPublisher: Eaton ©2022ISBN: 9781461299752
- Insects and Human LifeAuthor: Morris, BrianPublisher: Morris, Brian ©2018ISBN: 97818452007561 Concurrent User
- Insects and Human WelfareAuthor: BruesPublisher: Brues ©2020ISBN: 9780674732629
- Insects and Other Arthropods of Tropical AmericaAuthor: Unknown, Author;Unknown, Author M.Publisher: Unknown, Author;Unknown, Author M. ©2020ISBN: 9780120781485
- Insects and Their Beneficial MicrobesAuthor: DouglasPublisher: Douglas ©2022ISBN: 9781441964441
- Insects and Their Beneficial MicrobesAuthor: DouglasPublisher: Douglas ©2022ISBN: 9780120781485
- Insects and Wildlife : Arthropods and Their Relationships with Wild Vertebrate AnimalsAuthor: Capinera, JohnPublisher: Capinera, John ©2018ISBN: 9781444332995
- Insects as Food and Food IngredientsAuthor: Barbosa, Pedro;Letourneau, Deborah K.;Agrawal, Anurag A.Publisher: Barbosa, Pedro;Letourneau, Deborah K.;Agrawal, Anurag A. ©2024ISBN: 97814443375945 Concurrent Users
- Insects as Natural EnemiesAuthor: MeisterPublisher: Meister ©2016ISBN: 9781402017346
- Insects as Sustainable Food IngredientsAuthor: Yoshinori Tanada, Harry K. Kaya, Fernando E. Vega and Harry K. KayaPublisher: Yoshinori Tanada, Harry K. Kaya, Fernando E. Vega and Harry K. Kaya ©2016ISBN: 9780470131787
- Insects Close UpAuthor: RossPublisher: Ross ©2021ISBN: 9783642404610
- Insects of North AmericaAuthor: AbbottPublisher: Abbott ©2023ISBN: 97836424046101 Concurrent User
- Insects of Texas : A Practical GuideAuthor: Kattes, David HughPublisher: Kattes, David Hugh ©2018ISBN: 97816034408201 Concurrent User
- Insects of the Texas Lost PinesAuthor: Taber, Stephen Welton;Fleenor, Scott B.Publisher: Taber, Stephen Welton;Fleenor, Scott B. ©2018ISBN: 9781585442355
- Insects, and Seed Collection, Storage, Testing, and CertificationAuthor: Barbosa, Pedro;Berry, Deborah;Kary, Christina K.Publisher: Barbosa, Pedro;Berry, Deborah;Kary, Christina K. ©2016ISBN: 9781444336955
- Insects, Experts, and the Insecticide CrisisAuthor: PerkinsPublisher: Perkins ©2016ISBN: 9781468440003
- Insects, Fire and ConservationAuthor: NewPublisher: New ©2016ISBN: 9783319080956
- Insects, Science and SocietyAuthor: Blomquist, Gary J.;Bagnères, Anne-GenevièvePublisher: Blomquist, Gary J.;Bagnères, Anne-Geneviève ©2016ISBN: 9781461379263
- Insects, TheAuthor: LanhamPublisher: Lanham ©2019ISBN: 9780231936361
- Insecure American, TheAuthor: MatthewsPublisher: Matthews ©2020ISBN: 97801281177501 Concurrent User
- Insecure City, TheAuthor: MonroePublisher: Monroe ©2020ISBN: 9780198515494
- Insecure ProsperityAuthor: MorawskaPublisher: Morawska ©2022ISBN: 9789401060608
- InsecurityAuthor: StephensonPublisher: Stephenson ©2020ISBN: 97814665535521 Concurrent User
- Insecurity Dilemma, TheAuthor: KaulenasPublisher: Kaulenas ©2023ISBN: 9781555872670
- Insecurity, Immersion, and Chance: Fieldwork in Eastern Democratic Republic of CongoAuthor: DunnPublisher: Dunn ©2020ISBN: 9780198515494
- Insei Abdicated Sovereigns in the Politics of Late Heian Japan 1086–1185Author: HurstPublisher: Hurst ©2019ISBN: 9780231915885
- InsektenAuthor: GrossPublisher: Gross ©2021ISBN: 9783111003344
- Insel-StudienAuthor: HahnPublisher: Hahn ©2021ISBN: 97831123997362 Concurrent Users
- Inselbergs, vol. 146Author: Debboun, Mustapha;Frances, Stephen P.;Strickman, DanielPublisher: Debboun, Mustapha;Frances, Stephen P.;Strickman, Daniel ©2016ISBN: 9783642641206
- Inselklöster – KlosterinselnAuthor: New, T. R.Publisher: New, T. R. ©2019ISBN: 9783110642667
- Inseln der Vernunft – Liber Amicorum für Jochen SchneiderAuthor: RolffPublisher: Rolff ©2021ISBN: 9783504062163
- Inseln und ArchipeleAuthor: Candy, D. J.;Kilby, B. A.Publisher: Candy, D. J.;Kilby, B. A. ©2021ISBN: 9783837612424
- Insert and Delete Columns and RowsAuthor: Dunnet, George M.;Gimingham, Charles H.;Hodkinson, I. D.Publisher: Dunnet, George M.;Gimingham, Charles H.;Hodkinson, I. D. ©2019ISBN: 9780412238703