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Showing books starting with the letter I (10501-10550 of 21422):
- Institutional Repositories
- Institutional Repositories : International Digital Library Perspectives : Institutional Repositories
- Institutional Repository, The
- Institutional Review Boards
- Institutional Review Boards and Health Services Research Data Privacy : A Workshop Summary
- Institutional trust and economic policy Lessons from the history of the Euro
- Institutionalisation of Political Parties in Post-authoritarian Indonesia, The
- Institutionalised Dreams
- Institutionalisierte Geburt
- Institutionalisierte Geburt : Eine Mikrogeschichte des Gebärhauses
- Institutionalisierter Tod
- Institutionalisierung der europäischen Außenpolitik
- Institutionalization of State Policy
- Institutionalization of the Elderly in Canada
- Institutionalization of World-Class University in Global Competition, vol. 6
- Institutionalized Cabinet
- Institutionalized Language Planning
- Institutionalizing Gender
- Institutionelle Grundlagen der Finanzintermediation
- Institutionelle Identität Im Wandel : Zur Geschichte des Instituts Für Physik der Atmosphäre in Oberpfaffenhofen
- Institutionelle Reformen in heranreifenden Kapitalmärkten: Der brasilianische Aktienmarkt
- Institutionelle Verantwortung
- Institutionen des Römischen Rechts
- Institutionen und ihre Ontologie
- Institutionenökonomische Aspekte der Neuordnung des bundesstaatlichen Finanzausgleichs
- Institutions and Applications
- Institutions and Economic Performance
- Institutions and Environmental Change : Principal Findings, Applications, and Research Frontiers
- Institutions and European Trade: Merchant Guilds, 1000-1800
- Institutions and Incentives in Regulatory Science
- Institutions and Norms in Economic Development
- Institutions and Social Mobilization
- Institutions and Social Mobilization : The Chinese Education Movement in Malaysia, 1951-2011
- Institutions and Sustainability
- Institutions and Systems in the Geography of Innovation, vol. 25
- Institutions as Conscious Food Consumers
- Institutions Count
- Institutions in Environmental Management : Constructing Mental Models and Sustainability
- Institutions in Global Distributive Justice
- Institutions in Transition
- Institutions of Confinement
- Institutions of Education: Then and Today : The Legacy of German Idealism
- Institutions of Isolation
- Institutions of Liberal Democratic States, The
- Institutions of Meaning, The
- Institutions, Development, and Economic Growth
- Institutions, Emotions, and Group Agents, vol. 2
- Institutions, Equilibria and Efficiency, vol. 25
- Institutions, Politics and Fiscal Policy, vol. 2
- Institutions, Sustainability, and Natural Resources, vol. 2