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Showing books starting with the letter I (10801-10850 of 21422):
- Insuring to Value: Meeting a Critical Need
- Insuring to Value: Meeting a Critical Need
- Insurmountable Simplicities
- Insurrection and Revolution
- Insurrection or Loyalty
- InsVV
- Inszenierte Geschichte | Staging History
- Inszenierte Geschichte | Staging History
- Inszenierte Moderne
- Inszenierte Wissenschaft
- Inszenierte Wissenschaft : Zur Popularisierung Von Wissen Im 19. Jahrhundert
- Inszeniertes Charisma
- Inszenierung als Widerstand
- Inszenierung der Stadt
- Inszenierung der Suche
- Inszenierung und Effekte
- Inszenierung und Ereignis
- Inszenierung und Erlebnis in kulturhistorischen Ausstellungen
- Inszenierung und Erlebnis in kulturhistorischen Ausstellungen
- Inszenierung und Gedächtnis : Soziokulturelle und ästhetische Praxis
- Inszenierung und Politik
- Inszenierung und Vertrauen
- Inszenierung von Diversität
- Inszenierungen des Rifkriegs in der spanischen, hispano-marokkanischen und frankophonen marokkanischen Gegenwartsliteratur
- INT - Terapia Neurocognitiva Integrata Nel Trattamento Della Schizofrenia
- INT-Integrated Neurocognitive Therapy for Schizophrenia Patients
- Intact and Sliced Brain, The
- Intakes and Outfalls for Seawater Reverse-Osmosis Desalination Facilities
- Intangible assets: measuring and enhancing their contribution to corporate value and economic growth
- Intangible Cultural Heritage and Tourism in China
- Intangible Finance Standards
- Intangible Heritage
- Intangible Heritage Embodied
- Intangible Management
- Intangible Values in Financial Accounting and Reporting
- Intangibles of Leadership: The 10 Qualities of Superior Executive Performance, The
- Intangibles of Leadership: The 10 Qualities of Superior Executive Performance, The
- Intangibles, Market Failure and Innovation Performance
- Intangibles: The Unexpected Traits of High-Performing Healthcare Leader
- Integer and Combinatorial Optimization
- Integer and Mixed Programming: Theory and Applications, vol. 137
- Integer Optimization and its Computation in Emergency Management
- Integer Optimization by Local Search : A Domain-Independent Approach
- Integer Optimization by Local Search, vol. 1637
- Integer Partitions
- Integer Programming
- Integer Programming and Combinatoral Optimization, vol. 6655
- Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization, vol. 1084
- Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization, vol. 1412
- Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization, vol. 1610