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ABCDEFGH IJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter I (11151-11200 of 21422):
- Integrated Microsystems : Electronics, Photonics, and BiotechnologyAuthor: HierlemannPublisher: Hierlemann ©2020ISBN: 9781439836200
- Integrated Microwave Front-Ends with Avionics ApplicationsAuthor: Maloratsky, Leo G.Publisher: Maloratsky, Leo G. ©2018ISBN: 9781608072057
- Integrated Modeling of Chemical Mechanical Planarization for Sub-Micron IC Fabrication : From Particle Scale to Feature, Die and Wafer ScalesAuthor: Luo, Jianfeng;Dornfeld, David A.Publisher: Luo, Jianfeng;Dornfeld, David A. ©2018ISBN: 9783642061158
- Integrated Modeling of Telescopes, vol. 377Author: AndersenPublisher: Andersen ©2016ISBN: 97814614014831 Concurrent User
- Integrated Models in Production Planning, Inventory, Quality, and MaintenanceAuthor: ZarnekowPublisher: Zarnekow ©2016ISBN: 9781461356523
- Integrated Models of Cognitive SystemsAuthor: Gray, Wayne D.Publisher: Gray, Wayne D. ©2018ISBN: 97801951891935 Concurrent Users
- Integrated Modular Treatment for Borderline Personality DisorderAuthor: Livesley, W. JohnPublisher: Livesley, W. John ©2018ISBN: 9781107679740
- Integrated Modular Treatment for Borderline Personality Disorder: A Practical Guide to Combining Effective Treatment MethodsAuthor: LivesleyPublisher: Livesley ©2018ISBN: 9781107679740
- Integrated Molecular and Cellular BiophysicsAuthor: RaicuPublisher: Raicu ©2016ISBN: 9781402082672
- Integrated Molecular EvolutionAuthor: Rogers, Scott OrlandPublisher: Rogers, Scott Orland ©2018ISBN: 97814398199511 Concurrent User
- Integrated Multidisciplinary Approaches in the Study and Care of the Human EyeAuthor: Causin, P.;Guidoboni, G;Sacco, RPublisher: Causin, P.;Guidoboni, G;Sacco, R ©2018ISBN: 97890629924161 Concurrent User
- Integrated Nano-BiomechanicsAuthor: Ibrahim DincerPublisher: Ibrahim Dincer ©2018ISBN: 9781461277095
- Integrated Nanophotonic DevicesAuthor: Zeev Zalevsky and Ibrahim AbdulhalimPublisher: Zeev Zalevsky and Ibrahim Abdulhalim ©2016ISBN: 9783319062891
- Integrated Nanophotonic DevicesAuthor: Zeev Zalevsky and Ibrahim AbdulhalimPublisher: Zeev Zalevsky and Ibrahim Abdulhalim ©2016ISBN: 9783790812749
- Integrated Natural Language Dialogue, vol. 41Author: FrederkingPublisher: Frederking ©2016ISBN: 9781461292036
- Integrated Natural Resources Management : Linking Productivity, the Environment and DevelopmentAuthor: Campbell, B.M.;Sayer, J.A.;Campbell, B M;Sayer, J APublisher: Campbell, B.M.;Sayer, J.A.;Campbell, B M;Sayer, J A ©2021ISBN: 97808519973151 Concurrent User
- Integrated Natural Resources Management : Linking Productivity, the Environment and DevelopmentAuthor: Campbell, B.M.;Sayer, J.A.;Campbell, B M;Sayer, J APublisher: Campbell, B.M.;Sayer, J.A.;Campbell, B M;Sayer, J A ©2021ISBN: 9780851997315
- Integrated Natural Resources Management : Linking Productivity, the Environment and DevelopmentAuthor: Campbell, B.M.;Sayer, J.A.;Campbell, B M;Sayer, J APublisher: Campbell, B.M.;Sayer, J.A.;Campbell, B M;Sayer, J A ©2021ISBN: 9780851997315
- Integrated Natural Resources Management : Linking Productivity, the Environment and DevelopmentAuthor: Campbell, B.M.;Sayer, J.A.;Campbell, B M;Sayer, J APublisher: Campbell, B.M.;Sayer, J.A.;Campbell, B M;Sayer, J A ©2021ISBN: 9780851997315
- Integrated Natural Resources Management : Linking Productivity, the Environment and DevelopmentAuthor: Campbell, B.M.;Sayer, J.A.;Campbell, B M;Sayer, J APublisher: Campbell, B.M.;Sayer, J.A.;Campbell, B M;Sayer, J A ©2018ISBN: 9780851997315
- Integrated Navigation and Guidance SystemsAuthor: Biezad, Daniel J.Publisher: Biezad, Daniel J. ©2018ISBN: 9781563472916
- Integrated NeuroscienceAuthor: MarcusPublisher: Marcus ©2016ISBN: 97814613538362 Concurrent Users
- Integrated Neuroscience and NeurologyAuthor: JacobsonPublisher: Jacobson ©2019ISBN: 9780199744435
- Integrated Neuroscience and Neurology : A Clinical Case History Problem Solving ApproachAuthor: Marcus, Elliott M.;Jacobson, Stanley;Sabin, Thomas D.Publisher: Marcus, Elliott M.;Jacobson, Stanley;Sabin, Thomas D. ©2018ISBN: 9780199744435
- Integrated Nutrient Management in a Sustainable Rice-Wheat Cropping SystemAuthor: MahajanPublisher: Mahajan ©2016ISBN: 9781402098741
- Integrated Occupational Safety and Health ManagementAuthor: McIntire, Robert;Donnell, PierrePublisher: McIntire, Robert;Donnell, Pierre ©2016ISBN: 9783319131795
- Integrated Omics Approaches to Infectious DiseasesAuthor: Krishnan, Vinod;Davidovitch, Ze'evPublisher: Krishnan, Vinod;Davidovitch, Ze'ev ©2021ISBN: 97898116069081 Concurrent User
- Integrated Optical Interconnect Architectures for Embedded SystemsAuthor: Horstemeyer, Mark F.Publisher: Horstemeyer, Mark F. ©2016ISBN: 9781441961921
- Integrated OpticsAuthor: HunspergerPublisher: Hunsperger ©2016ISBN: 9783662120965
- Integrated OpticsAuthor: HunspergerPublisher: Hunsperger ©2016ISBN: 9780387897745
- Integrated OpticsAuthor: HunspergerPublisher: Hunsperger ©2016ISBN: 97835405948191 Concurrent User
- Integrated Optics : Theory and TechnologyAuthor: Hunsperger, RobertPublisher: Hunsperger, Robert ©2018ISBN: 97803878977451 Concurrent User
- Integrated Optics, vol. 48Author: PazPublisher: Paz ©2016ISBN: 97836621357165 Concurrent Users
- Integrated Optics, vol. 7Author: Daniel McLeanPublisher: Daniel McLean ©2016ISBN: 97836624321051 Concurrent User
- Integrated Optics, vol. 91Author: Daniel McLeanPublisher: Daniel McLean ©2016ISBN: 9781461336631Unlimited Users
- Integrated OptoelectronicsAuthor: EbelingPublisher: Ebeling ©2016ISBN: 9783642781681
- Integrated OptoelectronicsAuthor: YuPublisher: Yu ©2016ISBN: 9783110284676Unlimited Users
- Integrated Palliative Care of Respiratory DiseaseAuthor: Cassano, Alfredo;Drioli, Enrico;Brazinha, Carla;Charcosset, Catherine;Conidi, Carmela;Crespo, Joao G.;Cuperus, F. Petrus;De, Sirshendu;El Rayess, Youssef;Franken, A. C. M. (Ton)Publisher: Cassano, Alfredo;Drioli, Enrico;Brazinha, Carla;Charcosset, Catherine;Conidi, Carmela;Crespo, Joao G.;Cuperus, F. Petrus;De, Sirshendu;El Rayess, Youssef;Franken, A. C. M. (Ton) ©2016ISBN: 9781447122296
- Integrated Pest and Disease Management in Greenhouse Crops, vol. 14Author: HookerPublisher: Hooker ©2016ISBN: 9780792356318
- Integrated Pest ManagementAuthor: HookerPublisher: Hooker ©2016ISBN: 9781461572718Requires Adobe Digital Editions to access. Download at
- Integrated Pest ManagementAuthor: von ZabeltitzPublisher: von Zabeltitz ©2016ISBN: 9783642145810
- Integrated Pest ManagementAuthor: Asheesh Kumar Yadav,Faisal Khan,Rouzbeh Abbassi andVikram GaraniyaPublisher: Asheesh Kumar Yadav,Faisal Khan,Rouzbeh Abbassi andVikram Garaniya ©2016ISBN: 9789400777958
- Integrated Pest ManagementAuthor: von ZabeltitzPublisher: von Zabeltitz ©2016ISBN: 9789400778016
- Integrated Pest ManagementAuthor: MorsePublisher: Morse ©2023ISBN: 9781555876852
- Integrated Pest Management: Dissemination and ImpactAuthor: Macii, Enrico;Paliouras, Vassilis;Koufopavlou, OdysseasPublisher: Macii, Enrico;Paliouras, Vassilis;Koufopavlou, Odysseas ©2016ISBN: 9781402089893
- Integrated Pest Management: Innovation-Development ProcessAuthor: Maloratsky, Leo G.Publisher: Maloratsky, Leo G. ©2016ISBN: 9781402089916
- Integrated Pharmaceutics : Applied Preformulation, Product Design, and Regulatory ScienceAuthor: Gupta, Mali RamPublisher: Gupta, Mali Ram ©2022ISBN: 9780470596920
- Integrated Pharmaceutics : Applied Preformulation, Product Design, and Regulatory ScienceAuthor: Al-Achi, Antoine;Gupta, Mali Ram;Stagner, William Craig;Al-Achi, AntoinePublisher: Al-Achi, Antoine;Gupta, Mali Ram;Stagner, William Craig;Al-Achi, Antoine ©2018ISBN: 9780470596920
- Integrated Photonics for Data Communication ApplicationsAuthor: Luo, Jianfeng;Dornfeld, David A.Publisher: Luo, Jianfeng;Dornfeld, David A. ©2023ISBN: 9783642061158
- Integrated Pollution ControlAuthor: FörstnerPublisher: Förstner ©2016ISBN: 9783642803130