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ABCDEFGH IJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter I (12351-12400 of 21422):
- Intelligent Visual InspectionAuthor: RosandichPublisher: Rosandich ©2016ISBN: 9781461285106
- Intelligent Watermarking TechniquesAuthor: Jeng-Shyang Pan,Hsiang-Cheh Huang,Lakhmi C. Jain (eds)Publisher: Jeng-Shyang Pan,Hsiang-Cheh Huang,Lakhmi C. Jain (eds) ©2019ISBN: 9789812387578
- Intelligent Wavelet Based Techniques for AdvancedAuthor: Rajiv Singh,Swati Nigam,Amit Kumar Singh,Mohamed Elhoseny (eds)Publisher: Rajiv Singh,Swati Nigam,Amit Kumar Singh,Mohamed Elhoseny (eds) ©2022ISBN: 9783030318727
- Intelligente tutorielle SystemeAuthor: LustiPublisher: Lusti ©2021ISBN: 97834862167072 Concurrent Users
- Intelligentized Methodology for Arc Welding Dynamical Processes, vol. 29Author: ChenPublisher: Chen ©2016ISBN: 9783540856412
- Intelligenz und RasseAuthor: GeisthövelPublisher: Geisthövel ©2021ISBN: 9783837625608
- Intelligenz und Sozialpolitik im Dritten ReichAuthor: RothPublisher: Roth ©2020ISBN: 9783598111662
- Intelligenzprüfung und psychologische BerufsberatungAuthor: LämmelPublisher: Lämmel ©2019ISBN: 9783486749359
- Intelligibility in Speech Disorders : Theory, measurement and managementAuthor: Kent, Raymond D.Publisher: Kent, Raymond D. ©2018ISBN: 97890272433171 Concurrent User
- Intelligibility of Nature : How Science Makes Sense of the World, TheAuthor: Dear, PeterPublisher: Dear, Peter ©2018ISBN: 9780226139487
- Intelligibility of Nature, TheAuthor: DearPublisher: Dear ©2020ISBN: 9780226139487
- Intelligible Design: A Realistic Approach To The Philosophy And History Of ScienceAuthor: Julio A Gonzalo;Manuel M CarreiraPublisher: Julio A Gonzalo;Manuel M Carreira ©2018ISBN: 9789814447607
- Intelligible Metropolis, TheAuthor: PleßkePublisher: Pleßke ©2021ISBN: 97835404375051 Concurrent User
- Intelligible Metropolis, TheAuthor: PleßkePublisher: Pleßke ©2021ISBN: 97838376267281 Concurrent User
- Intelligible Universe, The: An Overview Of The Last Thirteen Billion YearsAuthor: Julio A GonzaloPublisher: Julio A Gonzalo ©2018ISBN: 9789812794109
- INTELSAT Global Satellite SystemAuthor: Alper, JoelPublisher: Alper, Joel ©2018ISBN: 97809159289031 Concurrent User
- Intemperate Rainforest : Nature, Culture, and Power on Canada's West CoastAuthor: Braun, BrucePublisher: Braun, Bruce ©2018ISBN: 97808166339995 Concurrent Users
- Intendant System in Spanish America, TheAuthor: FisherPublisher: Fisher ©2021ISBN: 9783642134364
- Intende, Lector - Echoes of Myth, Religion and Ritual in the Ancient NovelAuthor: AnastassiouPublisher: Anastassiou ©2021ISBN: 97831103118151 Concurrent User
- Intended and Unintended Effects of U.S. Agricultural and Biotechnology Policies, TheAuthor: AnastassiouPublisher: Anastassiou ©2020ISBN: 9780226988030Unlimited Users
- Intended Consequences: How to Build Market-Leading Companies with Responsible InnovationAuthor: Hemant Taneja,Kevin ManeyPublisher: Hemant Taneja,Kevin Maney ©2022ISBN: 9781264285495Unlimited Users
- Intending ScotlandAuthor: CraigPublisher: Craig ©2022ISBN: 9781461379041
- Intense Electron and Ion BeamsAuthor: MolokovskyPublisher: Molokovsky ©2016ISBN: 9783540242208
- Intense Resonant Interactions in Quantum ElectronicsAuthor: AkulinPublisher: Akulin ©2016ISBN: 9783642647574
- Intense Resonant Interactions in Quantum ElectronicsAuthor: Beiglböck, Wolf;Geroch, Robert P.;Lieb, Elliott H.;Potapchouk, V.S.Publisher: Beiglböck, Wolf;Geroch, Robert P.;Lieb, Elliott H.;Potapchouk, V.S. ©2018ISBN: 9783642647574Requires Adobe Digital Editions to access. Download at
- Intensely HumanAuthor: HumphreysPublisher: Humphreys ©2016ISBN: 9780801886966
- Intensification of Sorption ProcessesAuthor: Mahmood Reza Rahimi and Soleiman MoslehPublisher: Mahmood Reza Rahimi and Soleiman Mosleh ©2022ISBN: 9781461379041
- Intensifying the Fight Against Malaria : The World Bank's Booster Program for Malaria Control in AfricaAuthor: World Bank;World Bank, BankPublisher: World Bank;World Bank, Bank ©2018ISBN: 9780821377581
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- Intensional First-Order LogicAuthor: MajkicPublisher: Majkic ©2022ISBN: 9783110994940
- Intensional Mathematics, vol. 113Author: Vlacic, Ljubo;Parent, M.;Harashima, FumioPublisher: Vlacic, Ljubo;Parent, M.;Harashima, Fumio ©2016ISBN: 9780750650939
- Intensionality and Truth, vol. 255Author: HuglyPublisher: Hugly ©2016ISBN: 9789401066174
- Intensität und RealitätAuthor: Li, Zhijun;Xia, Yuanqing;Su, Chun-YiPublisher: Li, Zhijun;Xia, Yuanqing;Su, Chun-Yi ©2021ISBN: 9783110344844
- Intensitätsmessungen in der Infrarot- und Raman-SpektroskopieAuthor: Anand Paul, Naveen Chilamkurti, Alfred Daniel and Seungmin RhoPublisher: Anand Paul, Naveen Chilamkurti, Alfred Daniel and Seungmin Rho ©2022ISBN: 9783112648834
- Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy: A clinical overviewAuthor: Indra J DasPublisher: Indra J Das ©2021ISBN: 9780750313360
- Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy : Clinical Evidence and TechniquesAuthor: Nishimura, Yasumasa;Komaki, RitsukoPublisher: Nishimura, Yasumasa;Komaki, Ritsuko ©2016ISBN: 9784431554851
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- Intensive and Critical Care MedicineAuthor: Chai, Yi;Li, ShangfuPublisher: Chai, Yi;Li, Shangfu ©2016ISBN: 97888470143505 Concurrent Users
- Intensive and Critical Care Medicine : Reflections, Recommendations and PerspectivesAuthor: Gullo, Antonio;Lumb, Philip D.Publisher: Gullo, Antonio;Lumb, Philip D. ©2016ISBN: 9788847003491
- Intensive and Critical Care NursingAuthor: SriramPublisher: Sriram ©2020ISBN: 9783540375937
- Intensive Beef ProductionAuthor: T. R. Preston and M. B. WillisPublisher: T. R. Preston and M. B. Willis ©2016ISBN: 9783540749967
- Intensive CareAuthor: MurrayPublisher: Murray ©2020ISBN: 9783319097664
- Intensive CareAuthor: Adrian A. HopgoodPublisher: Adrian A. Hopgood ©2016ISBN: 97894009731521 Concurrent User
- Intensive Care : A Doctor's JournalAuthor: Murray, John F.Publisher: Murray, John F. ©2018ISBN: 97805202346731 Concurrent User
- Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine, vol. 167Author: CabinPublisher: Cabin ©2016ISBN: 9783540134121
- Intensive Care for Neurological Trauma and DiseaseAuthor: Green, Barth A.;Marshall, Lawrence F.;Gallagher, T. J.Publisher: Green, Barth A.;Marshall, Lawrence F.;Gallagher, T. J. ©2018ISBN: 9780127882840
- Intensive Care for Neurological Trauma and DiseaseAuthor: CabinPublisher: Cabin ©2016ISBN: 9783642239731
- Intensive Care in Childhood, vol. 25Author: Huddleston, CreedPublisher: Huddleston, Creed ©2016ISBN: 9783642802294
- Intensive Care in Neurology and Neurosurgery : Pathophysiological Basis for the Management of Acute Cerebral InjuryAuthor: Godoy, Daniel Agustín;Godoy, Daniel AgustinPublisher: Godoy, Daniel Agustín;Godoy, Daniel Agustin ©2018ISBN: 9788897419396