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ABCDEFGH IJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter I (14001-14050 of 21422):
- International Perspectives on Child and Adolescent Mental HealthAuthor: Giovanna Pegan,Donata Vianelli,Patrizia de LucaPublisher: Giovanna Pegan,Donata Vianelli,Patrizia de Luca ©2020ISBN: 97830303358781 Concurrent User
- International Perspectives on Child and Adolescent Mental Health, vol. 1Author: Kuczma, Marcin E.Publisher: Kuczma, Marcin E. ©2017ISBN: 97808838581105 Concurrent Users
- International Perspectives on Child and Adolescent Mental Health, vol. 2Author: Klamkin, Murray S.Publisher: Klamkin, Murray S. ©2017ISBN: 97808838563141 Concurrent User
- International Perspectives on Climate ChangeAuthor: BöhmeltPublisher: Böhmelt ©2016ISBN: 9783319044880Unlimited Users
- International Perspectives on Competence in the WorkplaceAuthor: Herrero, Álvaro;Snásel, Václav;Abraham, Ajith;Zelinka, Ivan;Baruque, Bruno;Quintián, Héctor;Calvo, José Luis;Sedano, Javier;Corchado, Emilio;Herrero, ÁlvaroPublisher: Herrero, Álvaro;Snásel, Václav;Abraham, Ajith;Zelinka, Ivan;Baruque, Bruno;Quintián, Héctor;Calvo, José Luis;Sedano, Javier;Corchado, Emilio;Herrero, Álvaro ©2016ISBN: 9780792368458
- International Perspectives on Competence in the WorkplaceAuthor: Segalstad, Siri H.;Segalstad, Siri H.Publisher: Segalstad, Siri H.;Segalstad, Siri H. ©2016ISBN: 9781402087530
- International Perspectives on Education, Training and LearningAuthor: Matlay, Harry;Matlay, Dr HarryPublisher: Matlay, Harry;Matlay, Dr Harry ©2018ISBN: 9781846637100Requires Adobe Digital Editions to access. Download at
- International Perspectives on Engineering Education, vol. 20Author: Hughes, Rick;Kinder, Andrew;Cooper, CaryPublisher: Hughes, Rick;Kinder, Andrew;Cooper, Cary ©2016ISBN: 9783319161686
- International Perspectives on Maps and the InternetAuthor: PajoPublisher: Pajo ©2016ISBN: 9783540720287
- International Perspectives on Municipal Solid Wastes and Sanitary LandfillingAuthor: Carra, Joseph S.Publisher: Carra, Joseph S. ©2016ISBN: 9780387719528
- International Perspectives on Natural Disasters: Occurrence, Mitigation, and Consequences, vol. 21Author: GochtPublisher: Gocht ©2016ISBN: 9781402028502
- International Perspectives on Public Transport Responses to COVID-19Author: Shavinina, Larisa V.Publisher: Shavinina, Larisa V. ©2024ISBN: 9789401081337
- International Perspectives on Spinal Cord InjuryAuthor: World Health Organization;International Spinal Cord SocietyPublisher: World Health Organization;International Spinal Cord Society ©2018ISBN: 97892415646631 Concurrent User
- International Perspectives on Teacher Knowledge, Beliefs and Opportunities to LearnAuthor: Michael Melvin and Stefan NorrbinPublisher: Michael Melvin and Stefan Norrbin ©2016ISBN: 9789400764361
- International Perspectives on Teachers and Lecturers in Technical and Vocational Education, vol. 7Author: Chris EdgerPublisher: Chris Edger ©2016ISBN: 97814020570385 Concurrent Users
- International Perspectives on Teaching and Learning with GIS in Secondary SchoolsAuthor: ScottPublisher: Scott ©2016ISBN: 9789400721197
- International Perspectives on Violence Risk AssessmentAuthor: SinghPublisher: Singh ©2017ISBN: 9780199386291
- International Perspectives on Voice DisordersAuthor: Alexey DrutskoyPublisher: Alexey Drutskoy ©2020ISBN: 9783598218460
- International Perspectives on Youth Conflict and DevelopmentAuthor: DaiutePublisher: Daiute ©2017ISBN: 9780195178425
- International perspectives: the future of nonhuman primate resources : proceedings of the workshop held April 17-19, 2002Author: WilsonPublisher: Wilson ©2016ISBN: 97836422154071 Concurrent User
- International Pharmaceutical Product RegistrationAuthor: Cartwright, Anthony C.;Matthews, Brian R.Publisher: Cartwright, Anthony C.;Matthews, Brian R. ©2018ISBN: 97814200817631 Concurrent User
- International PharmacopoeiaAuthor: World Health Organisation StaffPublisher: World Health Organisation Staff ©2018ISBN: 9789241545365
- International Pharmacopoeia: Fourth EditionAuthor: Walravens, HartmutPublisher: Walravens, Hartmut ©2021ISBN: 9789241563017
- International Pharmacopoeia: Third EditionAuthor: World Health OrganizationPublisher: World Health Organization ©2017ISBN: 9789241545365
- International Pharmacopoeia: Third EditionAuthor: John P. Wilson (ed)Publisher: John P. Wilson (ed) ©2021ISBN: 9783598218460
- International Pharmacopoeia: Third EditionAuthor: Walravens, HartmutPublisher: Walravens, Hartmut ©2021ISBN: 9783598218460
- International Polar Year 2007-2008: report of the implementation workshopAuthor: Simon ClowPublisher: Simon Clow ©2016ISBN: 9781438463674
- International Policy Coordination and Exchange Rate FluctuationsAuthor: KocsPublisher: Kocs ©2020ISBN: 9780749465285
- International Policy Institutions Around the Pacific RimAuthor: BahamondePublisher: Bahamonde ©2022ISBN: 9783598218460
- International Policy Institutions Around the Pacific RimAuthor: BahamondePublisher: Bahamonde ©2022ISBN: 9781555877958
- International Policy Rules and InequalityAuthor: J. Coveney, C. V. James and I. C. ThimannPublisher: J. Coveney, C. V. James and I. C. Thimann ©2020ISBN: 9789401184915
- International Political EconomyAuthor: CohenPublisher: Cohen ©2021ISBN: 97835982184601 Concurrent User
- International Political Economy : An Intellectual History / by Benjamin J. Cohen, cop. 2008Author: CohenPublisher: Cohen ©2021ISBN: 9781447156451
- International Political Economy of the Environment, TheAuthor: Carballo PiñeiroPublisher: Carballo Piñeiro ©2022ISBN: 9783662470312Unlimited Users
- International PoliticsAuthor: BlairPublisher: Blair ©2022ISBN: 9783662470312Unlimited Users
- International Politics and FilmAuthor: DoddsPublisher: Dodds ©2020ISBN: 9780231169714
- International Politics and State StrengthAuthor: BailinPublisher: Bailin ©2022ISBN: 9783486597493
- International Politics in the Atomic AgeAuthor: HerzPublisher: Herz ©2019ISBN: 9780231916141
- International Politics in Times of ChangeAuthor: RöpkePublisher: Röpke ©2016ISBN: 97836422195422 Concurrent Users
- International Politics of HIV/AIDS : Global Disease-Local PainAuthor: Seckinelgin, HakanPublisher: Seckinelgin, Hakan ©2018ISBN: 9780415413831
- International Politics of Intelligence Sharing, TheAuthor: WalshPublisher: Walsh ©2021ISBN: 9780231154109
- International Politics of Natural Resources, TheAuthor: MikdashiPublisher: Mikdashi ©2021ISBN: 9789401084321
- International Politics of the Nigerian Civil War, 1967-1970, TheAuthor: StremlauPublisher: Stremlau ©2020ISBN: 9789401042789
- International Politics of Whaling, TheAuthor: Stoett, Peter J.Publisher: Stoett, Peter J. ©2018ISBN: 9780774806053
- International Population Assistance: the First DecadeAuthor: Rafael M. SalasPublisher: Rafael M. Salas ©2016ISBN: 9781498704588
- International Potato Industry, TheAuthor: Joseph GuenthnerPublisher: Joseph Guenthner ©2017ISBN: 97894011849151 Concurrent User
- International Practice Development in Nursing and HealthcareAuthor: Manley, Kim;McCormack, Brendan;Wilson, Valerie J.Publisher: Manley, Kim;McCormack, Brendan;Wilson, Valerie J. ©2018ISBN: 9781405156769
- International Practice in Cardiothoracic SurgeryAuthor: Carballo PiñeiroPublisher: Carballo Piñeiro ©2016ISBN: 9789401083911
- International Practice in Cardiothoracic SurgeryAuthor: Wu, Yingkai;Peters, Richard M.Publisher: Wu, Yingkai;Peters, Richard M. ©2018ISBN: 9789401083911
- International Practices in Pancreatic SurgeryAuthor: GlowikPublisher: Glowik ©2016ISBN: 9783540745051