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Showing books starting with the letter I (15701-15750 of 21422):
- Interview and Social Relations: Exploring How Gender Shapes the Research Process, The
- Interview as Method: Doing Feminist Research, The
- Interview in Q Methodology: Readiness to Adopt Sustainable Responses to Climate Change, The
- Interview Others: How to Spot the Perfect Candidate
- Interview Questions in Business Analytics
- Interview Research in Political Science
- Interview Secrets: The Experts Tell All!
- Interview Techniques for UX Practitioners: A User-Centered Design Method
- Interview und schriftliche Befragung
- Interview-Based Research on Gender and Sexuality: Gay Identity
- Interview-Diary Methods in a Hermeneutic Phenomenological Study: The Lived Experiences of Nurse Mentors
- Interviewer Effect and Context When Conducting Qualitative Interviews With Older Persons in Contemporary Japan
- Interviewing and Conversation Analysis in Ethnography of Language-in-Education Policy
- Interviewing and Observing Clothing Store Workers
- Interviewing and Qualitative Content Analysis for Root Metaphors: A Case of Bad News Management
- Interviewing and Representation in Qualitative Research
- Interviewing and Selecting High Performers: A Practical Guide to Effective Hiring
- Interviewing Children and Young People for Research
- Interviewing children: The science of conversation in forensic contexts
- Interviewing children: The science of conversation in forensic contexts., 2nd ed
- Interviewing Elites
- Interviewing Elites: Employing a Feminist and Interpretative Approach to Grounded Theory Techniques
- Interviewing for Social Scientists: An Introductory Resource with Examples
- Interviewing Groups and Individuals in Qualitative Market Research
- Interviewing in a Changing World: Situations and Contexts, Second Edition
- Interviewing in Prison: Understanding the Impact of Imprisonment
- Interviewing in the Eye of the Storm: Do Local Anti-Immigrant Policies Have Social Consequences?
- Interviewing Media Personae: A Case Study on Using Digital Applications for Qualitative Research
- Interviewing Media Practitioners on Their Ethical Perceptions of Native Advertising
- Interviewing Pairs: Discussions on Migration and Identity
- Interviewing Polish Migrant Women in the United Kingdom and Poland
- Interviewing Practices for Technical Writers
- Interviewing Scientists: Accounting for Scientific Discovery
- Interviewing Teenage Schooling Mothers: Insights From Research and Supervision in Sensitive Areas
- Interviewing Through Zoom During COVID: Interactional Challenges
- Interviewing to Ascertain the Effectiveness of Public Pedagogy in Public Health-Based Philanthropic Challenges
- Interviewing Young People and Service Providers to Explore Substance Misuse and Mental Health
- Interviewing: Simple Ideas for Selecting the Best
- Interviewliteratur zum Leben in der DDR
- Interviews With Northrop Frye
- Intervisuality
- Intervolution
- Interwar Crossroads
- Interwar Crossroads
- Interwar Depression in an International Context, The
- Interwar Unemployment in International Perspective, vol. 43
- Interworking of Wireless LANs and Cellular Networks
- Interwoven Sources of Dreams, The
- Intestinal Absorption of Metal Ions, Trace Elements and Radionuclides
- Intestinal Absorptive Surface in Mammals of Different Sizes, vol. 138