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ABCDEFGH IJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZOthersShowing books starting with the letter I (17401-17450 of 21422):
- Introduction to Optimum DesignAuthor: Jasbir AroraPublisher: Jasbir Arora ©2016ISBN: 9783319081137
- Introduction to Optimum DesignAuthor: Arora Jasbir SinghPublisher: Arora Jasbir Singh ©2024ISBN: 9781468408379
- Introduction to Option Pricing TheoryAuthor: KallianpurPublisher: Kallianpur ©2016ISBN: 97814612679661 Concurrent User
- Introduction To Optoelectronic Sensors, AnAuthor: Antonello Cutolo;Giancarlo C Righini;Antonella TajaniPublisher: Antonello Cutolo;Giancarlo C Righini;Antonella Tajani ©2018ISBN: 9789812834126
- Introduction to Ordinary Differential EquationsAuthor: Albert L. RabensteinPublisher: Albert L. Rabenstein ©2016ISBN: 9780521333238
- Introduction to Ordinary Differential EquationsAuthor: Albert L. RabensteinPublisher: Albert L. Rabenstein ©2016ISBN: 9783642681325
- Introduction to Organic Semiconductor HeterojunctionsAuthor: Yan, Donghang;Wang, Haibo;Du, BaoxunPublisher: Yan, Donghang;Wang, Haibo;Du, Baoxun ©2018ISBN: 9780470825945
- Introduction to Paging Systems: One-Way, Two-Way, POCSAG, ERMES, FLEX, REFLEX, and INFLEXIONAuthor: Lawrence HartePublisher: Lawrence Harte ©2020ISBN: 9780974694375
- Introduction to Pairwise RandomizationAuthor: TorgersonPublisher: Torgerson ©2021ISBN: 9781118838952
- Introduction to Paleolimnology, vol. 11Author: James S. Vandergraft and Werner RheinboldtPublisher: James S. Vandergraft and Werner Rheinboldt ©2017ISBN: 9780750310475
- Introduction to Panel Data, Multiple Regression Method, and Principal Components Analysis Using Stata: Study on the Determinants of Executive Compensation—A Behavioral Approach Using Evidence From Chinese Listed FirmsAuthor: GaoPublisher: Gao ©2019ISBN: 9781118838952
- Introduction to Parallel Algorithms and ArchitecturesAuthor: F. Thomson LeightonPublisher: F. Thomson Leighton ©2016ISBN: 9781118449745
- Introduction to Parallel ProcessingAuthor: ParhamiPublisher: Parhami ©2016ISBN: 97803064597022 Concurrent Users
- Introduction to Parallel ProgrammingAuthor: Steven BrawerPublisher: Steven Brawer ©2016ISBN: 9780387308913
- Introduction to ParemiologyAuthor: Ahlsén, ElisabethPublisher: Ahlsén, Elisabeth ©2021ISBN: 97831104101501 Concurrent User
- Introduction to Partial Differential EquationsAuthor: OlverPublisher: Olver ©2016ISBN: 9783319020983
- Introduction to Partial Differential EquationsAuthor: FollandPublisher: Folland ©2020ISBN: 9780691081779
- Introduction to Partial Differential Equations with MATLABAuthor: CooperPublisher: Cooper ©2016ISBN: 9781461272663
- Introduction to Partial Differential Equations, vol. 29Author: TveitoPublisher: Tveito ©2016ISBN: 9780387983271Unlimited Users
- Introduction to Partial Differential Equations, vol. 29Author: TveitoPublisher: Tveito ©2016ISBN: 9783540225515
- Introduction to Participatory Methods in Health ResearchAuthor: DavidsonPublisher: Davidson ©2021ISBN: 97814613553592 Concurrent Users
- Introduction to Particle TechnologyAuthor: Rhodes, Martin J.Publisher: Rhodes, Martin J. ©2018ISBN: 9781475730975
- Introduction to Pattern RecognitionAuthor: Sergios Theodoridis, Aggelos Pikrakis, Konstantinos Koutroumbas and Dionisis CavourasPublisher: Sergios Theodoridis, Aggelos Pikrakis, Konstantinos Koutroumbas and Dionisis Cavouras ©2016ISBN: 9783030587390
- Introduction to Pattern Recognition : A Matlab ApproachAuthor: Theodoridis, Sergios;Pikrakis, Aggelos;Koutroumbas, Konstantinos;Cavouras, DionisisPublisher: Theodoridis, Sergios;Pikrakis, Aggelos;Koutroumbas, Konstantinos;Cavouras, Dionisis ©2018ISBN: 9780123744869
- Introduction to Peak OilAuthor: Bentley, R. W.Publisher: Bentley, R. W. ©2018ISBN: 9783319263700
- Introduction to People Analytics: A Practical Guide to Data-Driven HRAuthor: Nadeem Khan,Dave MillnerPublisher: Nadeem Khan,Dave Millner ©2021ISBN: 97817896618111 Concurrent User
- Introduction to People Analytics: A Practical Guide to Data-Driven HR, Second EditionAuthor: Nadeem Khan,Dave MillnerPublisher: Nadeem Khan,Dave Millner ©2023ISBN: 9781398610040
- Introduction to Perturbation Methods, vol. 20Author: HolmesPublisher: Holmes ©2016ISBN: 97814614547625 Concurrent Users
- Introduction to Perturbation Methods, vol. 20Author: HolmesPublisher: Holmes ©2016ISBN: 97814612534951 Concurrent User
- Introduction to Petroleum BiotechnologyAuthor: James G. Speight and Nour Shafik El-GendyPublisher: James G. Speight and Nour Shafik El-Gendy ©2018ISBN: 9780124023604Unlimited Users
- Introduction to Petroleum ChemicalsAuthor: Tsallis, ConstantinoPublisher: Tsallis, Constantino ©2016ISBN: 9781441927484Unlimited Users
- Introduction to Petroleum EngineeringAuthor: Fanchi, John R.;Christiansen, Richard/LPublisher: Fanchi, John R.;Christiansen, Richard/L ©2018ISBN: 9781119193449Unlimited Users
- Introduction to Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, Volume 1: Basic techniques and conceptsAuthor: Saurabh BhatiaPublisher: Saurabh Bhatia ©2019ISBN: 9780750313001
- Introduction to Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, Volume 2: Enzymes, proteins and bioinformaticsAuthor: Saurabh BhatiaPublisher: Saurabh Bhatia ©2019ISBN: 9780750313032
- Introduction to Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, Volume 3: Animal tissue culture and biopharmaceuticalsAuthor: Saurabh BhatiaPublisher: Saurabh Bhatia ©2019ISBN: 9780750313483Requires Adobe Digital Editions to access. Download at
- Introduction to Pharmaceutical Biotechnology: Animal tissue culture and biopharmaceuticals, vol. 3Author: ZaanenPublisher: Zaanen ©2024ISBN: 9780750353908
- Introduction to Pharmaceutical Biotechnology: Basic techniques and concepts, vol. 1Author: Aggarwal, Roshan L.;Alavi, KambizPublisher: Aggarwal, Roshan L.;Alavi, Kambiz ©2024ISBN: 9780750353809
- Introduction to Pharmaceutical Biotechnology: Enzymes, proteins and bioinformatics, vol. 2Author: Al-HarrasiPublisher: Al-Harrasi ©2024ISBN: 9780750353854
- Introduction to Philosophical HermeneuticsAuthor: MurrayPublisher: Murray ©2020ISBN: 9780471406341
- Introduction to philosophy: A handbook for students of psychology, logic, ethics, aesthetics and general philosophyAuthor: Külpe, OswaldPublisher: Külpe, Oswald ©2012ISBN: 9783642644870
- Introduction to philosophy: A handbook for students of psychology, logic, ethics, aesthetics and general philosophyAuthor: Külpe, OswaldPublisher: Külpe, Oswald ©2017ISBN: 9783642644870
- Introduction to philosophy: A handbook for students of psychology, logic, ethics, aesthetics and general philosophy., 4th edAuthor: Külpe, OswaldPublisher: Külpe, Oswald ©2012ISBN: 9780387403465
- Introduction to philosophy: An inquiry after a rational system of scientific principles in their relation to ultimate realityAuthor: Ladd, George TrumbullPublisher: Ladd, George Trumbull ©2017ISBN: 9780387403465
- Introduction To Phonons And ElectronsAuthor: Liang-fu LouPublisher: Liang-fu Lou ©2018ISBN: 9789812384393
- Introduction to Photon Communication, vol. 29Author: BendjaballahPublisher: Bendjaballah ©2016ISBN: 9783540591665
- Introduction to Physical Modeling with Modelica, vol. 615Author: TillerPublisher: Tiller ©2016ISBN: 9781461356158
- Introduction to physical therapy and patient skillsAuthor: Dutton, MarkPublisher: Dutton, Mark ©2020ISBN: 9780071772426
- Introduction to physical therapy and patient skillsAuthor: Dutton, MarkPublisher: Dutton, Mark ©2018ISBN: 9780071772419
- Introduction to PhysicsAuthor: P. Frauenfelder and P. HuberPublisher: P. Frauenfelder and P. Huber ©2016ISBN: 9783319043999
- Introduction to Physics and Chemistry of CombustionAuthor: LibermanPublisher: Liberman ©2016ISBN: 9783540787587